Just wondering

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Is buttercup a breed? He came in a batch of mixed big stock chicks I bought at the market.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Yes.. Look here..

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

That buttercup comb is empty in the middle. Flame's is full. It doesn't so much have points but looks kind of like a brain. (if that makes any sense)
I'll try to get some better pics.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That changes things big time! I can't wait to see.. I think this is fun!

Ferndale, WA

That comb is very difficult to identify from that pic, but I love the controversay amongst friends. I really must be getting old, no I mean really old...LOL, I think ZZ's is affecting me. When controversy begins to be fun, that is a morbid sign of oldness...LOL Hay. Cajun could we see a frontal view of that handsome old devil bird?

Clarkson, KY

Y'all may hate this....but he looks very like a barred-rock/black sex-link back cross to me...I have had several males 3/4 barred rock -who have that tight patterning...along with the occasional odd colored sickle feather....don't recall the odd colored feathers on any of the others. However. That's all I know...

Ferndale, WA

Oh no Grownut. Not at all, we are all tickled that you are so willing to engage in this family controversy. Now everyone grab a hand full of the ripest tomatoes you can find and on three let loose on your favorite DGer. @&^#%&@*$Take that ZZ's and that Catsy, OH this is so much fun. I always wanted to smush a ripe tomatoe on some one's noggin. OOP's sorry little Billy I was trying to hit your mom. Kerthunk,,,ewwww who threw that???

Lodi, United States

Don't go there, Haystack....I have an unlimited supply of rotten tomatoes...ask ZZ.

Ferndale, WA

And to think our very own lovely little mrs Cajun started all of this. I think she has revealed a very long hidden streak. HMMmmm, I just don't know miss Cajun. Shaking head. Who's gonna clean up all those tomatoes??? I'm outta here...Hay

But not before I really slosh a few on my dear C A T S Y, OH YEAH CATSY I DID GO THERE, I have alway dreamed of plastering you with a few, HA HA HA, OH Catsy your such a mess...Just look at yourself. LA LA LA LA LA.

This message was edited Mar 3, 2010 10:32 AM

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

OH Haystack! You don't know Catsy's abilities!!! She brings BUCKETS and BUCKETS of sliced up tomatoes home daily!!!
Catsy, he is just playing.. put the bucket down.. back away.. this is not Nascar, no need to waste all those tomatoes on his head!

Is it a walnut comb? A freak of nature? LOL

splat! Take that Haystack!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Don't worry about the mess. My pigs will take care of it. Hey!!... That was mighty close. I'm an innocent bystander I tell ya.!!!!

Could be a walnut comb at that.

Richmond, TX

More pictures! We need more pictures - hey watch it , don't hit the camera! Duck, Cajun!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I love pigs. My chickens will clean up the mess in a hurry!

Gridley, IL

I have Barred rock at least thats what i was told they were but they throw whites and also a silver barred looking bird.I will get some good pictures of some of the roos this weekend mabie everyone can help me figure out if they are really barred rocks.here is a picture with a hen on the right and one of the young roos on the left.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Gridley, IL

SPLAT!!! Whew good thing i ducked ya almost got me with that one !

Gridley, IL

Here is another shot of them.

Thumbnail by SHE_WOLFIE
Ferndale, WA

This has turned into a free for all, OK Cajun I'm taking back all the nice things I said about you earlier, Now you are on my list. PIGS, I hate pigs, Every time I start working hard I sweat and smell like bacon. Ughhh. Pigs Hey Porkpal don't just stand there grab a tomatoe and help me out....Splat!$#%OH Porkpal whats all thet red stuff running down your face. Good shot Catsy, ehh take that ZZ's Oh baby you wear it so well. Catsy why are you all red faced. Your really looking good...LA LA la la la.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Here comes the left over watermellon that wasted in the garden... Back at you all....SPAT..Spit and ooze

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

I've got a few rotten half froze eggs.. do I get to throw them at someone?

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I can see it's every chickenhead for themselves. Hay, you are so fickle. Put that tomato down young man! You heard me! Don't you dare!!! Oh, no you didn't!!!! Beautiful birds, Wolfie.

You guys wipe the seeds out of your eyes and take a look at my new pics of Flame's comb.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

This one may be better.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
Richmond, TX

I don't know what it is, but it isn't exactly a Buttercup. Is it possible to produce a mixed-type comb from two dissimilar ones?
My pigs are enjoying the tomato misses, such good girls! No throwing frozen eggs rotten or not. We're all friends here after all; frozen eggs could be injurious!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

i thawed them out! they splat very well now.. & they are sticky. no tomatoes here.. i don't like em. pretty birds no matter what they are. :) been lurking... reading a bit.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Flame has the comb of an EE but he has yellow legs... My guess is Easter Egger..

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Really? That would be cool. I could alternate him with my other EE. He and Gumbo don't look a thing alike. Gumbo has a single comb. I know he is an EE because I hatched him from a blue egg that was given to me.

I think Gumbo is in this pic. The thumbnails are so small it's hard to tell. He is gray mottled with a yellow saddle and mantle.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

Gumbo is a beautiful roo! i love those colors on them. I have a blue EE Roo with chocolate brown saddle & a bit of cream here & there.

Ferndale, WA

I sure wished I could get a look at that bird in person, That is such a strange looking comb to me, but of course with my poor evesight everything looks a little strange...LOL. Hay.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I have a barred rock and a dominique. I've never been certain which was which. They were both from the same hatchery and I'm never convinced those 'chicken mills' breed true. I can't get mine to stand still enough for any photos separate, let alone together but someday I'll try. After looking at the link with the feathers, now I need to go out and inspect their feathers. They have different combs. One is much shorter than the other. I had looked up traits for both breeds and neither of mine really fit completely in one nice neat category.

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