Plantstep Program

Raleigh, NC

was wondering about copyright issues.

One source of funding for the AIS is the sale of the AIS Checklist information, either online, annual booklet, or compendiums of annual booklets every 10 years. It defrays the cost of doing the Checklist, which is the accepted International Registration of irises. Without being able to sell that info, the cost of doing the register for everyone everywhere would be their undoing.

But they can't really raise the cost to register to cover that expense. If they don't keep the Registration costs low, folks won't register.

Central, SC

I saw what was written here and bought the Plantstep Program. It's fabulous!!

Winnsboro, TX

I think you will love it BerthaEmma. I've had it for a couple of years and I'm still adding my plants to the programs.

I'm fairly certain if you have a problem and you don't know how to do something you can call Kent and he will walk you through the process. These people are wonderful and this program is too. I've only added a couple of photos and to be honest that was a couple of years ago and I don't remember how I did it. I'll try it again very soon. LOL

I love my plantstep program and you can tell anyone I said to try it they will like it!

Marian the plant addict!

Mesquite, NV(Zone 9a)

Halleluja! I finally got my new computer set up with the Plant program. Glad I bought the computer; delighted I got the program! Being unfamiliar with Windows computers, I had a horendous time installling the program, but Kent was very patient and we persisted until I got it running. This is was I just e-mailed Kent.

"How Great! I spent almost all night inputting data about my Iris - wish we could access a database for that info! Tedious business getting the info into the program; however, I'm certain it will be worth it!

Kent, you were a great support to me - at least, in my various stages of frustration I knew you were there and would respond as soon as you could. 'Tis a lonely business when you are attempting to do something you've never done before - to have someone on the other end is a great solace!"


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