Ottawa, KS(Zone 5b)


You mentioned Plant World Seeds back early in this thread, and that they ship to the States, although they are pricey. A good deal of that price thing is because our USA Dollar is rather weak against the British Pound, and we get hit pretty hard in the conversion. However, I found only one snapdragon at Plant World Seeds

Another overseas seed firm that will ship to the States is Plants of Distinction. They have a fairly good selection of fancy snapdragons.

We really get punished in the currency conversion, but I am thinking of ordering a few seeds from them anyway. I am more interested in zinnias, but their snaps are tempting.

ZM (not associated with any product or vendor mentioned)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I have ordered from Plants of Disticinction from overseas before. In fact they have sent me catalogs too withotu havign to ask, once i placed my first order.

Red.... Go to walmart and they have a garden product that 5 bucks or a little more. It speciafically for damping off and fungal probllems and anthracnose and powderly mildew and black spot. I t main ingrediant is soybean oil. Works good . Not sure if it possible to buy soybean oil aloen at liek grocery store adn then add slicker to get it to spread or not.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Would it be damping-off at this stage? They're not like tiny seedlings. I think I read some where that cinnamon was good on damping-off....Mmm..M...Yummy!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

red. Doub t it woudl be dampign off if they that big, btu ya never know. but this product from Garden safe, covers a wide range of fungal and mildew problems. It is good stuff.

Now I have seen larger seedlings go down and usually that not somuch a s from damping off as fungus knat larvae. It amazing hwomuch even one fungus knat can caus e alot of damage. Darn things hide when they feelmovement in the air and even a person walking can disturb the air enough that they wilhid e in the soil til you leave. They sneeky little pests.

Ecosystem brand out door insect kilelr, which I have used inside the house, if just sprayign a small area, or they hae forindoor and it good stuff. Noticed Walmart is carrying it now, before could only find it home depot. it kills on contact whiteflies, aphids and ahost of othe r pests notonylthe flyign crawlign one s but their eggs and larva e too and it cna be use d on flowers, veggies and roses.

I have used it on 1/2" seedlings before and nevr had a problem with it. Discovere d it last year and when I went to walmart bought me another bottle just incase.

I need to transplant my Twiny Peach seedlinsg today. tryign to figrue out what siz e pot I want to put them in. Hate when seedlings get alltangle s in each other if put into 6 packs and left to grow for awhile.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I have had 6" tomatos damp off. So size is not always a seedling. Its either fungal or too much water or some nasty thing that casues it.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Blossom.... How often do ya fertiliz e yoru seedlings and what type of fert are ya using. Too much or not washign the salt build up from the seedlings will kill them off too. Ther e just so much that cna go wrong at a moment s notice.

Soon a s seedlings pop I mist them like Amoure does for about 3 weeks at least. Onc e they pop I only us e wate r for 5 for to seven days before I start in with ferts and then weakened and still mist the fert for another week or so before start trying to wate r them.

I also don't fert for 7 days afte r I transplant either so prevent burnign the roots and lettign seedling s settle f rom shock transplant.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I dont fertilize seedlings. I wait until they are moved to packs and even then, might wait until they are in their finishing containers or to the garden.

My soil here is horrid...too much calcium, too much road salt from the highway and just poor.

I may as well live on the gulf for as much salt that is in the air here fromthe roads. It is horrible. YOu breath it and its irritating.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Are you using a sterile soil to start your seedlings in? If you are and you don't fert, the seed onyl has food for abotu 5 to 7 days in its shell for the plant to exisit on and if you don't fert and have sterile soilmix the plant has no food to feed on and ya may be killign them off that way. Just thinkign here. I knwo it heart breakign to even los e oen seedling.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ive tried all ways.. sometimes its good sometimes its bad.. like I say here its many factors. The road salt is the biggest issue. You can tasted it for 7 months out of the year in the air. Its ridiculous and far worse than what FLA has off the ocean.

(Zone 6a)

I had some snaps last year, one was even striped and fragrant! I got the seeds from the dollar store. I LOVE dollar store seeds! Sometimes I buy expensive seeds from T&M and they don't grow of don't come true but seeds from the dollar store always come up!

Heres a pic

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

Here is another pic. I'll be growing these again for sure!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Wow. Like the bright colored snap. It'll stop traffic. Is it a medium sized one in height?

(Zone 6a)

Thank you :) I think it was about 12 inches, but it was growing in a window box so I think that might have effected how big it grew....?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

So what is the name of that 12" tall super bright one? Inquiring minds want to know! C'mon...let it out.

(Zone 6a)

I *think* they were called tetra mixed but let me go check...................

yup, 'Tetra Mixed Colors', from the dollar store :) heres a link to the company Maybe if you email them you could find somewhere near you that has them?

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Excellent. Thanks for the info Steven.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

A couple of Snapdragon photos from today. This is Snapdragon "Rocket Bronze"

Thumbnail by amorecuore
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

And these are Snapdragon "Animation Cognac".


Thumbnail by amorecuore
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


(Zone 6a)

Your welcome :) I can see form your pics Jon that you have a very nice yard!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Steven. It's a nice, semi quiet, area with lots to do very close by. Not as much traffic as half the streets are dead ends, but none of them are "outlets" to the main/busier roads. Its within a mile of Sawgrass Mills Mall (9th largest mall in USA) and 1 1/2 miles from the "Bank Atlantic Center" (home of the Florida Panthers of the National Hockey League).

The yard/grass is slowly recovering from the freeze of 2010. It was very brown two weeks ago.

(Zone 6a)

Brown? Really? You'd never know! It looks like your snaps didn't even blink....they're pretty hardy, I've had them survive the winter before and thats always a nice surprise!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, everyone's grass was very very brown after the 4 or 5 days at, or below, freezing. Once it warmed back up it recovered very quickly. There are lots of trees that are losing all their foliage. They'll bounce back, but its gonna be a few months.

The snapdragons didn't mind the cold and the pansies loved it. I think I saw them "high fiveing" each other during the cold spell.

(Zone 6a)

Pansies love cold and damp weather, it seems to be if we hate the weather the pansies love it! This is going to be the second spring for some of our pansies, last summer was very cool and wet so they bloomed non-stop from spring to fall.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Lucky you! They croak here in early/mid May. They go downhill very quickly.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

My pansies in the ground looked good. The ones in the pots in the GPS looked puny.. so I booted them outside... figured looked like I had nothing to loose...

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Sounds like a good idea to me.

(Zone 6a)

I just planted some more this fall and it looks like the pansies and mums I put in the front pots might make it through the winter!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ima hoping my new mums made it. I have some in pots inthe house,,, funny they dint bloom and normaly bloom in the fall.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Wonder why they didn't bloom Blossom? Were they smaller plants that were still developing/growing? I had to drive into Ft Lauderdale today and somehow the car went into autopilot and drove right into a garden center. Lots of nice semi-short snapdragons. Really liked these white ones with yellow and purple tones, but resisted. A couple made it onto the cart, but them put them back. Ended up buying this huge 3 foot tall Calla Lily plant. The bloom stems are 18-24" long. First time I've ever seen a Calla Lily that size.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I finally had to 86 the 2 trays of Bronze Dragon...fungus did them in. Brighton Rock are looking a little iffy but the Frosted Flame are looking wonderful. Once this bad weekend of weather passes,I' sitting them outside on benches and let what ever might happen...happen. I'm not sure if I want to re-sow BB or BR this late in the game. Don't think they'd be ready before summer heat.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Red... I woudl resow. I am stil sowing some. They been poppin gup so quick. One thing I hav elearned down here w ith the heat and humidity is to tell folsk to put where they cna try and get a touch of shad ein the afternoon for at least a coupel fo hours a dn they do real well then.

LOL... Auto pilot. You sound like me. Had to go out of town and on the way home had to stop at what use d to be a favorit eplace, not no more. The owners wife died and it wa s her baby, so he sold it. The new guy that bought it is runnign it into the groudn already. I hate to see that hapen and hate to see the orginal owner sstil digign some of his trees out and he has to stand and watc somethign they had for 40 years go down the tubes.

Finally gettign round to transplantign the Twinny peach this morning got the Chantilly Orange done yesterday.

What I thought wa s funy wa s three years ago gave somebody some Night and Day snap dragon seed for a snap study they was doing, and they had a little bit of seed left and it came back to me , so gonan try and sow some of them and see what happens.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

The mums were potted Jon...just set back thas all.Still pacing, to cold to sow, no room in house either

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I see Blossom. I know you're ready to get the ball rollin with spring gardening. At least January is just about there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, we could have 8 more weeks of winter, but I sure hope not.....I think spring is coming early this year by the calender so hopefully it willbe less!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

It will get here plenty fast. Time seems to fly by. You'll be seed sewing in the near future. That'll keep you busy.

(Zone 6a)

Has anyone tried the so-called "trailing snapdragons"? Ithink they're called 'little lanterns' and are supposed to make a great hanging basket. I wondered if they really trail or were just a product of photoshop.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I wanna but donna gotta da seed for the lanterns yet!

(Zone 6a)

hmm, I'll look them up the the PF. I think I saw the seeds at walmart so I should probably pick up a pack.

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