Master Historic Iris List for 2010

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

As I upload the updated listing of Historic Iris for 2010, it has been getting more difficult to get companies to impart on information of what historic Irises they are growing. Some companies that grow historics are slowing giving way to moderns and a few companies are closing down their shops after many years of doing business. I even had a small argument with Kelly Norris, AIS Bulletin Editor, stating that what I was doing was "redundant and a waste of time" since supposedly HIPS already does this.

As a HIPS member, I know this to be false. Otherwise, I would not be doing this. More and more, I'm finding myself getting disgruntled compiling this list since many companies are not cooperative, but the way I look at it is this: if I stop now, the only things getting hurt are the Iris that are endangered. Of course, this is against everything we at HIPS are about.

As of yet, the only company that has truly updated their historic listing for 2010 is Superstition Iris Gardens. The rest of the gardens I have updated on their most recent listing I have to include 1980 introductions. I will be doing minor updates, as they update their own listing for the 2010 season.

I have added seven "new" iris companies to the listing, five of which I have tried last year: Breezeway Iris Garden, Echo Iris Garden, IrisGal.Com, Matthews Iris Garden, Stanton Iris Gardens, The Iris Patch and Williamson Farm Flowers. I am excited at the many rarities they are offering. These companies are in bold-face.

Sadly, there were only 129 introductions from 1980 added to the list. More of an indication that I personally believe that the cut-off date for historic Iris should be at least 25, if not 20 years, rather than 30. Nonetheless, I hope this list proves to be an invaluable tool in obtaining your historic treasures.

Happy Browsing,

Carlos Ayento
Brighton Park Iris

MASTER HISTORIC IRIS LIST 2010 (Excel Database Sheet)

Note: Irises in RED are newly added to the listing.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thank you for all the work you put into this Carlos.

As an historic iris lover this information is invaluable.

I do have a question though. I am not very versed on Excel. I can scroll down, but how do I scroll to the right to get the names of companies after My Wild iris Rows. I know Superstition has to be on there.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

On the bottom, right hand corner is a scroll bar, in which you can scroll sideways. Let me know if you need further assistance.


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I thought it probably was, but I keep scrolling down and down and don't seem to come to the bottom. Any quicker way to get to it then scrolling? I kept scrolling down until I was into the 7000s and never reached the bottom.

Maybe no one else has the problem.

What am I doing wrong, Carlos?

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

Oh, Carlos! This is great, thank you. I am also a member of HIPS, and I appreciate all your hard work. 3, 589, that's a lot of our old ones, have to see how many on the list that I have and ones I would like to have.

Thanks again

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Polly, I think you are using the wrong scroll bar. There is a scroll bar that goes vertically and a scroll that goes horizontally on the bottom of the program, towards the right.
Rose, you are welcome.


Thumbnail by CHA
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

'm sorry Carlos, but I'm not seeing this. Maybe it's just me, somehow I'm not getting the scroll bar on the bottom of the screen. Hopefully you can see how I get it on the side of the screen but not the bottom, and I kept scrolling down and down, and still never came to the side scroll.

Thumbnail by pollyk
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Would someone else please try it, and see if they have the bottom scroll, and I'll see what's wrong with mine. I hate to be a pest, Carlos, but I really like the list, and will be able to use it.

Beatrice, NE(Zone 5b)

Polly, if you maximize the worksheet by clicking the button that looks like an open square next to the red and white X button (the one in the top right corner of the worksheet, NOT the one in the very top right corner of the program), you should be able to see the bottom scroll bar.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


KSBaptisia, is correct. Hit the maximize button and it will expand the document to full-screen. Then you should be able to see the horizontal scroll bar below.


Thumbnail by CHA
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Polly: My pc is connected to a 32" HD tv and I could not see the scroll bars either.
On a hunch, I 'saved' the spreadsheet to my Excel 2007, exited DG and opened it
thru Excel. Everything works normally then. But, CHA's updates to the original
will not appear on your file copy. You will need to coordinate with CHA the interval
to delete the present file and save the updated version. Hope this answers your

While this list does not have the HIPS pictures, it is helpful in locating a source for
the oldies. A lot of hard work was put into the list and should be appreciated by
all the members.

This message was edited Dec 30, 2009 3:36 PM

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Whew, OK. Thanks everyone. I have it now. Told you I was not computer savvy.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Great amount of work. I will use it for sure. Thanks so much. Patti

Cha Thank you for all that great work you did. It is so sad that so many, or most, historical irises are unavailable or difficult to locate. This past spring, I contacted Schreiner regarding historical irises. I have their 1984 catalog that I have saved and now all could be considered historical. When asked if they would consider printing a catalog of historical irises for the public, I was told that all those historical irises are not saved but have been destroyed.

I do lean towards the modern irises more than the historical ones. However, I do have some, plus one I have never seen offered for sale. It is my favorite historical bearded. I saw that 2 companies in Excel data do offer this one for sale. I recommend this iris highly.

It was offered in Schreiners 1950 catalog. Came across it during a search.

Here is the photo of it, Buffawn (Andrew 1940) Height 34". Pronounced flaring in shrimpt to salmond-buff with prominent orange beard. Excellent bloomer. Blooms early, end of May or first week in June, depending on the season's weather. Does not produce extremely large rhizomes compared to other bearded varieties.

Thumbnail by
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

CHA, thank you so much, your hard work is appreciated.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

This is a display of the file opened by my Excel. I found I could edit the spreadsheet
even though the original is 'Read Only'. Simply save the original to your own Excel,
open the file, make modifications and save the file again. The original is not over-
written so you always have the original plus any changes you make. May be helpful
when members find errors or additional info. You will need to work out the copyright
issues with CHA.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone,

First, thanks for the comments. Oldgardenrose, I'm not sure why it's saying 'Read Only.' In any event, all you should have to do is save it somewhere on your hard drive when you download it and open it from there. It's definitely not copyrighted, I make no profit out of this. Feel free to let me know of any corrections. I have been doing this for HIPS for about 4 years now and many of the HIPS members who have Internet access find it incredibly useful.


Central, SC

Echo Iris has Buffawn for sale.

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the info on Buffawn...just ordered it along with a couple of others!

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for all of your hard work, Carlos. It is appreciated!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Last year a lot of yellow Iris popped up in my one flowerbed..I know I must have planted them but don't remember it. They were beautiful so I am looking forward to seeing them again this Spring/Summer. What's your opinion about Reblooming Iris. and what has your experience with them been? Reblooming varities make sense to me!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Reblooming Iris depends on your zone and cultural practicies. Typically people who live in warmer climates tend to have better chances with remontancy than people who live in colder climates. Rebloom is never guaranteed. If it reblooms for me, its a nice bonus, but I don't buy rhizomes just because they are rebloomers.


Parkersburg, WV

I could not get links to open, any suggestions?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

You should be able to just click on the link. Perhaps copying and pasting into a new browser window?


Brunswick, MO(Zone 5a)

SDB Iris Yo-Yo is also available from Gilbert H. Wild in Reed, MO for the 2010 season.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

I am beginning to collect historics, but it is jarring to me to see 1980 called "historic" !!! That was just yesterday it seems...There could be an intermediate category called something other than historic, like recent historics or vintage historics, etc. Isn't vintage a term for clothing, furnishings, etc. that you remember from your childhood?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

LOL I am so agreeing with you re: the 1980's historic thing:lol: Never thought I'd see legwarmers available for retail sale again and they are! Neither vintage or historic--mainly atrocious:lol:

I've been buying a few IB, SDB, MTB and AB's this year which are all new to me. I have seen some really great historics that I'll have to buy next season now:lol: I find your lists very helpful and appreciate the time and effort put into putting them together and updating them.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

The Spring 2010 issue of HIPS Roots has an entire page of survey questions and discussions concerning the topic of historics. Much too long to reproduce here but the last question deals with breaking down the classification into 'antique', 'heirloom' and 'contemporary'.

South Hamilton, MA

Lady at the ISM iris sale was pleased to find Dalmatica. It seems that the nursery where she purchases a few historics did not offer it this year. I don't think that she buys by mail.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for all that hard work. Saving this list


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