ebay sellers

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Gingersnap goes for $15 and is eligible for their half price/over $80 order or about half price in their 'fragrant collection'. Schreiner's CE catalog 2010. Price has been the same for 08 & 09.

Lebanon, OR

Last year I sold it for 3.00....


Spicer, MN

Golden Panther sold tonight at $30.99. All I can say is that this seller must have an awesome following. This will be my 3rd year of buying from her and everyone of her transaction have been personal & great. The other 2 or 3 great e-bay sellers are not getting bids....??? I don't understand. The top guns are coming soon so will wait and see.

South Hamilton, MA

That is very expensive for Golden Panther when its hybridizer is selling it for $5. Fools & their money?

Lebanon, OR

I agree, they must not know iris, just the pretty picture


Shepherd, MT

Look at this seller, when I emailed them and asked about the irises and for all information on there irises as I was interested, the answer I got back was I don't know they were there mother's iris, these are there names

I know Boo is white with dark blue-purple spot


South Hamilton, MA

Definately not 'Boo' Try Snowpeak irises--very knowledgable owner.

Santa Ynez, CA

what a joke, these people should do some homework, not only is it wrong the iris is selling for way too much and the shipping, please........

Shepherd, MT

I have the iris BOO, just wanted to see what they say, they have a picture of a TB but selling it as a SDB

Another one of ebays sellers to stay away from.

Santa Ynez, CA

I sold on ebay and I was fair with $$ and ship $$ and had my iris straight, photo's etc....gives people a tough time....one really has to watch the seller and look at what they ARE selling......

Castlewood, SD

Oh my goodness... I'm new to DG.. sure do wish I had done my homework... I've had a love for iris' since I was very little and my grandmother had many (in Texas.) Now I live in South Dakota and have found myself wanting a similar little space of heaven beautified the same way. I generally dont shop online alot but not knowing where to go I turned to ebay (just this week) I pray my experience isnt similar to some of these. I certainly cant afford the expensive ones ... but gladly will pay a fair price... HELP PLEASE???... If someone knows of a good website with honest people I'd be tickled to death to do business with them.

thanks a bunch, Ayrica

South Hamilton, MA

go to www.snowpeakiris.com They are a member of DG, have the correct pictures of the plants & send good ones. The prices are honest & being a iris specialist will give you advice about different varieties.

Castlewood, SD

Thank you soo much for the information... I appreciate it ;)


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