Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Have any of you gone to DG Forum yet to see this? Wonder what all this will mean to us all???


What gives?????? Gita

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, Things should remain the same, for a while at least (based on the admin commments). Our contacts will carry us forward with little change. Are you coming to the swap in Fredrick? I hope so, I'd enjoy your company again. Ric

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Thanks! Yes! I plan to come to the Swap in Frederick. I plan to ride up with Sally--as usual. But--I might bring a lady friend (big gardener--who just joined last year) named Mary.
Need to give her a call so she can save the date....

Have you or Holly checked out my Trade List? I just updated it all and have pictures to most of the seeds. About 35 different ones now....


See what they (BG&E) have done to my curb lawn!!! In the middle of all this freezing weather. They were installing new electric wires underground. Almost every home here had this happen, to one degree or another.
I just hope they will landscape it back to something resembling a lawn...They said they would..

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Don't you just hate it when they dig up stuff. Yes, the utility companies restore what they had to destroy, it may take them awhile so be patient.
Were the lines always underground? Ours are above and subject to the winds and ice. Power is interrupted quite often when the weather get rough.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes--our lines are underground--but, of course, every few homes, there are these ugly, large boxes above ground where they can get to the connections if something happens. See picture! And these sit precisely in the property lines between the 2 houses--so neither owner can do anything about it.
When we first moved in to our house--i wanted to hide these with some kind of shrubs--but you are not supposed to dig around these....Talk about one's "Garden Sculptures"....UGH!!!!

The smaller one is the telephone box. The big one is the electric.

What i also hate is all the endless red, yellow, orange, etc. spray paint all over my lawn and sidewalk and on the driveway to show where the lines go. The paints on the concrete seem to never go away.

My front yard is to the right. i am standing on my neighbor's driveway to take this picture.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

The town were I work, have boxes but they are the phone company and cable TV and internet. Their electric is still on poles, power goes out more then we like, boss had a gas generator installed so we can keep going if we are in the middle of a dental procedure.
Those boxes are on the curb, not on folks property.

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