Starship Enterprise

I just got the 2009 AIS Symposium Report in the mail today. Out of 97 cultivars, Dusky Challenger received top votes of 200. Starship Enterprise was way at the bottom with Spiced Tiger, each received only 30 votes.

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

Careful with those coffee grounds it could change your PH in smaller areas with big doses.

Thumbnail by DaLoveRat
Winston-Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I just got it so no info on it yet but the place I bought if from in z5 MI had a nice stand of it. Seemed to be pretty happy there. I will ask them this summer what they think of it.

South Hamilton, MA

What did you think of the size of the bulletin behind the symposium? Dusky challenger grows all over, bless its heart.

Raleigh, NC

at lunch at our October meeting, at Bob Pries home, resizing the Bulletin was a topic that came up. Roy Epperson sat on my left, Ruth Barker was there, too. And I asked the question: What age is your target market? If most of your members are over 50, then WHY would you have any communication in small print like the old Bulletin is? Why don't you have it larger, with large print? I've seen our memberships - locally, at region, and at nationals. We are a primarily over 50 group.

I didn't even know it was up for discussion for real until it arrived. BOY am I GLAD to see it in larger print. I had to wait until my eyes were well rested and I had a magnifying glass before reading the old ones. I always got so irritated when I couldn't quite see the print deeper into the binding, too.

I can't judge the bulletin since it is the first one I received---new member--but I am satisfied so far.

South Hamilton, MA

Just the change in shape. contents fine & new editor is fantastic.

Bakersfield, CA

Ditto -- I really like it. And I found Keith Keppel's article most interesting. I can't believe those color combinations. Not necessarily something I would purchase, but I realize what it means for hybridizers. I didn't know about the "warm" colors being oil soluble and the "cool" colors being water soluble, and to see that combination on the same flower -- amazing!

Raleigh, NC

i wish i understood more of what he writes about.

South Hamilton, MA

Write out questions while reading. Then go back & reread. I fing that it helps. Anyone with World of Irises can look up some ot the oil vs water soluable. Once you realize which one provides which color, it is easy to remember. (Or stick a post it on the wall where I have my DG password).

Bakersfield, CA

I think I can remember it because when you cook something in oil it really heats up -- but then you cool things down with water. And oranges/reds are warm colors to me, whereas blues and purples are cooler. Works for me!

South Hamilton, MA

Yea Anyway we can remember to use one overlaid on the other as Keith suggests. wonder if it works in reverse, yellow plicata overlaid on regular amoena.

Gilbertsville, KY(Zone 7a)

I use stakes purchased from Walmart or Lowes. Pic below shows one in place. The stakes are sold in various lengths from 1 foot to 3 feet overall length. The one shown is a 3 foot stake.

Somehow my post has been listed ahead of the post I was answering.

This message was edited Mar 4, 2010 4:58 PM

Thumbnail by dd95172
Lebanon, OR

i use bamboo stakes that i spray a dark green

Bakersfield, CA

Love that stake! I need to get a few.

Bakersfield, CA

Don't know what's going on, but my message also went ahead of the one that initiated this. Maybe it's because they have the time wrong time on IowaAnn's message and they're posted in chronological order.

South Hamilton, MA

We use the green bamboo stakes & green twist ties.

Elkhart, IA(Zone 5a)

If we're still chatting about SE I have had SE for 2 years now and it has bloomed beautifully. My problem is that it grows so tall and the blooms are so huge that it falls over. Staking is an option...anyone got a good idea for staking Iris that isn't too noticable?

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

There is a problem and they are working on it. Look at your preferences in your info. Some time zones were changed. Go to Dave Garden Forum and they had a thread spellinng out all the problems.

Raleigh, NC

the solution is to stake them. any old stake will pretty much do, as long as the tie won't abraid the stalk.

Was really surprised to hear that for iris shows, the showers all stake the stalks, just in case, to help keep them upright while they develop.

I've not had problems with falling stalks in my older iris garden, except for Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls - yes she does. So I got rid of it. They are on a slightly shaded slope and all bend toward the east and the light. But in my back beds, they are so crowded, I get a lot of fallen stalks.

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