Newbies Seed Junkie chit chat !! 12-31-09

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

New thread to start the new year...

Come on in everyone beware of creeping vines.. We came form here'''

Direction for free seed here

Newbies that get lost and found here

Lasagna Bed for newbies here

Jan's Seed Auction here

The high priestess and her Loyal followers Brug sprout off contest

Thumbnail by locakelly
Enid, OK

Ok, I made it, where is everyone else?

I'm here. I was just telling you how to do it so later if you find someone you would like to make a trade with, you would know how to share and still keep your plant in tact. Good info to have. BUT if you INSIST?!?!- No just kidding.LOL I don't do many inside plants because not good light here inside and no place good outside for correct shade for them to live. I'll just lust- I mean, admire, from afar. Thanks anyway.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I would love one of the Begonia's Lori.
What did you name the dog Mekos?/

MO-JO-HE-TO ( Mojoito) Gonna call her Mojo.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello everyone...Hope your having a great day... Mindy prayers for your nephew and endi prayers for your sister.... Its over cast here today but the temp is reasonable... I think im going to get outside and see what I can get done.... I need to fill in some low spot in the drive with gravel... maybe the boys will wanna help(ha)... My youngest is actually in the woods torchering the poor lil squirrels with his new shot gun...Guess we can have squirrell dumplings for supper..Ive heard him shoot 3 times already..Talk to you all later.. Trish

He should come torture some of mine a little bit so maybe they would leave my bulbs alone. The little theives are always digging my bulbs and plants up when I'm inside.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Yes they will for sure dig your bulbs and plants and can be quiet aggrevating at times...
He dearly loves to hunt them... He isnt allowed to shoot any thing in the yard.. Thats a safe zone for all animals... except snakes(poisonous ones) unless DH sees it then its a dead snake...I had a lil blue racer that lived in a flower pot beside the back door...I knew he stayed there and he would climb above door and sun on the ledge... Kids knew he was there too... He stuck his head out on day when Rob(DH) was trying to unlock the door and almost gave him a heart attack... Almost scared the snake to death too... lol He didnt kill the snake but took alot of talking on my part to save his lil life...

woooohhhhooooooo! LOL If it had been here, Talk wouldn't have saved anything. OH my goodness. The only good snake is a dead one around me. I don't like snakes anywhere close to my house. Anywhere else, ok but not here where I walk around or my animals walk. No talk would do any good around here. No, no, no.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

one of the plants is a varigated vinca and the other one is a( peperomia) spelling? The peperomias are rather hard to keep or at least for me they are . They like bright light but not direct sun. That vinca will out live everything else you have there LOL I got mine and have tried to get rid of it as it takes over everything if not contained and it just keeps coming back :((((((((((((
The begonia try to keep it out of direct sun too as it will literally fry in full sun.Lost mine like that :(((((((((((((

Hey you guys, the seed catalog bombardment started today. I got Thompson and Morgan, Henry Fields, and Gurney's. Some good looking stuff in them.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Jungs, and everything else. They want our money. For heavens sake don't plant that Vinca out or it will grow everywhere you don't want it. I wish I hadn't ever got any. But I do so I'm stuck wih it. Anyone want Oxalis??? I got plenty of that but it is so pretty with it's little pink blooms. Just let me know..

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I'd love some of you Oxalis. Let me know how you want to do it.

RRM, I have some with white blooms, you want white blooms and green leaves. I'd like the pink blooms, what color leaves?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh my goodness you all got one over on me!! Happy New year!! Kelly you trickster you have you been hanging with Lucy???

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi Robin... lol

Made it earlier - Lucy told me I better or else... I don't wanna find out what she means by or else . . .

I think she started where Cue left off. She has been causing trouble already, Arejay. What happened to Cue anyway? did she move off without us?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Lucy's been pretty mean lately... Hopefully she's not mad at cue... Maybe I better check on her, huh?

What happened to Gilda too?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)
Duplicate thread....

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yeah - she musta decided Florida was warmer than all y'alls places this time of year. Maybe she's waiting until spring to travel...

What are you doing tonight mekos? Ordering from seed catalogs - lol?

Please step away from the credit card Ma'am!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I think Cue has been busy busy with her son and writing and remember she was sick with the flu for a bit. Maybe she got the writing contract and she just hasn't had a lot of sit in time.....
I am positive she did not go and get famous and forget about us .

No, she just forgot about us. She better get her be hind over here, she needs to ring in the new year with US.

Hehehe I liked that Loca. (the credit card thingy) hehe You know me don't you?!?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

lol - and I know myself... I think we're all related somehow for reals. I'm getting ready to spend some $$$ in mamajack's Mum Co-op!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Green leaves on the Oxalis. Want some??
We can swap. Maybe make pink and white strips ☺.
That would be great.

You been holding out on us? where is that at?
You know them buzzards are waiting on Arejays seed stash, don't ya?

Look at them beadey eyes looking through her window at her.

Philadelphia, PA

Just stopped by to wish a Happy New Year to all the seed junkies

Love ya

Mitt did you see Robin's beady eyed buzzards looking at her window while she took the picture of them?
Happy New Year, Mitt. Hope you had a great Christmas and better new year to come. You gonna count down the new year with us tonight?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi Mit!

Long time no see - Happy New Year to you too my Iris friend!

Mojitos and turkey sammiches for everyone tonight!

Philadelphia, PA

Jan, they're definately Buzzards. I heard they cook them up like turkeys up there in maine.

Hi Kelly! Happy New Year. Did you ever get your iris bed finished ?

Where is the Goth girl tonight? Is Robin here?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Drunk turkeys!!! that's worse than Drunk Mules.
We gonna have fun tonight. Charley goin' to be jealous of them birds
gettin' all the attention. You know Charley loves you, Mekos.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Nope Mit. Still don't have the bed built, but your Irises are really too happy in their pots all toed in for the winter - lol. They might bloom there if I don't get my hiney in gear here real soon☺

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh no are you killing my turkeys off for sandwiches ?? Did I spell that right you all say samsomething es so much I dont know how to spell it anymore...
Hi Mitt I am here for the moment how are you? Do you see them killing off my turkeys?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Buzzards? We dont have buzzards maybe some turkey hawks.....Buzzards dont live up here in the cold. Those are definately turkeys...They gobble.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Charley would simply press them with his hooves. ☺

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

This is getting serious pressed turkey sandwiches....oh run my little gobblers...

Them are Turkey buzzards, just ask Mitt. He saw em too.
Turkey sammiches and mojitos tonight for sure.
Charlie and mojoito will be watching.

Philadelphia, PA

Hi Robin Happy New Year

I think mekos is right...............they're BUZZARDS

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