Growing MGs in Containers

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I just had to start a new thread about this. I've just recently started some seeds again in cups on my window shelf. Just a few this winter as I am also starting veggies and fruit on the window shelf too. I have been doing a little research on self-watering containers. I borrowed a VERY interesting book from the library, "Incredible Vegetables from Self-Watering Containers" by Edward Smith. This is one of those books I may have to buy from :-)

Anyway, I grew the majority of MGs this past year in pots/containers. I am seriously thinking of creating self-watering containers out of the white 5 gallon buckets/containers my dh has been bringing home from work. I found a website (pdf file) that shows how to make self-watering containers out of all kinds of items. Much to my great surprise ... they even showed how to make self-watering containers out of those buckets. It was the most simple plan of all those listed in that article. I am now wondering if that might be the way to go for me. Perhaps that would help cut down on rust fungus which spreads by rain and watering the vines above ground. Self-watering containers would cut down on water being splashed on the leaves and vines of any I. nils I might grow which is how that rust fungus spreads from plant to plant. The spores spread and thrive by moisture on the leaves and stems. If there is no above ground watering of the plants, perhaps the rust won't have a chance to spread as quickly. Sounds good in theory anyway ...

Dany - Were all the containers you grew MGs in this past season self-watering containers? Or did you use a sprinkler or hand-watering system?

Here is the link to the pdf instructions:

The article is 37 pages long and has photos to illustrate how these self-watering containers were designed and constructed.

I also found a couple more articles on self-watering containers. Including the Earthbox brand name. Which as a series of videos that are excellent in explaining how the self-watering system works. Sounds like something worth trying! Some of you may already be growing container plants this way, but I am just now discovering it. :-) Definitely a great idea to help combat the heat and water evaporation here in Florida. I gonna try growing veggies this way, too!

Other links:

And of course, here is the website for Earthboxes: (check out the videos)

My dh no longer questions when I ask him to drill holes or make unusual arbors or build a 3-tiered bed. LOL! He now just says ... tell me what you want me to do and I will build it per your specifications! LOL! He's excited that I might grow veggies and fruit. You know ... something edible and useful! LOL! Instead of all those flowering plants! hee, hee ...

This message was edited Dec 27, 2009 11:05 PM

Thumbnail by beckygardener

Self watering system would certainly make life easier.

this would be great ! ...I need to get more of those Crystals that Hold water (Poly-Sorb?) does any one remember if that is the right name?...that and Messenger~ tis the Season to start getting ready!! With the Crystals and self watering pots it would be real easy and orry free for the west facing plants for me.


Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I have lots of five gallon pales from kitty litter I am going to use some of them this year

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Mona - 5 gallon kitty litter pails should work well! :-) I am thinking of spray painting my white containers with paint made for covering plastic. Not solid colors, but just an abstract design by just making them multi-color using squirts of spray. The solid white stands out too much in my garden beds, so I need to do something to soften them and make them blend in more with their surroundings. I'll be stacking them inside each other (2 containers deep) to make them self-watering containers, so they will be even taller than they already are. They already tower over many of my smaller plants. I have another idea on how to display them, too. But won't mention that until I try it to see how it looks. :-) If there is a will, there is a way! :-)

Joseph - I am betting that the self-watering containers will work very well here in Florida. And it will make watering my plants so much easier if this works out. :-) Plus the fertilizer won't be leached out but will continue to feed the plants through the wicking process. :-) This year is going to be an experiment in home made self-watering containers! LOL! I'll keep y'all posted. :-)

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

yes there is a paint for splastic I used it and it was great I think its called cronic fusion or something comes in many different colors in the large spray cans, thanks for reminding me I will paint them in early spring, right now I have two of them in the house with brugs in them I think I will let them go dormant having problems with bugs on them so I think I will cut them back and store them in the dark till spring that is what I did with the lantana and dahias and geraniums easier that way less work

the only reason the brugs stayed up was that they had lots of blooms on them and since they started late because of all the rain we had I really wanted to see them bloom and now they are done so nighty night to them also

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Mona - Glad to hear that you got to enjoy the blooming brug. :-) They are beautiful flowering plants!

My dh and I built my first self-watering containers. Here is a photo of one before I fill it with a potting mix recipe from Al (tapala): I got the ingredients locally and it was quite cheap vs. potting mixes I've been buying. This mix should work very well with the self-watering container I built. We shall see ...

I did use PVC for the pipe sticking up in the planter for filling with water. I will be making up a couple of the self-watering containers and adding in some of my veggie plants tomorrow. Here is a photo of the constructed buckets. Looks like it is going to work rather nicely. Fingers crossed!!! I decided to use PVC. Right on the PVC it said "Drinking Water", so I am being optimistic and hoping that they no longer put toxins in the PVC. The PVC manufacturer has a website: . It appears to be produced in Florida. I will be checking their website to learn more about the safety of their PVC products.

I'm attempting something completely new here:

1) Making up my own container soil mix
2) Making and using self-watering containers for the first time
3) Growing veggies as well as flowering plants.

This is going to be an interesting experiment! I've still got a few other things up my sleeve this project! LOL!

Thumbnail by beckygardener

Are there holes in the cup in the center of the top bucket? I presume there are 2 buckets, one to hold the soil system + plant, and the bottom one to hold the water and nutrients, yes?

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

You are correct, Joseph. The solo cup in the center has numerous vertical slits up and down the cup to allow water to wick from the bottom bucket into the soil in the cup and up into the soil in the top bucket. I'll find out how well it works tomorrow when I try this self-watering container out for the first time. Should be interesting...

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

when I lived in toronto and had a space problem I grew tomatos and peppers also egg plant and cucumbers all in five gallon buckets it worked really well it also works for pole beans amazing what can be grown that way also did spices

for outdoor growing I use triple mix which is part soil, sand, compost and I add poop to it and everything grows really well also it helps to mulch to keep moist and to not have it dry out as much

it DH cuts down the last two large trees that need to come down my vegi garden will expand we have it in two levels right now but it should have two more when we are done mmmm wondering it that will be ready to plant this year or maybe for my second crop of beans or something

I am now really tired and going to crash so good night for now

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