Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

We came from here...

Well, so far, nothing is in! Well nothing here is sown anyway as for new snaps. I have a couple seed varieties on hand to sow.. they are:

Fordhook tall mix
another tall Deluxe variety - mixed colors
Tahiti mix

I really do want to try that Twinny Peach and

need to find seed.

My indoor sowing dates start about 10 weeks before 4/15. Guess I should start somewhere around the 19th of January....make progressive sowings at 8 weeks and a few more later. I could actually start today at 12 weeks before frost, but Im looking at a space problem. I still have annuals in the livingroom and office and a couple are potted snaps from last year! They are waining so maybe they will get dumped, I dont know.. or maybe I wil put thhem out in the GPS and see if they revive. I doubt they wil, but who knows as sometimes they can act as a perennial.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm waiting for my tall snaps to branch out better and start blooming more. The initial big blooms have all been cut so its probably another week or two before the new side branches get going with blooms. Once that happens things get blooming real well.

You'll find them Twinny Peach and Lollipop snaps Blossom. Just be relentless with the search. At least its still only early January.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Yes,Plant World Seeds ships to the states.That's where I just bought MORE dang seeds from. A little pricey and some of the more unusual ones have low seeds count but no worst than T&M...IMO. There a currancy option you can click on to change prices from pounds to dollars. I had good germination on most.Some of the more exotic I had trouble with but I didn't sew all the seeds so I'll try again this year.

All my snap seedlings I sowed back in late fall have been frozen,thawed,frozen,thawed and have survived. We're having temps in the lo teens for the weekend. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this doesn't do them in.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the info Patty. That's good to know. I've tried ordering from a few other UK retailers to no avail so I'll have to look them over REAL good.

It's cold here also....for Florida standards. A record low of 32/33 expected tonight (Tues) with scattered frost. Gonna have to bring all the potted hibiscus plants, and many others, into the house this evening. A real pain....which will take me an hour or two,

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Glad I brought my variegated hibiscus into the light bench. I don't think it would have survived some of the weather we've been having.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I don't think it would have survived either Patty. Here's a photo of "cleared and cold" back yard this cold morning. LOL I think I have just as many plants inside the house right now as Blossom does!!!! Thar's a 6 foot tall red passion flower vine in bloom right next to the TV. Very bizarre look.


Thumbnail by amorecuore
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I have a lot of my tenders in the house......All Over the House! Hub's always muttering about the bathroom looking like"a D**n Jungle" because that's the only warm place I have room for the big plants.He calls all of them,small or large "the Bushes". They're dropping leaves so they're mangy looking "bushes".

I'm kicking myself for not doing "Rockets" for cuts this year.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

It can't possibly be too late to change your mind on the Rocket Snapdragons, can it Patty? They right at or near the top of my favorites list.

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Jon, 33 would be nice here... At 4pm is was only 13 degrees. Two very good things about the cold is that ALL the water from the taps are icy cold and there are no Mosquitoes!!!



P.S. How tall are those 'Rockets' Snaps? I think I have got a blank pack lying around somewhere of those and would like a bit of info...

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

The problem with 33 degrees is that it's during our winter growing season. That would be like you guys getting a frost in June, right after you've started growing your summer plants.

Rocket Snapdragons eventually grow to about 36 inches in height.

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Oh, really bad...

That height would be perfect!!! Thanks!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Yeah it would be bad if annuals grown from seed die when they still have until April-May to bloom. More worried about a frost/freeze tonight as its clear and calm/no breeze. Lat night was breezy which helped keep the temps up a bit.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Wed's Low Temperature: 22 BELOW ZERO at Crane Lake Mn And International Falls Mn


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Blossom..... send me yoru addy. I have some Twiny Peach seeds. Sorry don't have the lollipops though. Haven't seen a pic of them yet.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I don't know that they would have time to reach tallest height for cuts before it got too hot.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

You might be right Patty. Mine seem to take about 3 months, from seed, to put out their initial blooms. They take about 5 months before they reach their full blooming potential. At least that's what I've noticed in the last 3 winters. They may grow a bit faster in your area. You're growing them as the days are lengthening in sunlight hours and we grow them in the fall when the daylight hours are getting shorter.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

star, im trying to remember where I saw the Lollipops! I wiill have to break out my catalogs again.. I will Dmail you as soon as I can.

Right now I gotta break out the ZAMBONEE! And plow some snow!

Jon, P, my snaps in the house are apparently still ok.. some in the GPS look like they are green and kindof alive too.

YE-haaaaa! A little iceskating music please! I can just hear the Bunny hop on the organ now! Da dum da dump da dump... ! LOL! Its a toss up, heads tails, goo team! Slap them sticks>>>>> get that puck! WHoooo hoo!

Jeez all of a sudden I like hockey! Go Cardenals go!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I love love love hockey. Played it growing up and go to all of the Florida Panthers (National Hockey League) home games down here in Sunrise, FL. Have been going to the games every year since 1993. I can see Blossom driving around on the Zamboni clearing the ice. She shoots, she scores!!!!!


(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Ok, the snow today was not all it was cracked up to be. Only 2 1/2 inches.
Blossom, -22 is just plain COLD!!!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Now I know why us Floridians think its cold when it gets below 50. There was a segment on the local news tonight. Apparently our bodies modify a bit after living here for some time. Our bodies adjust chemically over the years and focus on ways to keep us cool during the 7 months of days with highs in the 90's and lows around 80. So when it gets briefly cold here our bodies do not have sufficient time to adjust to the cool weather. Basically the segment says Floridians handle the heat better than Northerners, and Northerners handle the cold better than we do.

Yes, sometimes they're way off at predicting snow accumulations. If they're thinking you're gonna get an inch of liquid precipitation that's approximately 10 inches of snow. If you only end up getting 1/10 of an inch in liquid that's only 1 inch of snow. Much trickier predicting snow accumulations.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Snaps are slow growers for me. That's the reason I started them back in the fall so I could get a jump start on them this spring.

No snow here but colder than a well diggers butt in Montana. Big ole 12 % this am with hi of 29. I slept in sweat pants,t-shirt,sweat shirt,two pair of socks and tucked 3 dogs around me last night. Big momma,Angel against my back,poppa dog Scooby at my feet and that lil 2 pounder chu-who-a-who-a against the front of me. Got about a palm-size area warmed with her...LOL

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Danny, well, it aint -22 here.. thats in MN, the coldest spot in the country.

I got -> And right now since we are having to drive, we are not happy with the 10-20-30 hawk.

Hi: 14°
POP: 30% Cloudy with a 30 percent chance of snow. Highs 12 to 16. Wind chills as low as zero to 10 below zero. Northwest winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph at Times.

Friday Night
Partly Cloudy
Lo: -2°
Partly cloudy. Very cold. Lows zero to 4 below. Wind chills as low as 10 below to 20 below zero. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.

Mostly Sunny
Hi: 10°
Mostly sunny. Highs 8 to 12 above.

Saturday Night
Mostly Clear
Lo: -1°
Mostly clear. Lows 3 below to 1 above zero

Im fortunate, I can take the cold or the heat.. its humidity and the barametric pressure at about 29 that gets me.Seems whe the barometric pressure sets there at 29 thats when the aches and pains hit.

Red, sounds like with that croud you are keeping plenty warm cept for yer butt... sounds though to me you need another chew-who- who to keep that other a-hem warm.

Took me 2 hours to get the white stuff off our lane yesterday....that was fun! LOL! Good thing the hound here lost the qwarter toss for riding the ZAMBONEE otherwise we both would be scratching fleas and pulling hairs.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I need another chu-who-a-who-a so I could use them for ear muffs*G*

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Wow, I guess the snaps are slow growers for you Patty. The Rocket snaps are always 90-110 days from seed to first blooms here. Will my snaps do ok if we have a light frost on Sunday and Mon morning or are they very sensitive to frost????

That weather is WAY too cold Blossom. Does your GPS have heat in it or does it get very cold also? Today is our one day break from the cold. It supposed to be mostly sunny high of 74. Tonight things start to quickly go down hill with a low of 50 and temperatures falling through the 40's with showers Saturday. Possible frost/freeze for Sun and Mon mornings. I noticed the word "snow" has appeared in the Sat morning forecast for Orlando and West Palm Beach.....a very rare event for central and south Florida.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Jon, the garden and the GPS is closed for the winter. the electric and the LP is outrageous.

2 chew whoo whooos.. dang patty I thought you was using the hub fer muffs?

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Oh... I quess I didn't read your post thoroghly;)

Has anybody seen those climbing Snaps? I know they are not true snaps, but look like snappies. >

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Not yet Danny.

Jon.. heres the reason why the GPS is closed for the season...

Partly Cloudy
Hi: 15°
Partly cloudy. Highs 13 to 17. Lowest wind chill readings 5 below to 15 below zero early in the morning. Northwest winds around 10 mph.

Mostly Clear
Lo: -3°
Mostly clear. Lows 1 to 5 below. Wind chills as low as 5 below to 15 below zero. Northwest winds around 10 mph early in the evening becoming light and variable in the late evening and overnight.

Mostly Sunny
Hi: 17°
Mostly sunny. Highs 15 to 19. Lowest wind chill readings 5 below to 15 below zero in the morning. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph.

Sunday Night
Partly Cloudy
Lo: 14°
Partly cloudy. Lows 12 to 16. Southwest winds 10 to 15

Heating with LP unless your a busines will kill a little guy. You got to know where to cut your losses! I cut it in the LP, buy plugs later. Cuts risk too. One powerfailure without back up and insurance and your business is toast.

Stay warm! We are.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

That's a little on the cool side Blossom. I had to call the air conditioning/heating company because the heater would stop heating in the middle of the night. At some point it would just go to circulating the air. It was 59 and 60 inside the house two mornings this week. Seems to be working now, but I've got a nice cough/cold. It was a rainy/ balmy 50 at 7AM and now is a rainy 45, and dropping, at 8:30AM. At least the snow is staying in North and Central Florida.

Here's a photo of some "Rocket Pink" Snapdragons on this damp, dreary, cool morning.


Thumbnail by amorecuore
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)


Show off!*G*

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL. I know I shouldn't be complaining when you guys are freezing your butts off. Here's another photo from this morn of the "Rieger" Begonia and "SunHosta" Hosta. Hehe


Thumbnail by amorecuore
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)


Just came back from GH....everything looks like frozen lettuce but so does everything outside so hopefully,they'll bounce back. GH need watering but pipes are froze. Tomorrow's high suppose to be 49. I'll set up the sprinklers in there.

Everything in the compost bucket was frozen...couldn't dump it so I just left it upside down on the pile and got another bucket.

Septic tank in trailer court is over flowing because one household left all there taps on a drip so now all the water that came down into the road in front of my house and I had to make like Hans Christain Anderson to the GH....LOL Glad I didn't fall.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Jon..... Nice to see some pretty bloosm and pics. With the wind was 8F here this morning and worst to coem tonight yet and tommorrow night.

Red. LOL echoing your pift. heheheheh hope yoru stuff coems back. Mine lookign the same and with such bitte r bitter cold, nto sure what if anythign will come back. Sure hope your pipe s thaw withotu bursting.

Do any of you pinch your snaps back when they small to get them to bush out even more?

Comign from north to south I didn't realiz e there wouldn't be places to ice skate. I heald on to my skate s in closet for years and years and years and finalyl tossed them out this past spring, now I wishgn I had them. Rain the other night had turne d everythign to sheet of ice.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

At least this will be the last of the cold for the time being. Everyone's gonna get back to normal by mid week. We're gonna have some pretty impressive wind chills tonight of 15-25 degrees with winds out of the North at 20-30 mph.

LOL. I still have my ice skates down here in Ft Lauderdale. We can't skate outdoors for obvious reasons. There is a skating rink, not far from here, open 12 months of the year. Imagine ice skating in Ft Lauderdale in the middle of July. Pretty weird.

I don't pinch my tall snapdragons back when they are still short....although I probably should. They eventually branch out very well, but probably would branch out even faster if they were pinched at 6 inches.


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

You guys are a bunch of chilly bones! I dont usually turn the heat on in the house until the house gets a steady 47. Then I turn the heat on 50! When it gets like this I will go 60 days , maybe 65 at night.

Well it did warm up.. the wind was not as they said it was going to be. But it was zero. I turned our horses out to play and they were having a blast making snow angels!

Patty, how deep are your pipes? are you talking just froze above ground? Your frost line cannot be anywhere near ours!

Got a couple house plants today.

Star... check yer d-mail...

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Yep, I'm a wimp. Don't want the house temp below 60 and don't like it above 70. Temperature still slowly dropping here all afternoon. Its a drizzling 41 degrees. Talked to my first year gardening brother in Sarasota, FL this afternoon. Sounds like he's already lost about half of his plants and the coldest nights are yet to come. LOL He used lots of 4 letter words during the conversation.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, I do pity you for your loses! Im sure you have already thought on replacements!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Those are my brothers loses. I haven't lost anything yet....knock on wood. Anything tender and in pots is inside the garage again. Only potted things left outside are some echinaceas, rudbeckias, bearded iris. Did you have to run the zamboni and clear some more snow today Blossom?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Did get a couple more house plants though. Got a prayer plant, couple polka dots and a NOID.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

What are those plants in the photo Blossom? They kind of look like the tropical vinca that grows down here. I saw some nice potted hyacinth bulb plants at the supermarket today, so I bought one of them. They had some tulips and daffodils in pots also, but restrained and just got the one.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Corytoplectus cutucuensis
Ruellia makoyana

i was told both go figure

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