Merino, Australia

This night bloomer has smaller branches ( leaves) and sends up bare thin bits that eventually sprout more leaves. Epis can be curious plants with all the different growth often on the same plant.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Oops, wrong one. That one is similar but has sent up 2 branches like the day bloomers .
Heres the right one .

Thumbnail by 77sunset
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

how much is a carton of 4xxxx gold beer around australia? i'm disgusted in the prices and rises here $40 for 24/$43 for 30/$42 for longnecks at BIG BARGAIN BOTTLE SHOPS-i honestly think they dont want to sell it.wheres the BARGAIN? maybe they are putting gold dust in it. mid strength beer at elite strength prices.$14 dollar price hike in 3 years.my pay is the same as 3 years ago..sounds like an 80s song by yazz''the only way is up''4xxxx baby,you n me yeah,are about to part company yeah![like that one budgie]

This message was edited Feb 13, 2010 2:47 PM

barmera, Australia

Thought that you might like to see my Echinopsis all flowering happily. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Colleen, they are so pretty. I hope I can get a show like that when I move all mine later in the year.

Brisbane, Australia

So pretty Colleen those Echinopsis!
Sue: MEN - say no more! It'd be the last time I'd be mowing the lawn if I were you! I don't believe in male/female jobs around the house, but anything I can get my hubby to do is a "man's job", so I feign being incapable of doing things like taking out the rubbish/compost, filling up the beers in the fridge, mowing - seems to work ;-) One of female jobs is writing things on the shopping list - hubby just can't seem to do this. As I say : MEN!
I'm going to grab the last sliver of Strawberry Charlotte & get hubby to make me a coffee - yummm!
Re Chrome, you shouldn't have any problem with particular sites, eg Govt sites, no more so that Explorer.
Here's an old pic of a plant that I don't actually have any more - it died in the drought!

Thumbnail by LeisaD
Sydney, Australia

Um. Excuse me. Am I allowed here? Um I am a male but ah..... sorry no excuses. We are all the same! I can fill in a shopping list though - beer nuts, chocolate, chips, beer and anything else I might need. If my wife mowed the lawn I would feint! Still be upset though as it may mean I would have to recipricate and iron or cook. Do I sound typical?
Jean your epi looks like mine. The stems are rounded and over 2 metres in length with the flattened leaves at the end. Got to show you the pics when I get back to Sydney. All of the buds opened on Friday night and the smell was magnificent.
Anthony - is 4xxx a beer? Try a real one! he he he (sorry her her her)
Googling Yazz as I type. Foggy in memory but probably danced to it!
South coast steve

Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, it's no trouble to have Google Chrome for yourself, Explorer is still there for your husband,
leave it on your taskbar or desktop
The Government site that I spoke of, probably isn't relevant to you..
and I was told that I would be able to use Chrome soon anyway.
When I need it, I just use Explorer...
Chrome is the best, give it a go.

Sydney, Australia

also Anthony....... I decided to put my Shell Oil bottle on Ebay. Finishes tomorrow. Got 11 looking and 4 bids. Don't have a clue what it is worth but It's got to be better than having it sit in the shed for the next 25 years.
May get enough for a slab of 4xxx

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

steve,you'll get more than that.what price did you start with?when you said $40,i thought,thats cheap..i dont collect pourers so,good luck in the last 20 secs. ..also,i mow the lawn,i do the grocery shopping,aaand i can stir the pot and take a stir.i also make up a mean sunday brunch,with 'no'takers.,.,.anthony.,-.,- steve ,watch out for people on e-bay that want to do swaps,they can be crazy

This message was edited Feb 13, 2010 3:20 PM

Sydney, Australia

Started at $40 as this seems to be where recent sales started. Have no idea what collectors are looking for. One recently sold for $400. I expect it will get moving tomorrow. The two bidders so far have auto bids so they have already set their buy price. The pourer alone is selling at the moment at auction for $20 start.
Who knows?

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Another lovely day.
I am lucky with hubby in most jobs around the house as he doesn't mind housework, having been on his own for so long before we met. He likes washing dishes and will vacuum. I do have to watch when I attempt to do any outside jobs as he is positive he can do better than I do. Rather than argue, I let him go , then change what I need to after he's gone. He never notices.
I am planting rooted cuttings of chryssies today. Wasn't going to yet but the dear things are getting too big for their tubes.
I am still watching my epi waiting to see it open.
Steve, the one with the flower is Oxypetalum. Not sure what the others are . Could all be the same with just odd leaves. Don't think so though. Have to wait for those to flower. I know I bought a piece ages ago on eBay which is supposed to be a spidery flower. I haven't a clue now as I lost the tag, but I do think it's the tree climbing one .
Good luck with your eBay sale. It can be frustrating when you see something that you have one of, go for a high price , but when you put yours on , it goes for a lot less. Depends on the day and the buyers.
I will have to put more epis on.
Anthony, have you tried changing your spelling from 4xxx to VB ? You will feel much better with premium stuff. Hello Dianne. I may try what you said and keep Chrome on the tool bar to use when I am on.
How are your plants looking ? Mine will have to stop growing as they are now starting to crawl around on the ground. I really must get in and do a cut back.
Yesterday I moved all the cutting zygos out of the greenhouse and into the zygo house. I hope they do well there . You would not believe the growth on the bigger zygos this season. I cut them back really hard after flowering last year and they are nearly back to the same size. I am hoping for lots of flowers again.
Hello Leisa, that was a lovely flower, pity you don't still have it.
Colleen, I found another small frog this morning. He was sitting on the edge of a bucket of water. I put him on the ferns. There are a lot around now . Must be because I keep water dishes on the ground for creatures.
Hello Chrissy, Sue, Shelly, Kat and everyone else.
Louise . are you still there ? I suppose your little fluff balls take a lot of your time .
Love to see that replanted garden of yours.
I am going to get out and plant those chryssies before it decides to get hot later. Have great day all.
Taste this delicious Apple Custard Tart,

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. It's a dull and cloudy day here today. A bit of thunder and a bit of rain. Beautiful, not that cold. Jean I cant find my frog anywhere but there are still froglets in the pond. I presume he is out there somewhere. Quite a heavy shower at the moment. It smells wonderful. Whoo hoo send her down Hughie. Jean have you got any Echinopsis? I cant remember whether I have sent you any. Hope everyone is well. Will be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Brisbane, Australia

Morning all,
Hey Steve, don't take the "men" comments personally - remember women just need to vent occasionally ;-)
I'm off to an orchid show this morning - supposedly a Valentine's Day thing, but I'm taking my old Mum. Maybe hubby will have red roses & chocs ready when I get home. Fat chance!
Still sticky & warm here - the grass is going nuts - you can almost see it grow. It's nice to have everything so green again.
Happy gardening & keep cool,

Thumbnail by LeisaD
Brisbane, Australia

Colleen what a sweet faced family!

Merino, Australia

Hubby went down to the shop for paper and bought me a kitkat. I forgot what today is, Isn't he sweet ? He knows my weakness as he buys me a bag of small ones every shopping day.
Yes Steve, Leisa is right. We know there are a lot of helpful men out there but it is fun to vent a bit.
Yes Colleen, I do have a couple of echinopsis. I daesay they will all flower better after their move later in the year. They will still be under shadecloth, but will see a lot more sun all day.
It has been misty rain here this morning. I still mamged to get my chryssies planted. I did have to put a jumper on though. Not enough rain to register on the weather station thingy.
Colleen, your little frog will have found a good hiding place, most likely in a brom.
I am going to sit and have a read while it's wet outside.

barmera, Australia

They're so cute aren't they Leisa?

Sydney, Australia

Vent away ladies! It's the same with us blokes around the BBQ or at the Pub. All good fun.
Jean here is the oxypetalum on Friday night. Looks a little sad now.

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Clifton Springs, Australia

Steve, the Oxypetalum is beautiful, I hope that your Ebay sale goes well.

Colleen, your Meercat statue is really cute...we went to Werribee zoo the other day
and the Meercats are so funny, I took lots of photos of them and have one on my desktop.
I must put it on the other thread.
Jean, my Epis look very well, can't wait now, to see their colours.

My husband went to the shop this morning too and brought back Chomps and Curly Wurlys,
but they were for him.

Got to prune the roses before the Cricket starts, this will be their 4th flush this season, not that I'm complaining.
Unfortunately the Rhodos seem to think it's Spring,their flower buds are massive.I hope that the Autumn cool sets in,
and they go to sleep.
Brian, whatever it is, I hope that it doesn't keep you away for long.

Sydney, Australia

Thanks Dianne.
Ebay went well. Sold two items that have been in the cupboard for over 20 years.
I've now got $100 to lose at the dogs! (oh alright - I suppose it could go off the mortgage - not as much fun though) Currently going through the shed to see what else can go.
May watch the cricket too. Still raining here. Drove back from Sussex this morning and it rained the whole 200 klm.
Meercats are my wife's favourite too

Sydney, Australia

OK Anthony. Now I am suspicious! (.,- steve ,watch out for people on e-bay that want to do swaps,they can be crazy)

Do you know the 'crazy' person who offered Abba t-shirts and a Yazz 12" 45 for my bottle? I am guessing you do!
Thought momentarily about six degrees of separation but then re read your comment above. Bottle sold but have not heard from purchaser yet so maybe Abba t-shirts sound attractive!

barmera, Australia

Afternoon everyone. We have had the biggest thunderstorm go through here today. Lots of rain, yippee and now the sun has come out for awhile. One clap of thunder was soooooo loud that I nearly flew up on top of the fridge. Have never heard such a crack. Dianne I absolutely love the meerkats and couldn't believe my eyes the first time I saw a real one. They are so tiny and cute, it just made me love them even more. Good selling Budgie, no dont pay it off the mortgage, that will get paid anyway, buy something for the house or for you or wife. Jean, when your cactus go out into the sun you may have to shade them a bit with a piece of branch or similar when it is really hot. They will be a bit tender for awhile. Is anyone else getting rain? My Hippy is still sending out flowers. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

seriously steve,i cannot resist stirring the pot occasionally.one of the truck drivers at work had some off road buggy wheels for sale on e-bay,he also collects steel wheeled tractors[full size]..i offered the swap of a spare wheel holder for the steel wheeled tractor,for his wheels.didnt take him long to work out who it was!

Sydney, Australia

ask him if he'd swap an oil bottle for a steel wheeled tractor! Have I got a deal for him!
Naturally I am amused and intrigued about Yazz. Wiki'd her but still none the wiser!

I think I will do something else with the money Colleen. Maybe put towards a holiday. We have an account for that.
By the way one of your broms gave me this....

Thumbnail by Budgieman
barmera, Australia

Good one Budgie. The colour is lovely on the plant. Must be happy. Colleen

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hello all, Anthony you stirrer! I love it when you see funny stuff on Ebay. hubby and I sold a bike last year and our nephew anonamously asked some silly questions. We worked out it was him and gave some silly answers and had them added to the listing. It went back and forth a bit and was quite funny. Needless to say we sold the bike and had a heap of watchers, who I'm sure were just keeping up with the banter.
Hubby gave up the silent treatment about lunchtime yesterday. I think he gets a sense of accomplishment when the lawn is mowed, and I took that away from him. Nevermind, (said I), I will never mow the lawn again! he he. He then did the big grease job, with chinese take-out for dinner, a pair of leather jandals for valentines day, and is taking me to the 'two for one' meal deal at a local pub! I never did actually go out shopping, but stayed home and got many other jobs done, that wouldn't usually get done so quickly, all on one day, and in so much silence. Communication is just so easy, as long as the silent treatment doesn't get in the way. I hate it! It doesn't go down well with me!
I bought hima lovely card with some sentiments that relate to us very well, and as my plan to be nice to him all weekend was scuttled on friday, I've been nice to him today, and cooked breakfast aswell as leaving him free to go watch the local motorcycle racing in town (his other love) while I played bromeliads (my other love) I did make one sacrifice, and bought peppermint magnums for desert, even though i don't like the combination of peppermint and icecream, but he loves it. Wasn't that nice of me?
Also I'm letting him have an afternoon sleep on the lounge, even though he reckons I didn't mow the lawn short enough. Guess he'll have to do it sooner than usual. he he.
Anyway, enough of that now. He's a good husband, very handy, very thoughfull and considerate almost all of the time.
The weather is hot, hot, hot and its a bit windy, so not very nice in the garden under the gums. I picked a watermelon yesterday to check for ripeness, and it is, so I've eaten a quarter of it already, and gave a half away. Theres another 4 on the vine yet, aswell as rockmelons on the way. I have 8 cucumbers in the fridge and hubby is sick to death of them. he he.
Ok, going outside to sit in the breeze.
Happy Valentines sunday all

Brisbane, Australia

Pretty little flowers aren't they Steve. Appropriate flowers for a man for Valentine's Day ;-)
Sue, your domestic situation sounds just so familiar! The little gives & takes that are required to maintain a marriage! It's a constant work of art ;-)
Hubby & I both forgot about Valentine's Day. I only realized yesterday when I stopped at the supermarket for a couple of things & saw all the guys buying chocs & flowers. We've never really celebrated it, but it was one of our first dates 21 years ago. So he's off to buy a roast chicken & some coleslaw & we've got a nice bottle of real champagne ready in the fridge. I was angling for a nice meal out, but we settled for me giving him a hair cut & the "chicken & champagne" on the patio in the cool.
Happy Sunday evening all!

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i cooked a nice leg of lamb,with 4 full spring onions fed into the meat,[one side to the other].what was hanging out,was wrapped around the meat and pinned into place.plenty of pepper and taka tala african chutney.i've eaten a shank and collapsed on the ground,it was so good

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You better be careful, flopping around on the ground. You might get a puncture. g_whizz
Happy Valentine's days my Friends. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Always nice to see how you all are.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
A bit windy here this morning but not cold. We had a few sprinkles last night but nothing that would make you wet unless you stayed out for a few hours in it.
Leisa, I must tell you, I downloaded Chrome yesterday to try it out. I am very happy with the speed of it but am still a bit lost getting things to work properly with it. I have lost the other tool bar that used to sit at the top with all the icons on it and will have to find how to enlarge the font a bit. Hubby likes it too but he can't access one govt. site and has to get the password again as it didn't import with the others. . Did you say you can put an icon for IE on the tool bar so you can swap over.
I must find out how to do that. I know I sound a bit dumb but put it down to an ageing brain.
I planted all my chrysanthemums seedlings and am still watching my epi and the angel flowers.
Anthony, congrats on your sculpture thingys. I do like your imagination.
Hello Charleen, I hope you had a nice St Valentines day there.
Sue, glad things are better there now. They do sulk don't they.
Dianne, didn't you get even a small bite of the goodies ? I never gave my roses a small trim after flowering in spring as it was so hot and they were burning. Any new shoots would have been toasted. They still had the odd flower later and a couple out the back have grown over 9 feet high. Quite a job when I get around to the winter prune.
Steve, aren't those brom flowers so cute down inside the plant ?
Colleen, my cacti will be under shadecloth when moved . They will just get a little more light and sun in moving from the north wall around to the west. There are 2 trees there that give shade so it should be just right for them. Regards to Brian.
Hello to everyone else. I am off to water the replanted chryssies.
Have a happy day even if it is Monday.
I have put my foot in the water over on the other site so will see how it goes, I will still be staying on here though. I would miss all my friends.
todays yummies.. Peach Cake.

Merino, Australia

Oops, someone pinched the cake . it never appeared. Here it is

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, is your Internet explorer icon on your desktop?
If it is then unlock your toolbar by rightclicking and select unlock toolbar/taskbar.
Drag the icon onto the bar, then lock the bar again.
I keep them both on there so I can swap if need be.

In case it is hidden, click on your little arrows, then you can see all the icons that are on your taskbar

Nice cake.

This message was edited Feb 15, 2010 2:15 PM

Merino, Australia

Thanks Dianne. I have done that now.
Hubby likes Chrome so we may keep using it and see how we go.
I have had a few messages re pages not available but I will work it all out in time.
I amaze myself with just how much we have learnt since we first got into computers, which was only back in late 2005. Shows the old brain can still learn new things.
It has turned warm again here and we are forecast for more very hot days.
I am going out to move a few bulbs around then have a nice cuppa,.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Good Morning, The dessert is beautiful as always.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Very quiet here lately. Everyone must be very busy out in the garden. I am just going out to do the washing. It is a lovely morning and going to be a warm day. I hope you are all getting the weather you want. I love these autumn days but it could rain a bit at night. The bulbs are coming up everywhere now and I must go looking for a few particular ones and mark their place. I have to thin out some of the daffodils and dutch iris later. I did have a lovely show of mixed dutch iris but alas, the stronger yellow/white has nearly taken over. I will have to buy more and plant them away from the others. I found a few more belladonnas coming up where I haven't seen them before. I must have planted smaller bulbs there and they have grown and flowered.
Hubby wants a hand again today so I had better put out something tasty and get moving or the washing will not get done by the time he needs me.
Have a great day all. Try this Blackberry Tea Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

so much I should be doing...
it's my day off & I am back in bed feeling rubbish.
have my lap top for company & a box of Ferrero Rorcher chocs that hubby gave me for Valentines Day.
It is grey outside & I am fed up with having no sunshine...
hah the second I typed that the sun broke thru.
briefly... back to grey

Merino, Australia

Teresa, I hope you are not too bad there. Don't feel grey like the sky. Think happy sunflowers.
The chocs sound just the thing. I love them too.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I hope its quiet because everyone is busy, and not because theyve all deserted us!
Woo hoo, Charleen, you're on at a very early time for us! howdy do to you too.
Ohhhh Jean, that cake looks wicked!
It was so hot here yesterday afternoon, then by 7pm it was pouring rain. Now, today, it has been overcast and the temperature is quite comfortable!
I managed to get a couple of lawns mowed and caught up with a couple of jobs that I postponed from last week, so all is well. It looks like more rain on the horizon here too, Theresa. Cheer up! Chocolates from hubbies are always special. he he.
I don't feel like doing much today either. A book in bed sounds quite good. think I might go and indulge!

Brisbane, Australia

Afternoon all - I'm "busy" at work, but just thought I'd wander by while I was having a cuppa. That's a wiked looking cake Jean - yumm!
There's been a storm with a fair bit of rain passing thru here in Bris. It's such a change to be at work & watch the rain. Pity I caught the train to work - at least my brolly will come in handy for the trip home! yesterday was so hot & the A/C at work wasn't working yesterday morning - it was horrible in a building with no windows & lots of computer gear emitting extra heat! It was still hot when I left work at 6pm. Lucky for the A/c at home last night!
That's a pretty one Charleen! Strange how the tips of only some leaves have that different colour - the wonders of nature eh!
Teresa, I hope the chocs & time resting in bed do the trick!
Ohh gotta get back to work!

Sydney, Australia

Hey all. Passing through. Busy is an understatement. I guess I can't grumble about having too much work.....but I will!
Got some Brug seeds up. That's a first for me. At least the rain has stopped. Spotted this shiny thing in the sky today. Think they used to call it sun or something like that. Anyway off to do web mastering work.
Have a good night all!

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