Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Sage, stem rot is not a problem here. I think that is a problem in warmer areas, we rarely break 75 in the summer here (or any time of year). The highest temp ever recorded here is 87.

Daniel, Thanks - I wish I had thought up that planting scheme.

Here is Sonata again, from 1991>

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

nice.... Maybe a border of Dwarf Cosmos is in order;) This Spring of course, lol.

Summer here, at max, can be in excess of 90F. But last summer was weird, only reached 85 thrice and was rainy and cool. Made for excellect growth on all my plants.


Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Here is a larger shot than the one above...oddly shaped because of bad editing.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Nice shape! Nice flowers:>)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Dale, I just realized you've moved! So you don't have to deal with the sweltering Florida summers anymore- lucky you! Are you building up a new client base now that you're settled in?

That Sonata border is stunning!

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


Yes I have moved....about 3,400 miles from Tampa. I am still pounding the pavement looking for clients. So far I have two.

It is a slow time of year. The days are short, the weather is cold and everyone seems to be worried about the economy. I am hoping next months longer days and slightly warmer weather will shake things loose.

I live near here>

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
(Zone 6a)

I'm hoping to start some cosmos this year, I have a few types but I'm not sure which ones I'll be growing. However, I just came across this type! I have never seen or heard of it before! Has anyone here grow it? Apparently theres a 'Campus Yellow' and 'Campus Orange' as well! They'll come up with a google search. I found some pics of them but no sellers :(

(Zone 6a)

I just wanted to add the 'Campus Yellow' looks alot like 'Yellow Garden' to me although the Campus Orange is a sort of creamy pinky orange.....I liked it! Let me know what you all think!

Heres the yellow
and the orange

just to note to that there are not my photos.

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Both are nice colors. I like pastel colored flowers.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Wishing you the best of luck, Dale! With your talent, I feel sure you'll have plenty of work in no time :-)

Love the Campus Cosmos! A whole new spectrum of colors will be popping up among C. bipinatus in the next few years!

Daniel, Wishing you a wonderful Birthday! Treating yourself to a new seed order today?

Goodman, MO

What do you all think of the double click cosmos?

(Zone 6a)

I like the pics I've seen of double click, but have yet to grow them. I'm hoping this year.

now, I was thinking....I've got a large flowered white cosmo called 'purity' and if I planted them with the double clicks is it possible they might cross and their seeds might come up as something inbetween?

Goodman, MO

Purity looks very nice to me, but I have only seen pictures.

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Cross breeding two hybrid plants will give you a lot of new varieties. There is no telling how they will turn out, genetics is a random process (mostly).

I am out of cosmos photos, how about some tulips?

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Nice Tulips Dale!

Thanks Gemini for the B-Day wishes!

The one Cosmo that I think is the best is 'Pysche White'.
The flowers are huge, 4 inches. And all of them are stunning pure white. The frill in the center is what I think sold me on this plant.
Here is where my pix of it can be found>

I bought a pack of Double Clicks, but forgot to sow them, so I can do them this year instead. The pix that are used to advertise this plant are almost too good to be true. I hope that they will perform like the Pysches (better than the commercial promises)!


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Happy B-Day DMgardener!

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks Joanna!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Another Happy B-Day Daniel~


(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks Donna!

Melbourne, FL

Here are some Cosmo seedlings in my garden.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Looking good and they're coming along well. They're quick growers so it shouldn't be long. The "winter blast" last month killed a couple of mine. The only ones that survived were the ones in small containers that were brought inside.

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Pom, they're so cute!!! Gonna see those everywhere in my gardens in just a few weeks...

Saw daffidols leaves and baby poppy plants when I went out and got the mail... Spring soon? Even though, in about 4 hours there is going to be 7" of snow all over South-Western OH;)

Jon, how cold was that winter blast? Cosmos up here last at seedling stage untill 40F.

Wishing everybody a Spring full of blooms!


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

It was the coldest stretch of weather since 1977. On Jan 8, the high was 40 degrees. For about 4 nights, that week, it was upper 20's/low 30's in South Florida, mid 20's Central Florida, upper teens in North Florida.

Melbourne, FL

Yes, it was devastating. Most of the plants in my backyard are brown or dead. It's nice to see signs of life like these seedlings in the garden.

(Zone 6a)

I saw some tiny seedlings in my garden today but have no clue what they are!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Get OUT!! Isn't it still winter there???

(Zone 6a)

It is. Everything is frozen solid. Whatever they are they've been there for a while.

Melbourne, FL

First Cosmo blooms coming!

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Calgary, Canada

Yellow Garden Cosmos must be a bipinnatus---it is taller and not like the sulphurous ones.
I do not know for sure though.

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

YAY! Snow is gone! (except on the Iris, and a bit on the Poppies, hydrangeas, parsley, tuplips and the Hollyhocks)
Pom, that's beautiful! What a great way to begin Spring! lol

CLS, I have thought the same. Here is what I think I have seen on the Annual forum a few times>


Calgary, Canada

It seems to flower later so I am wondering if it is a short day plant.
This year I will seed them either on east or west of house so they get less light earlier in the summer.

Melbourne, FL

First Cosmos getting close to opening.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Wayne, NE

DaleTheGardener--how tall are those cosmos in the border?? They appear to be short but may be an optical illusion???

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Little_Squirt, those are the 'Sonata' series of Cosmos Dale posted, they get about 2 1/2' tall- very user friendly in the garden!

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Snow's gone, shrubs & perennials are making a comeback annnnddd Daffs! Buds only, yet...
But no cosmos... Time will remedy;)

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

My daffs are starting to bloom! They are real simple daffs, not the big fancy ones, but I like them anyway. I'm so glad I rescued them.

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Rescued, huh? Great!! The only ones I have are Ice Follies, which turn white, a few of those Doubles (which are unbelievably fragrant!) and a mix containing different colors, like oranges and whites and yellow.
The buds are swelling, the rain is here and plants are happy, YAY!


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

When I was digging the daffs up I accidently cut off some of them. They were growing in amongst buried rocks. Anyway the ones I cut off I brought home and put in water. They had already set flower buds so I thought I'd see if they would bloom. AND THEY DID!!!

They are not big fancy daffs, but I love the bright yellow and they will look get when the are placed in the garden for next year. For now I have them all in pots and they are doing well.

I wonder how they would do planted in amongst cosmos?

Thumbnail by marti001
Melbourne, FL

My first Cosmo of 2010 opened this morning.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

Another view.

Thumbnail by gardenpom

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