ebay sellers

Lebanon, OR

the-country-garden is back up and selling again.


Lebanon, OR

same as last year, Wearing Rubies is Mid Americas picture of Cat's Eye


Winnsboro, TX

That's exactly why I'm not buying anything else on ebay. Buyer beware is an understatement.
Buy from people you know you can trust, Like Dee, Polly, and several others on here. Don't you offer Wearing Rubies on your website Dee?

It's a shame what some folks will do to make a few bucks. Once again I suggest folks buy from vendors and sources you know stand behind what the sale. I think I've seen Country Gardens on alot of links lately????

Thanks for the heads up Dee.

Spicer, MN

Please don't let one bad apple ruin the whole E-Bay sellers. Do your homework. There are so many great Iris Gardeners that work hard to grow and present awesome wares. Someone was just talking about Staton Iris Gardens. Exactly!, His Iris were so big & beautiful. I was so pleased! The proof will be coming as far as 'will his CA Iris adapt to MN.? (poor things!) I also purchased from Hugh & Jennifer 'Stouts Gardens' in OK. He is the 'nicest' man and enjoyed the interaction when buying from them. Last Spring I had 12 out of 14 of his bloom the first year. I'm also very pleased with Rags'n' Riches, Tiggers, & Dollie Diva, etc. Yes, I've been cheated but not that much. They know who they are and it's sad for them. The 'friends' I have gain from buying from them on E-Bay has warmed my heart. I plant each of their Iris pretty much in a group, so I can compare different regions and gardens.

I can't wait!!! Two more Months until I can get out there and putter again.

South Hamilton, MA

DD in St Paul report that they still have snow. whereabouts are you?

Central, SC

This message was edited Mar 1, 2010 4:08 PM

Central, SC

I got ebay to ban 208seeds4u2009 aka bulbdiva aka bulbsbelinda. The relative was on there as blunecorn, but I don't see her right now. For those who have been stung by the-country-garden, maybe it will help if you all email Chet in the Office of the President at eBay. csme@ebay.com

I messaged the-country-garden and asked them to send me their name, address and a picture of their gardens. I haven't heard back on that.

Lebanon, OR

I told her that it was not nice to continue to steal and lie to people about her iris and the picture she says is from her garden of Cats Eye with Wearing Rubies name to sell.

I am done with Chet as I have sent links to Mid America site and her saying it was Wearing Rubies not just once but several times never hear and they do not care as she is a power seller, taking money for wrongfully named iris.


I also wrote to country-garden in 2008 regarding her Wearing Rubies iris. I have Cat's Eye so knew she had the wrong name.

Her answer was that she has many of this iris and bought it from a iris nursery. The photo she displayed was stolen from Schreiner and is Cat's Eye. I just plain called her a liar and told her I knew where she got the photo from.

She is one reason why I don't buy irises from Ebay unless I know the seller, or he/she is recommended.

I'm glad she got banned. Unfortunately, she will come back with a different name, I'm sure.

Lebanon, OR

She is not banned at all in fact cat's eye listed as Wearing Rubines again. Has 24 right not about 1/3 of the pictures are not hers

Spicer, MN

There is another E-bay seller that I'm pretty darn sure is a 'hoaks'. He (cbutch) has two Iris for sale...Springtime Bubbles and Pineapple Mist....Pineapple Mist??? LOL I believe they are more into Daylillies than Iris but it's very suspicious.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

we need an E-bay 'bounty hunter'!

Spicer, MN

I could be your 'E-Bay Bounty Hunter!' :o) It's such an insult when a seller takes your money on false pretenses...especially when it concerns us Iris addicts! This is really hitting below the belt!


Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

I suggested to BerthaEmma that she maybe contact other buyers from last year that have had some of TCG's iris for a time... time enough for them to bloom perhaps, and ask if they were true to name. As one who has not purchaed from TCG, I didn't feel my inquiries would have as much impact as one who was a fellow buyer...
Although, I did send a question to them about their iris, and they say that they do mostly Wholesale... ?

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Well, of course they do mostly wholesale. Or so they say. That way they avoid paying taxes, and you know they don't do that either.

Raleigh, NC

we've got some older retired members in Region 4, up in VA, that I'm going to buy from this year. They've talked about selling on ebay. But they travel too much in their motorhome.

I enjoy finding good folks to do business with.

Am going to buy some from Epperson's garden as well. a part order is already into Dee, too.

Gonna be busy in July!

Lebanon, OR

Wish I could buy from Doc's garden but his region and club should have first pick for sure


Raleigh, NC

Dee, the newer ones are being donated to the AIS for sale. ENCIS gets only getting older ones.

Raleigh, NC

since we won't be digging them, I am presuming, before July, I'm thinking we're supposed to inventory them and inform the AIS how many they should expect, and of what, to be sold at the convention? or? how? I wouldn't know.

I'm buying all I can afford, because I thought so much of him. This way, I can have a souvenir from his garden that will benefit one of the two clubs.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

I can certainly understand everyone's anger at these greedy people. I went to the eBay site that Dee posted above and they have Huckleberry Fudge with the photo (dulled) from Cooley's catalog, They say it is a re bloomer, ours have never re-bloomed has anyone else's? I have never seen it advertised by legit growers as a re-bloomer. And they ship in the 2nd and 3rd week of April! Our TBI are just beginning to bloom by then. What a shame that people are taken in! Good for those of you that can do something about it, I applaud you!

A few days ago, I discovered 2 Ebay sellers using my photo. It wasn't a plant so I never placed a copyright notice on it. Still, I will not allow anyone to use my photos that I spent time taking to illustrate a product.

Below is a link to Ebay regarding infringement on photos. I used it and Ebay removed the listing and contacted me within an hour.


Anyone here on DG that is a seller on Ebay and had a photo stolen, can use it to file a report. You have to be the owner of the photo. Click on Infringemnet Reporting on the left side of the page, then follow directions.

Spicer, MN

It IS an interesting season on E-Bay. I follow it daily as I have my favorite sellers. This year is puzzling. I've liked and purchased from Rags & Riches for 3 years now. This year she has gained quite a following. Probably because she is caring about her
customers, etc. Anyway, she has out sold all the other vendors 10 to one, although some of the better sellers haven't started listing yet. But Golden Panther has a bid (11) at $46.99, Sea Power (8) is at $35.00 & Rustler at $16.50. Some of the newer 'nice' Iris are selling but not at the price one would think. Lorinda also offers many 2009 Iris that are so very beautiful and sometimes can be a good buy compaired to Mid-America, Napa, etc. Another reason for her 'fame' are her photo's. They are awesome and sometimes unbelieveable but she credits Robin Shadlow for some of her photos.

I understand why many of you would rather buy from people you have met & visited their gardens. I would also if any were close.


Raleigh, NC

I've always wondered how iris sellers on ebay charged, but I forget its an auction! LOL $47 for an older iris like Golden Panther??? WOW

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Surely you can't mean those prices for just one iris, Sharon?????

Yes Polly, that price is generally for one rhizome, unless the seller states otherwise in the listing. Most rhizomes start at 1.99 to 3.99 at auction. Some seller start higher in price.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Now come on, Blooma, why on earth would someone pay $47 for Golden Panther when Dee has it for 12, and 35.00 for Seapower when Dee has it for 5.

I sell beardless irises, and I know people that buy irises are savvy to prices.

I could see it get bid up a couple of dollars but 30.00. I'm not buying it.

I'd like to see if this is a mistake, Sharon?

Lebanon, OR

Polly 2 years ago I had Xantrippes Halo which on the webpage sold for $3.00 and someone bid it to 54.??, the picture sells on ebay and most the people that buy on ebay do not know about iris and the prices they go for, now not saying all, as I have bought off of ebay ones that I could not seem to find anywhere but I KNEW how much it should cost and not influenced by photos...

So I can see someone that wants the iris because it is pretty to go hog wild and bid it up...look at one daylily that went for 1700.00 for ONE FAN last year on the lily auction and all you got was the one fan and naming it...


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

OK, if you say so Dee. I can beleive people go a little nuts on ebay. Or a lot nuts in this case.

This message was edited Mar 29, 2010 7:10 PM

Spicer, MN

A LOT nuts! Tonight 'Expose' sold for $38.26 on E-Bay. It's very strange and I cannot understand it. Are these 'buyers'
really wanting to purchase this Iris or is it the competion that drives the cost? I would guess it's the last.


Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

oh brother... that's crazy!

Lebanon, OR

it is called auction fever. Really if you have never been to an auction you really would be surprised what smart people will do to win. I saw a much used bigwheel that was not an antique one because it had a zipcode on it, go one night for 50.00+ dollars and you could go to Wally world and get it for under 10.00 new! same zipcode.

Another night a refrigerator went for 600.00 barely running. When I go to auctions I know about what it is worth what I am willing to pay and go NO HIGHER...

Like at the iris auction I have my books know the price will bid until 50% of selling price maybe 75% of selling price and quit even if I really want it, because I know I could get the grower to sell it to me for catalog price and at least they would get the money.


Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

I know, but that's crazy.. I shoulda sold my iris on E-bay instead of Craigslist for $3.... ha ha!!!! I could have bought a new car or something! ok.. maybe not... ha ha!

Lebanon, OR

What really ticks me off on this seller I know that she has been reported to Chet at Ebay who is supposted to help which is the biggest joke ever. She is selling the same Cats Eye photo used from Mid America without permission and saying it is WEARING RUBIES and I know of at least 10 who have emailed her about NOTHING, so buyers beware

You will not know what your are getting until it blooms in your garden


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Which seller, Dee?

Lebanon, OR


Shepherd, MT

Wearing Rubies was once called Pearl's Dreamer, but after she was contacted by Mr. Black of Mid-American, she changed the name to Wearing Rubies ,as her Savannah Sunset is the second iris used with Schreiner's picture of Firebreather, the first iris was Mellow dreamer with the Firebreather picture.

She just keeps changing the names

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

well... let's spend 5 bucks or so, and leave them the feedback that they deserve! &:-)

Spicer, MN

Another outlandish E-Bay selling price. Does anyone have Gingersnap, Schreiner's 1965 TBS Iris, HM '66 AM '68? It sold tonight for $33.99. Some Iris lover must love a golden brown toned Iris that has a rootbeer fragrance?

It's not nice to make fun at other Iris fanatics...it's just interesting. I just wished I had 'lots' of them to sell. :o)

South Hamilton, MA

Schreiners sells gingersnap themselves, I'm sure at a more reasonable price.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm not saying this is happening.

My husband sells a product on ebay. The same product, different brand kept bringing hundreds more dollars for the first one of each item, from the same seller. Then that seller would bring in 5 or more of the same product to try to get the higher prices. Turns out he had someone bidding the first one up so the other ones would go for more. Got kicked off ebay.

Is it the same seller that keeps getting these high prices? I see there are lots of really nice pictures of irises on there. Are other sellers with nice pictures getting the big bucks for their irises too?

I'm still suspicious of those prices.

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