Thank you Catsy!!

(Zone 5b)

On the flipping.. I'm going to live in denial for a while LOL

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I don't even think it's like 50% sometimes..

We did that test once and depended on it.. thankfully, there was one I couldn't part with and it ended up a pullet.. LOL Several times it's been wrong..

it better be this time! I want to keep Keebler..

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

It'd better be wrong or I've got 10 roos & 1 pullet!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

OH I actually saw a Banty up close and personal, they are such lovely birds, not at all like my common chickens.. Billy loved them... LOL OK so I have seen them in pictures, but never up close and personal...

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

My official guess on my three Seramas.. 2 roos 1 pullet

There is no comb development, no wing pattern growth to go by, just going by personalities..
The ones I think are roos, flip as pullets, Keebler flips as roo..

This will be handy to look back on later when they fully develop.

Richmond, TX

Did you try the upside down by the feet dangle?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL I've heard many, but not that one yet.. LOL No, I haven't... Do share!

Richmond, TX

I don't remember who introduced it, but supposedly if you hold chicks hanging by their feet the roosters can sort of chin themselves and reach your hand, the pullets don't have the same muscling and can't lift themselves as well. It only works on chicks whose wings have not yet developed. Once they have real wing power they can all flap their way up and get their heads to your hand. Try it and see what results you get.

Gridley, IL

here is that tiny lil chick of mine at 2 days old thats a regular shot glass its in.I think this lil chick is so cute its a keeper male or female just too darn cute running around with these big chicks.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

same chick next to the shot glass.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Too late.. these Seramas get wings right away.. I could fan my face a little though! LOL They grow soooo fast!

I will try it with the next victim. I mean chick.. LOL

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

Wing feathers came in!!!! Looks like flipping could have been wrong. 7 girls & 4 boys it seems to be & the mouthy ones i thought were boys... they all have pullet wings!

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