Colorful Honeysuckle with Fragrance?

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

I like the looks of Lonicera Dropmore Scarlet, but I have read that it has no fragrance. The website says it's fragrant but everyone seems to say otherwise.

Please recommend a honeysuckle with color and fragrance. I cannot imagine growing one without the fragrance.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i have tried many many honeysuckles and wanted fragrance through out my yard. none i have grown has done that unless in mass mass proportion. now i do have its a bush ty[e honeysuckle and during the day if the wind blows or i am next to it i can smell it but at dusk is when i dont have to be near it and smell it. its a wonderful plant. it blooms in the late fall and is blooming now for me rest of year its a bush but an idea to go with the honey suckles

its awesome for fragrance.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

Thanks. There is some honeysuckle that grows on the side of the road here. It smells good. I can smell it from far away.

I'm really surprised there isn't a hybrid of some sort that has the smell with the addition of the color without the invasive problem. Does this exist? Surely someone is working on it. LOL.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I like Halls honeysuckle. It smells good and has pretty yellow blooms that turn white. I was told it was invasive so I planted mine in an island planter. I don't know if it really is invasive but mine hasn't caused me any trouble yet.
This it in the background climbing the left post of the trellace. Mine stays EG here in Oregon. I don't need to prune it much. I don't know if that is because its roots have limited room or if it is normal for it.

This message was edited Mar 24, 2010 4:33 AM

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