Anyone know about hacienda creeper?

Orinda, CA

I'm in Northern California, and I planted a hacienda creeper this past summer to cover a garden shed. It was doing really well, then we had a big frost this Fall and the vine lost most of its leaves. I'm not sure if I should just wait and see if it will bounce back in the Spring, or if I should I cut back the bare stems, or if this vine really can't take frost and should replant with something else?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!, Jessica.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

A search says that it is hardy to zone 7. I would just leave it alone - it will most likely leaf back out.

Phoenix, AZ

I have one, I'm in zone 9. I haven't had any heavy frost and mine is some what sheltered under a tree. It has lost quite a few leaves. I think your fine. I'd leave it I'm sure it will leaf back out in warm weather.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I am zone 9 too but it gets a bit colder at my place I drop into the 20s and mine has patches where it has lost leaves. During our big freeze it looked deader than a door nail and came back with a vegeance!! I am sure your will be fine.

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