Plantstep Program

Tranquillity, CA(Zone 9a)

How many of you use the Plantstep/Flowerstep Program for your Iris?

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Just started putting them in a cple weeks ago but still hav a way to go.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

I have it, but haven't entered all my iris data yet.

Tranquillity, CA(Zone 9a)

Reason I am asking is, that I am working with Kent
to get the Iris data base started, like it is for the day lily database.

I just about have all mine in.
There is one other person helping so far.
He is working on letter "Z"

Just let me know if you would like to help us
with this venture.

Raleigh, NC

I'm interested, but I don't have that program yet. have programmer hubby working on one for me.

Raleigh, NC

should add if it's not practically seemless to use yet, I'll probably crash it. I used to run our computer software development company, Random Games. Started out doing everything from payroll, to benefits, to PR, to answering phones, cleaning the toilets, a little product design, and of course testing. Have a well earned reputation for crashing any system... if it can lock up, endless loop, crash or otherwise self destruct, I'm the first one that will find that.... it drives me NUTS. DH says I'm "click happy".

Taylorsville, KY

I just got the program last fall and haven't put all of my iris in yet, but I am working on it! I have over 1000 varieties, so it is taking awhile!

Sue - Kentucky

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Earthspinner, what does it take to do this ? How would one find the data they need to compile the iris files on the Internet? I have over 50+ years of research behind me, and I love to look for things. But I'm not sure I'm up to doing that for Plantstep. So, more input needed. ^_^

Raleigh, NC

I had heard of this program before. are you saying the iris part is still in beta? or something else?

I would like to take a look at this, at least. I have over 500 named TBs - well, over 700 if I can figure out which name goes to which clump.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I have the Plantstep program and so far have only entered my DLs. It was easy because of the search engine or whatever it is called. Just scroll, and click. All the info goes into the correct place. Please hurry, because I will never get my iris done the old fashion way !!! The hosta isn't available yet either :( It is still a great program.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

What would be great is to have photos available to just click on the site. I have had trouble getting them downloaded and then use them.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

rebloom, you are ahead of me on that. Do we need for them to be a certain size?

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

It would be great if they were like a 4x4 so you can get 2 on a page to show both parents of a cross you have. I am not sure how big they can be??

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I wish we had somewhere do download good dl pics from the internet legally.

Anyone know of a place? I haven't gotten to the Hybridizing section, but I thought it had a place for pod and pollen pics.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Where did Earthspinner go?? Did we ask too many questions?

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

I have that program and absolutely LOVE it! I would recommend it to anyone.

Raleigh, NC

but greathorse, do you have the DL part, which I understand is complete, or the iris or hosta parts, which are not?

Raleigh, NC

and where does one get this program?

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Here is Kent's website:

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

It all comes together.the daylily part is complete and i understand that Kent and some other very generous people are working on the iris and hosta part. It is well worth the $ and all the updates are free.It really is a great program.

Winnsboro, TX

I have it and I love it but I don't have all of my plants listed in it either. It also will print your labels for your plants (never done that either) it has maps to map out your beds, and so many functions that I can't begin to tell you about. I never have learned how to do alot of it. It is very user friendly as I can't do anything on the computers. It will also make you a catalog of your irises, daylilies, or whatever you want to make one of. It has roses, perrenials, and so forth. I got my program a couple of years ago. Each time Kent updates it or adds new features he sends it directly to you with no charge. Once you click on the new updated version, it automatically adds your plants to it. I would say it's very well worth the money.

Just like with any other program it's only going to get better and better with time. Once they get some help from some iris people it's going to be wonderful. I would love for Dee, Polly, and a few others on here to add some iris information if and when they had time. Oh I forgot to mention, there is a little thing at the end of the program for you to add your catalog to their site for people to look up what plants you have for sale and your contact information. I'm not making much sense, but if you haven't see it or used it I strongly suggest you do.

Since I dont' sell anything and everything I grow is for my own enjoyment I don't keep real good records. I would think if you ran some kind of plant business this would be one heck of a program for you. It would also make a good present for someone that loves plants and you can't think of anything to give them for Christmas, B days, and so forth. Best I recall it's around $28. All I know is it was under $30. Try it, I think you'll like it.

Enough of my rambling on and on just buy the program.

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Amen Marian! I think I may purchase it for my mom for her birthday,as she is starting to get into hybridizing a bit more.


Winnsboro, TX

Erika, I think your mother would love to have the program. We've talked so much about it I'm going to go add a bunch more of my irises and other plants to it instead of sitting around checking emails, dmails, and facebook. LOL I can stay on here all day and not get anything accomplished. I can click on Plantstep and actually get something done regarding my plants and files.

Have a Bless Weekend and do by all means get the program for your mom!

Winston-Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I have never heard of it till now but I want it!!! has all the irises ever registered with the AIS from the 1940 or 50's till now. That may be a great spot for those working on the iris portion to collect data. You have to pay for a membership to the database but it's like $10 for a whole year.

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Erika's mother purchased the program this afternoon. Her mother also has a stiff neck from entering in iris info. So she may have to think of something else for her Mother's birthday. What a great daughter she is to have thought of that. !!!


Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

YOU STINKER!!!!! I'll just send you more girls scout cookies.Now I've got to rack my brain to think of something else!


Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Just have the girls paint me some flower pots. You know I'm a sucker for handmade presents.

I do believe that I will like this program more and more and... It's worth the $$ because it alphabetizes automatically, even if it did nothing else. And there are plenty of other features too, useful, practical and quite easy to manuever. I needed some help with something and 'Kent' was on-line, solved it for me.

Mesquite, NV(Zone 9a)

Well, since my computers are MACs and this application won't run on a Mac, I've just bought a PC laptop (Dell Inspiron 11). Will be devoted to Kent's program and I'll tote it around my garden(s) and notate all my flowers (mostly iris, lillies, roses). Will let you know how it goes once the PC arrives (I ordered it today; should be here Wed).
- Anne

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Anne, I love the statement that you will tote your laptop around in the garden. A new reason to buy myself a laptop!

Teresa in KY

Winnsboro, TX

Hey I don't want to burst your bubbles but I can't see anything on my laptop when I take it outside. I haven't really tried to look at text out there but I have tried to look at some of my pictures and the light is just too bright to see the screen. There maybe something you can put over it to be able to see but I don't know what it would be. I don't really need to use my computer outside, but I thought it would be easy to match my iris photos with the names while walking through the gardens.

I have a Dell too and it was around $1,000. All I know is it's a Dell and I love it. I don't love the Vista part about it though. I'm use to Windows XP professional are something like that. LOL I know nothing about computers other than turning them on and they either work or they don't. (grin)

Raleigh, NC

lovelyiris is right. very very hard to see a laptop screen in full sun. you have to take it to some deeper shade.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I have a Dell XP and love it but I am so bad with Computers. I now have messed it up terribly. Thought if the print Etc. was larger that would be great but I hate it and now I can't get it back. Tried restore and nothing. Also messed up importing photo;s of plants that have not bloomed for me yet and wanted photos and it puts them in another place. Whoa is me.
This box now takes up the whole screen. !)(*&*DHJ

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

If you're going to take your computer out into the garden, a netbook works better than a laptop as they are a lot smaller & lighter. ^_^ DS got his Dad a Toshiba Netbook for Christmas to keep him from going bonkers while his knee healed. It is so light compared to my Gateway 17". It was a dream to set up as it came with Windows XP Home on it. I use XP Pro on mine. The netbook takes a bit of getting used to as the screen is so small, 10" or so. But, you can always hold down the CTRL button on your keyboard and use the scroll wheel to enlarge your text in most programs. Try it you'll like it! lol

One of the ways to keep your computer up and running great is to defrag the hard drive every once in a while.

Have a great day everyone. Donna

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Steph, do control (bottom left of keyboard), and while you're holding that down hit the minus (next to the zero on the numbers at the top). Keep hitting the minus until it's back where you want it.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I Defrag quit often and it keeps it running quickly. I have a lot of space so it doesn't take long. I am thinking of getting a notebook to use outside also as it would be so handy. If you can find shade to use it that is best I am told.

Raleigh, NC

DH is working on getting me a photo and file system for irises on my cellphone. He programs for cell phones now.

talk about light, and still easier to see outside. but I'm going to have to take some of these music files off to make room for photos. or he could upgrade me^_^

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Darn, I keep forgetting that I have my laptop hooked up with the mouse, SORRY. At home I use it as a desktop with monitor & mouse. So thanks Polly. I have had this computer for 4 years and it only has an 80GHz drive in it. I have thousands of photos in it as I am a crazed photo nut for flowers and gardening, especially rocks and rock formations. But then again, I don't save music or wmv files on it either to any extent.

Raleigh, NC

must have music to weed by.

do you realize my first computer at work was very impressive because it had 20 Meg hard drive? LOL DH is a programmer, and I remember him saying no one could imagine so much room, now what would they be able to do with it?!!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Steph, did you try what I said to do about the size of the print? Did it work?

Tranquillity, CA(Zone 9a)

So Sorry........

We have ran into the possible problem with Copy Right!
So in the middle of sorting things out.

Kent has to do some contacts with American Iris Society.

So I have to wait to see what happends there.
I just got my 200 and some in.

I guess with the DayLily people they did not care
about the use of descriptions or pictures.

I will keep you all posted....I to really like the program.
There will be a few tweeks that need to be done
Kent is very open about if you see something that could
be worked out better or if you think something is missing
just let him know.

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