Superspot Blooming

Hamilton, OH

that's really pretty, just think 2 more months, you'll have Blooms galore, How's the baby Brug that was getting leaves
on it awhile back, I had just taken a couple seeds out of the mini GH, put them in a stryfoam cut with seed starter soil
it got knocked off to the floor, broke the top off, I think it's toast, don't feel bad I just have 1 bud left too Bloom on Elizabeth Brug, then I'll have too wait too put them outside too get Blooms


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

The baby brug seedling died. I was so sad. But got lots of cuttings
with leaves, so am not going to be with out our Brugs. I am so ready.
Do you still have cuttings of Naughty Nicky?? Next summer when it grows , may I please have a start.
My friend Mr. George wants a cutting of it. After all the ones he has given me I told him I thouhgt I could find him a cutting.
I just need to talk him into mailing cuttings. I'm going to try to see if I can. I think he will like mailing them out once he gets going. It is not difficult.

Hamilton, OH

My Naughty Nick, is one of the big Brugs I have, so a cutting won't be a problem, after mothers day, that's when we start having really nice weather, I am air layering Miss Behavin, just to see if it works, if it does, it will be better & bigger
cuttings that are allready rooted, I will be doing a number of them that way, next month, there will be a bunch of Brugs
with stryfoam cups on them, I lost some clippings over the winter, some just dry up, but I have enough that it doesn't matter, it seems like the smaller clippings are the one's that just don't make it, I am sorry to hear about your Brug


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Maybe I'll win some seed from the Brug Place sent me a survey. It'll be o.k.
Mine are like that too. Have leaves on some and I figure they are going to make it.
So I got plenty of brug babies. so I am just fine. I don't feel deprived at all, very blessed, in fact.

Hamilton, OH

that's sweet, I feel blessed also, for one my family loves my plants as much as I do, I sure hope you win the seeds,
they should be nice crosses, do you know when they're suppose to announce the winner?


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Hello, ladies. Elizabeth, your Super Spot is beautiful.So glad that it darkened up for you.It does look tomato red!Glad to hear that your kitty is back and doing well.I wonder if someone had her, and she got out.Does she look like she was being fed while she was gone?
Charleen, glad to hear that the critters fared well this winter.Sorry to hear about your brug baby, but very happy that your cuttings are doing well. Most sure do grow quickly, don't they? I sure have enjoyed watching them grow this winter and can hardly wait for them to bloom, come summer.
In a couple more weeks I will be starting the petunia seeds. I grow them every year. I love all the color that they add to the yard.

Hamilton, OH

Hey Dee
where have you been Girl, it's good to see you, yes my cat looked like she had been fed, now I just let her out a little bit each day, she always comes back, it's really good to have her here, she's a good girl, Dee I am glad you like Superspot, can you picture that one in between Angels Moonlight & Miss Behavin, I just hope this Spring/Summer it
gets even darker, petunia are an amazing plant, the purple one is sooo fragrant, this year I am adding Plumeria's to my yard, they are suppose too be very fragrant


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth,I have had company all week-end. They left, this afternoon.
Superspot will really pop, between Angel's Moonlight and Miss Behavin. That will be sooo pretty! I have never seen a plumeria, except in pics.But, I think think they are beautiful, especially the ones that have pink yellow and white blooms! I have read that they are very fragrant
I grew flag mix wave petunias last white and Blue(purple). This year I am growing mostly pastels, plus a couple new ones....Shock wave denim, which looks to be shades of blueish purple and avalanche grape, which is kind of a neon purply, grape color.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Hey, Dee. We are back together again, sort of. Isn't it great??
I sure have missed you. Glad all the kids are great. Grandkids too.

Hamilton, OH

they sound sooo pretty, are they Fragrant?, I am all for fragrance, that should be a great mix, I am redoing my yard, just as soon as it warms up enough to do it, I am using more seeds this year, than I ever have before, plus I have a helper this year my GD will be nine this year sooo it's time she learned about the plants, I can't believe how time fly's my GS
will be 18yrs old Feb. 10th, he gratuates high school, so I have to go to Georgia in may
I bet your company was fun, work but fun


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Charleen, I was thinking the same thing.It IS good to be together again!
Elizabeth. I don't remember them saying anything about being fragrant, but I don't think they advertise the purple one as being fragrant, but we know it So, we will just have to wait and see.
Sounds like you will be working hard in the yard this year, but when it's something that you love, it doesn't seem like work, does it ? I might have a new yard to work in this year, but I don't want to say anymore, right now, for fear of jinxing the whole deal, but I should know by Friday...then I'll
It will be so nice for both you and your grand daughter to working side by side in the yard. I know you will love it! When you go to that graduation, don't forget the tissues. I know you will need lots..hehe They grow up so quickly, don't they. My oldest grandson turned 21 in Nov, and I look up at him,'s just so hard to believe. I was teasing him this week-end(hadn't seen him for while).I ask him if he wanted to sleep with grandma so we could cuddle and tell stories, and count cars.When he was a toddler, and I would babysit him, he slept with me and to get him to settle down at bed time, we would see who could count the most cars going by...we had to be very quiet, so we could be the first one to hear the car....course he always Yep, seems like yesterday.

Hamilton, OH

I hope you get the yard, you want, can't wait till Friday, I wish I had a bigger yard sometimes, then at times I am glad I can run out & mow it in 15 minutes, & I am glad I didn't have to shovel snow this year, it snowed but nothing like last year, I will be sooo glad to see it warm up by Thursday, not a tropical heat wave but just above freezing, I am getting 4 new replacement windows then, I found a company that will let me buy 2 at a time, so I don't have to finance anything
they are nice windows too double pane tilt in soo you can clean them, by mid summer I will have all new one's & my car will be paid off, yea


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, my daughter put in some new windows last summer, and they tilt in for cleaning.Those are soooo, nice. You will love much easier to clean..I know you will be happy when the car is paid off too. I am always happy when something gets paid
I am ready for it to warm up, thats for sure.I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't get a lot more snow, this winter. It hasn't been bad so far.
I think I am gonna get off of here for to clean the kitchen. I was so pooped after everyone left that I just left it and laid down and took a Hopefully we can all be here again tomorrow evening..Goodnight girls.

Hemet, CA(Zone 9b)

Hello all..................I'm just going to jump in here. I'm new to brugs. Bought our first one last fall at the UCR Botanical plant sell. I think it's about to bloom for the first time. Perhaps you all can enlighten me. The plant looks very healthy with large leaves, in a pot outside. Now I'm seeing what looks like tight leaves in the middle of new growth. DH thinks it's a bloom, me too, hoping, praying. What to you think? Appreciate your input, have been fertilizing heavily since we got it, looks very robust.

Hamilton, OH

Welcome, do you have a Pic of it, I bet you have the right weather for it, when it gets ready to Bloom, the leaves look like they aren't equal in size, I am sure there's a name for it, I have just heard sub equal, also there is a Y, in the summer here I also use epsome salts in between Miracle grow, there should also be a warning these plant are very addictive
you have to have more than one, I hope this helps


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They have their own little plant minds too. They do what they are born to do Bloom and make their owners anxious to see them.
We love Brugs. First you wait for it to grow, then it has to Y before it can bloom. Then the anticpation of getting your first bloom. After that -you are hooked!!!

Hamilton, OH

Good afternoon, now I see why you go to be early, Girl you are up early


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Got to take hubby to work again tomarrow, need the car. We still a one car family, maybe this weekend he will find something. I hope, i want my car back....
good Afternoon. I was up at 5;30 a.m.

Hamilton, OH

wow that's early, I do hope for your sake he finds something, Girl, today is the first day it has been above freezing in at least a couple week, it's still cold but with the sun it's much nicer, I love February don't you? the shortest month of the year, soooo much closer to Spring


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, anything that brings us closer to Spring is wonderful.

Hamilton, OH


I have a lot of cuttings, ready too be planted, I think I'll do that tommorrow & count them as I go, maybe get a journal
started, I was going to do that last year, but time just got away from me, but not this year, I planted a lot of seeds on the 27th of January, now some of them are starting to come up, the bottom heat really makes it better


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

It should be easy to start a journal.
Wouldn't you think?

Hamilton, OH

it will be this year, I am focused on it, so yes it'll be easy, I am going to pollenate my Brugs this year also, I have my pollen in the freezer, so this year I might have my own seeds


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

It last by put it in freezer??
How wonderful.
Guess I'm going to bed. 5:30 comes early.
Good night.

Hamilton, OH

have a good night's rest, 5:30 am does come early


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Liz you have a stunning bloom plant there.. I love it.. congrats!

Hamilton, OH

Girl I have been wondering where you were, it's good to see you, Thanks for the nice comment, it was a surprize, it set Buds before we had cold weather but they fell off, I thought I would have to wait till spring, I have another one about too Bloom, when it Blooms I'll post a Pic


Hemet, CA(Zone 9b)

Elizabeth...............Would you be able to post a photo of your about to bloom brug, or perhaps point me to a link that shows such a photo? plantlover49..... I'm recently retired, have not gotten into photos and posting them on line. I'm somewhat technology challenged at this point, even gardening challenged, getting over that one. ridesredmule..... I look at my new "bud" at least 2 times a day,sure looks like a bud to me. Perhaps when it blooms I will learn to post a photo to celebrate.
Thank you both for your imput, I appreciate it.

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Here is a picture of a bud on snowcone last year

Thumbnail by kareoke
Hemet, CA(Zone 9b)

kareoke..................WOW that was a very wonderful fast response. I now know indeed I have a bud. At this point it looks like the one on the right, with a couple of smaller ones on the sides.
Thank you so much......... I'm so exceited may heart is beating fast. Guess that means I'm hooked!

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)


You're hooked! :-)

Hamilton, OH

I can maybe help you with posting Pic's, if you have an account at photobucket, it's free, you can download Pic's from you camera into photo bucket, the you go to where you post a message at the bottom of the page, the is a browse
section, when you click on that it takes you to your photobucket. then you select your Pics, click on open, it brings it
up by the browse then you click preview, then if that's the Pic you want to post then just click send
I will post my about to Bloom Brug when it opens

Hamilton, OH

nice looking Bud, really healthy Plant, a lot of my Brugs in the basement are starting too wake up, some have really big leaves on them, I love this month it's getting closer to Spring

I bet yours are starting to wake up also


Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

dillansnana, hahaha your not just hooked you are almost an addict, just ask any one of us how it happened, first you find this forum, then a nice DG member offers you a start of a cutting, (seeds take too long), you get the mail but there is not just one cutting there are 3 or 4 maybe 5
with the note "just to get you started" from there on you are hooked, looking for more cuttings or larger plants after the first summer you are already looking for more,after my first summer I had 127 in the house overwintering in my basement, now I know better I only have 15, so WELCOME ,WELCOME. WELCOME to the nuthouse of Brug growers.


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I remember my first brug plant, I was so kacited, I wrote a story about it somewhere on this forum. Liz, Seray sent me some NOID sticks by surprize, here they are now in the bubbler..
hey didn't you send me a NOL? It is going great guns.. I need to remember who sent it to me..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I have sent out LOTS of cuttings, I used to keep a journal on them but for me it became a lot of work so I decided I didn't need it, when your 83 you have a lot of other things to get done.
The year I depleted my 127 I was exhausted just cutting, packing, and trips to the Post Office. but I know a lot of my plants are still healthy and hopefuly being passed on to new addicts.
I love the doubles, and tripples, but of all the Brugs I have had I have not had a VERY DARK PINK that is what I am hoping for this year, and if my brugs continue to do good, and I have one your looking for I would gladly send you a cutting.
By the way you may be thinking "there is no way I would get to 127 brugs" that is what I thought but I did, in one season, because I answered every offer for cuttings, DG members are so generouse.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Thatis so true. I didn't even know what a Brug was before I came to Dave's. Now I have them sitting around in jars ,buckets and soil.
This is just my second year. Think Of the future I'm facing. Whoa!!!!
I'm addicted.

Hamilton, OH

it will be something you posting Blooms of all your Beauty's this Summer, have you counted them yet? just 1 leads to 100, as Doris has stated, a good addiction


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

No, I don't want to jynx them. i want them to keep doing their little thing.
I'm only going to count the ones WITH leaves, cause the others are probably already in Brug heaven
Got supper going too,,, Fried potatoes with Bell peppers, onion, and polish sausage. smells so good.
Maybe twenty or thirty babies.
That's not too bad is it??

Hamilton, OH

now you've done it, made me hungry, that sounds sooo good, I'll have too find something to cook, that's a lot of Babies


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