p. Moranensis in winter leaf

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

p. Moranensis in winter leaf

Thumbnail by tommyr2006
Arlington, TX

How hard are the pings to grow? I would like to try one and am wondering which is easiest?

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Try a Moranensis like mine. They seem easy. Any tropical Ping should do fine for you I think. Google Tropical pings.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I do better with the tropical pings. I grow them on the window sill with a light hanging over them. Wouldn't need a light, if any windows in my house allowed light in.

It took me years to get the right species to be able to grow them. I agree Moranensis are the easiest and there's a bunch to choose from. I tried my natives and they die the fastest. :)

I never saw this message originally. What a beautiful plant.

I just got a P. "Tehuacan", which is beautiful with a tinge of pink. Really lovely. I hope to keep it alive. I also got a P. rotundiflora, which is tiny and pretty. I got them both from cobraplants.com Really lovely plants. They arrived on Thursday.

north coast nsw, Australia

Heres my pinny, it sits on the ground in my orchid greenhouse in a tray of water and gravel (raising humidity as it evaporates). Not sure which it is but it has flowered once and produced one baby i removed and gave to a friend.

Thumbnail by breeindy
Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

That is a beautiful plant. I hope to get pictures of my plants to post in the near future. I got a couple nice ones recently.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Kind of looks like a Moranensis. Here's a recent one of mine:

Thumbnail by tommyr2006
Arlington, TX

I envy anyone who has a green house. My dream is to set up an area with a lot of grow lights and shelves in my dining room area.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

I wish I had a greenhouse.....

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Me too. If I had a greenhouse, I could keep more Nepenthes.

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