Any of you following the events with the sale of DG??

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

This was in the Plant and Seed Trading Forum

I suppose there is TALK all over DG re the SALE.....What is YOUR opinion on this and what do you plan to do?

The "Daves Garden Forum" has oodles of Posts on "THE SALE"......The below linked Post was started on Feb. 1st and has--like--276 postings already....I have NOT read too many of them-- GEEEZ! Can't keep up with my "watched" ones as is!

Dave no longer owns DG! Seems he willingly sold it --and I am sure for a good amount of $$$.
Things are still "evolving"--but not having Dave as our "fearless Leader" scares me a bit. Many members are floundering.....

Few on the MAF have commented on this!,,at least ON the M.A.F. Haven't checked other Forums....WHAT do you all think and feel?????? WHERE are we all headed? Will things really change? Stay the same???

I seldom read too much on the other Forums---but I just "peeked" tonight--and there is real concerns out there.....
I need to pay attention to the DG Forum more--it IS where all the "What's happening" stuff is posted.


(Zone 7a)

Hi Gita,

sent you dmail


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Gita, my $0.02 - Dave sold this site a few years ago to a company that wanted to keep him on...they in turn sold to another company recently who apparently wants Dave to stick around, but not in the same capacity as before...I think it's a wait and see - and to quote Shakespeare - "much ado about nothing" - people are getting their skivvies in a bunch over something that is completely out of their control - you can scream, holler and threaten to leave like a 3 year old - or you can sit back and see what develops - bottom line, business is business and if anyone for one moment think they can sway IB in how they decide to run this site - they are sorely mistaken...while I truly appreciate Dave, DG and all the people here it is still up to me how I deal with things AND how I conduct myself in public - I tried to follow the threads, but gave up after posts and posts of "if you dare make changes I'M leaving"...seriously?! While I understand that many see DG as a lifeline and their world will end if changes are made, it's back to the bottom line - business is business

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

There was more cackling going on there than when my hens are in full production. LOL!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Bec--I DO understand all that! We cannot do anything to change anything.......
I will also follow the 'wait and see" approach. Just hoping we can continue like we have been doing.

I was just D-mailed by someone from Ellicott City (Bluespiral) that there is a parallel website where we can all hash it out on. Seems this web-site can only be passed on by regular e-mail. I gave her mine.
She contacted me b/c of the Post i just started. She said she would contact Jill next.

I can wait! I'm not going anywhere!


Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Well, I just re-upped on my subscription, so I won't be leaving either, but I have to admit to feeling proprietary about DG, like it's mine.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Quote from CountryGardens :
There was more cackling going on there than when my hens are in full production. LOL!

LOL, I was following the threads for awhile but you're right, the "cackling" was filling the threads and I decided after seeing Dave get the boot that there wasn't much any of us could do about it :( While many have their doubts, regardless of Dave or no Dave, from everything I've read it seems like any changes IB might make will be positive and I'm not going anywhere. I know when Dave sold DG to Name Media there was similar panic and everyone's still here :)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I agree with you Bec, WAIT'N'SEE what changes are to pass will. Whether we pass, remains to be seen. Ric

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

As usual for my personality, I am sitting by listening to the cackling and waiting for any real news if there is any. Bec has it right, and why shouldn't Dave have sold it back then? He doesn't expect ME to accomodate HIM in his personal life decisions? He seems like a very nice smart guy and that's the kind of person I want to profit from hard work.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I have been over to the new site. It is a whole different concept. Dave made a comment that it was not going to be a clone of DG. He is looking at a new concept and apparently has been thinking about this for awhile. Looks interesting but I don't see us jumping ship here either. I think that most of us are pretty happy here and will probably stay unless there are big changes. Everyone will have to decide what works best for them. Many of us are here because we just love what Dave designed. The community he built, good communities go on after the builder moves on to new locations. Just MHO Holly

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Do you have the link to the new site?

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

A very nice person took pity on me and is taking care of my curiosity! ^_^

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes Bec, I haven't gotten the hang of it all yet. With your computer knowledge you might find it very interesting. Holly

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