Thank you Catsy!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

My tiny new Serama babiez!! Oh my.. they make Oreo look huge!

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

These are Oreo's ... let's hope Sisters!

They are in the Neonatal dept right now.. they were transported straight from the bator!! I gotta get them settled.. More pics to come!

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

:) yes Thank you Catsy!!! Now ZZ has babiez! cute adorable lovely sweet fluffy bumble bee babies.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I decided on names... The black one is Keebler and the twin to Oreo is Ditto. After they are eating and drinking and walking steady, you can expect a ton of pics.. I've got my babiez and I am so happy. Just what the doctor ordered..

Lodi, United States

You're both welcome!

I'm not sure what for, but it is nice to be thanked.

Things have become very strange here. You know how I came to visit you, ZZ? Well when I got home, I looked around for those two new Serama I was telling you about. The ones that look like Oreo? And they were GONE! In there place are two enormous black and yellow chicks.....I just don't understand what is happening.

But it is nice you have some new chicks....they sure look a lot like....Hmmmm?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh noo.. this is Keebler and Ditto.. Didn't you see the pics? LOL I don't know what you are talking about.. but I hope you get some rest... You have been working so hard, you MUST be confused. I don't even have a key to your place.. LOL

Keebler and Ditto have had a drink of egg yolk water and they are walking much better already.. they pick up so fast... it's amazing. Ditto is not as active as Keebler.. Keebler pecked at the dropper pretty strong! Even got Oreo to do it.

Ferndale, WA

There is nothing like little baby seramas to change ones mood. Catsy your just the best. That sounds just what the doctor ordered. The family of DGers are just the best, hands down. Have fun ZZ's you've earned it. Hay.

Catsy a lady came to our home to buy a trio of seramas Monday and even after I told her they were not pure seramas, she still wanted two of the three silkie/seramas mix. The one was the prettiest color mix I have ever seen, I wanted to keep it for myself, but you know the customer is always right... I keep telling myself I want to increase my serama flock, yet with all the chicks I have hatched out I still have not been able to. Every time I think I have some for me I get a call and some one wants them. The three I just hatched out this week were sold today. I did a progressive hatch so I still have four in the inc that should hatch tomorrow so just maybe. Every single bird has been sold on Craigslist. It is the only place I advertise...Incredible. Hay

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Thankz Hay! Both babiez are up and dashing around with Oreo this morning! Lil soft wut wut wut all night long... sang me to sleep..

I can't wait for Cody to take pics.. His camera is so much nicer than mine.

(Zone 5b)

Oh no, now I want a Serama, should have never looked at the picture!

Lodi, United States

I must be getting old and forgetful....

Sorry, ZZ, I was sure one of the chicks was still in the eggbator....

But it was nice seeing you anyway...sorry you couldn't stay longer...I hope you stomach feels better...

I just don't understand where those chicks went...

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

o no! she took the tupperware container back!!!!!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm sorry, I forgot the tupperware! A waist ed trip.. LOL NOOO that was not a chick rolled up in my shirt you silly!

I just love my lil babiez.. they are so cute! Lil Bumble is so nice and quiet with her sisters.. Oreo, Keebler and Ditto

Lodi, United States

Oh! Did you miscount, ZZ? I thought you only had three chicks?

Of course, I thought I had four chicks...but I was mistaken. I hope your stomach ache feels better...I saw that you were holding your stomach strangely.

I am going to go check my eggbator again....

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Hay you are lucky you dont live around the corner from us, we would be there when they break out of the shell with money in hand... LOL

Catsey I would come visit with tupperware
ZZ I would just drop the kid and RUN....
Grey has some hatching too, She would not notice any missing, Billy would keep her busy..LOLOL

Oh the troubles we can get into.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Come on down MsJestr!! I am sooo serious.. I could handle Billy for like a year or two. :) AND at the rate Catsy is crankin em out.. we can send you home with company.. Oh wait.. no, you'll have to drag me away from the brooder kicking and screaming like a goose momma.. LOL They're mine, they're all mine!!!!!

Serious... pretty soon I will have some pretty eggs for you!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

Miss J if you come visit.. u can leave Billy & have the whole bator. I'll bring him back with more chickens in tow a few weeks later. :) I'll share my chickens. I promise.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Lookie this

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

but its not fluffy? why not? cute tho. :)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I got him on my bed, pulled out some chicks for pictures of Billy and his new friends and would you know it the battery is not charged... UGGGGG So it is on the charger, and hopefully I can update his barn yard thread tomorrow... So we just spent a few minutes with each chick holding them and petting them... it was cool. They sat on his head and he truly laughed... That was cool..

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I have not seen Wren post lately... If I might ask have any of you seen her??

Lodi, United States

The one I wanted to show you, ZZ, looked just like that. It was still wet. Like it had only hatched this afternoon....although if it was one of the ones that disappeared yesterday, it should have been dry.

Anyway, I am glad you have such cute chicks...Maybe mine fell behind the sponges?

Ferndale, WA

Be careful Ms J, be very careful. ZZ's and Catsy are a very corrupting force, you go to Lodi for chicks you'll be leaving with more than just chicks...LOL Shaking head. Hay.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

hmmm, what exacly did you get in Lodi Mr Hay?

J/K We really need to get a few seremas going here in the midwest.. these people only see japanese bantums as cute and small.... they aren't.. not as small as some of the seremas you guys have posted.

Lodi, United States

I was wondering about that too, frans, but I was afraid to ask.....

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

HUMMMMM intresting... Just how far is Lodi from Cottonwood?

Gridley, IL

Fran I have some serama eggs in the bator right now.I won them on e bay so im hoping the shipping wasent too much for them.They went in on march 7th.crossing my fingers and stubby toes too.I want some so bad.I do have some chickens tho I got at a local sale all mixed bantams. I have a few i think are as small as seramas.I also have homing pigeons right next to their coop and they are really the same size.I need to put a pop can in there and get a pic to show size.they are really cute.The eggs they lay are the same size as the serama eggs i got.Here is a pic of 2 of them.They are not built like seramas tho.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

frans530 - they are slowly starting here.. google Missouri & seramas. There's a couple places selling them & eggs at this point. But i agree.. we need them here more than they are at this point.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Did you know that some OEG's are actually smaller than Seramas at some of the big shows? OEG's are cute and very popular. Your's are darling!
Seramas are known for their tiny size, but that's not their best quality.. it's their people friendly personality that makes them even more desirable. In my opinion anyway!

Gridley, IL

Thats great to know grey. I also will check into them.If these don't hatch it would be worth a road trip.Giggle.Im so hoping these are ok tho.I checked them once so far but i see nothing yet.Im not an experienced candler tho.Is anyone here a member of SCNA? I Think im going to join.The breeder i got my eggs from recomended i join.

Gridley, IL

I am trying so hard to hold down my hopes for these eggs as i have read several times they don't ship well.They were packaged great and none were broken.I did let them sit on their sides overnight before i put them in the bator but i did not check for bubbles in the air cell.I just want some snuggly lil bumble bees of my own so badly!!!!!!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

OK who is responsible for hooking SHE?? ZZ? Hay? Catscan?? Grey?? One or more of you did it...

Gridley, IL

hehehe i think they all hooked me.Showin those babies.As soon as i saw those fuzzy lil faces i was hooked.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

SHE Don't fret, you just set them.. best to wait at least 7 days before you candle, as they are kinda delicate the first few days. You will know when you candle if they are okay.. by then, it's pretty easy to tell.
Not ALL shipped Serama eggs are that bad, or there would be no business at all.. I've had as many as 4 or 5 out of 7 eggs hatch once.. So don't worry yet.. there are plenty of eggs...:) It's not like this is your only chance. It is cheaper to buy birds, but there is nothing like hatching a Serama baby.. they are tiny.. and amazing.. :)

Don't look at me.. I didn't even have any when she got hooked!!! It was Hay.. I'm sure..

la la la laaa la laaa

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Ferndale, WA

ZZ's I didn't want to start a thread for this but wanted to post it and ask if anyone else had had a similiar experience. Hope you don't mind darling.

I think you remember I told you I was doing a progressive hatch and had some seramas that were supposed to hatch either tonight or tomorrow. Well anyway I opened the bator to find one of the eggs had pipped on the bottom side and while looking at it I also noticed one side had been severely smashed, how I don't know. I looked at the pip and noticed it was probably several hours old and a good sized hole, big enough to look into. I could see no signs of life nor could I find the eggtooth used for piping, so using a sharp letter opener I enlarged the hole took a flashlight and looked into it and could see no movement or breathing, I noticed the egg shell was extremely brittle and albumen seemed to be shrinkwrapped around what the body of the baby so I picked away at it and it was so tough and dry and totally stuck to the body. I was determined then to unwrap the body cause it was totally bound this whole proccess took probably three minutes as it was so stuck to the body that it was as though the skin of the baby would rip. After what seemed like an eternity I had the baby out of the shell but with shell pieces still stuck to it in several places. I noticed there was no sign of any feathering just a pink skinned little lifeless bird, I rubbed it just a little to see if it would stir and lo an behold it started chirpping, I put it back in the inc to keep it warm hoping just maybe it could survive, no way, I felt I was hoping against hope. That was about 10:30 p.m. It is now 12:23 a.m. It is developing fuzz and still peeping. It is only about half the size that I'm used to and after almost two hours it still can't lift it's head or move but it is still peeping, and breathing. I'm in total shock. How could that baby have made such a large hole in that shell when it was totally shrinkwrapped??? I have never had anything like this happen before and honestly I'm in shock. I'm going to stay up with it for another hour. I just wanted to know if anyone has ever had this happen to them. It blows me away. Haystack Oh and another thing it was still all folded up when I put it back in the incubator. I'm not kidding about this.

This message was edited Mar 12, 2010 12:45 AM

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I had a amercauna that did that Hay.. I think they get that first hole and then just get too tired.. kiind of like they we eager to get out.. but it wasn't time..
I think when they sit with the hole, they dry out and the egg sticks to them, and yes, I found you can pull their skin off with the egg so be careful.. I ended up using a little warm water. For some reason I remember this happened when I had put more water (means too much) in the eggbator to late in the cycle.
I am sorry to say.. my little guy did not make it.. he hung on for 3 days..
Good luck to you, those small critters need you.. I have a vision of Hays giant gentle man-hands trying to pick the eggshell of this mini peck of a bird.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I was thinking the same thing Fran! Like don't try to tell me Karen didn't do that for him. :)

That is classic sticky chick Haystack... the humidity was not high enough at hatch time or maby the few days before. I've found that when the pip lasts more than 24 hours, there are sometimes problems. You may have had the humidity at recommended level, but for this chick, it was too dry. Watch out for the rest of them!
The egg was probably not smashed, but stuck, so when the baby pushed, it pulled the shell inward.. (make sense?) that's probably why it has no feathers too.. poor lil naked baby..

I had a hatch do that.. 1 baby was real bad, it was shrink wrapped over it's lil face! There were 2 others in that hatch that were sticky... it is very hard to get the shell off without pulling feathers out... Once you get the shell off, you can use warm water, but it's still a difficult task.
I hope your lil baby makes it Hay. Sounds like it might be a Micro!

I have a baby that is a little slow to peck or even try. I will feed it some watery egg yolk mix by hand to give it strength so it can get the desire to peck... Poor lil thing is just soooo tired.

Lodi, United States

I haven't had a bottom pip with Serama, but for some reason they are fairly common with Ameraucana.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I had one that I didn't see, it pipped at the bottom. It was in a Styrofoam carton, apparently when I put water in the bator, I must have spilled some in one of the lil egg sections.. that lil baby drowned.. I never knew it pipped! I felt awful when I found it... :(

The Dutch Bantams did that a couple of times didn't they? I can't remember, but I've had a few... and I thought it was Araucana that were famous for that??

edited to add..

I hope it's not Ameraucana! I don't want bottom pips!

This message was edited Mar 12, 2010 3:41 PM

Lodi, United States

Both Araucana and Ameraucana, I think. I don't remember with Dutch Bantam. It is never a good sign but some do hatch with help and are fine.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Miss J I am still breathing. Just catching up. Had a battle with a tooth ache and lost. Had a root canal done yesterday.

I am enjoying all the babies!!!!


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