Anyone have Chestnut Trees??

Anza, CA(Zone 8b)

Anyone? I've order 5 of them, and would love to hear from someone's who's got some BEFORE I put them in the ground..... to make sure I'm putting them in the right place.

from what i have read they don't need fertilizer , nor much attention at all. I m not sure on the watering but i would imagine same as for any new tree . Weekly watering until roots are developed and established.
Takes about 5 yrs to get nuts.
where are you getting them from ?
are they chinese variety or a cross ?
i don't have any but i would love to get some. I have been reading up on them .
Chestnuts are fabulous ! i order them every holiday and make soup, stuffings and put them in breads or just plan roasted .
let us know how it goes.
would love to see pics if you got some :)

Anza, CA(Zone 8b)

I got them from Forest Farms. 3 collossal and 2 American - I am very excited to have them, but sometimes we get hot, dry winds, and I wanted to know if they needed any protection.

they would need proper staking for wind.
has anyone shown you or told you about staking a tree ?
if you already know this stuff , i apologize. but i thought it was simple and just tie to a pole and my Dh showed me a much better way for high winds. In OH we get pretty good winds
I also do his method with my tomatoes.
sounds like you got a great start.

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