Think Spring! Seed Swapping thread

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

This thread is in relation to the "Think Spring!" seed swap party in Frederick on Feb. 27. See this thread for details:

Here is where we can chat about seeds we have, seeds we're looking for, etc. You can also arrange trades on this thread. It is not necessary to arrange a single trade in advance for the swap, but some people find it useful. It's also handy to gauge interest in a particular kind of seed so you know when you're packing seeds if you should make up 6 packets or 26.

If needed, we can create a "lists" thread for the swap with just 1 post per person for our "have" and "want" lists (making them easier to find), but let's see how things progress. :-)

Thumbnail by critterologist
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I'll get this rolling. I'll be mailing my seeds since It is to far away for me to attend. So I think I'll have to mail by Feb.16th. I'll add to this list as I get the seeds packets done. I think if there are any questions, or folks asking for seeds to be saved for them, we should d-mail so as to not clutter the thread. I can add names after the seeds that are spoken for. And put Closed when I run out.

Looking for :
Foxglove "Candy Mountain"
Lupin - any color will do
Saliva- Coral Nymph or Cherry Blossom or Hot Lips
Salpiglossis, Kew Blue

Have: I have more then one packet of these seeds, so if there is a name beside it there is still more to give away.

Pensteman "Red Rocks" (Carolyn22, Stormy)

4 O'Clocks mixed colors (Holly, onewish1)
Datura, Pale white/lavender, small flower.
Datura, Double Purple, large flower.
Nicotiana "Tinkerbell" (onewish1)
Laurentia "Avant-Garde" (GardenQuilts)
Dianthus "Siberian Blue" ( Holly, GardenQuilts )
Canterbury Bells (GardenQuilts)
White Milkweed
Foxglove- Pam's Choice (Carolyn22, gardadore )
Sweet William
Canna, Red -Dewarf
Ornamental Pepper, Black Pearl
Tithonia _Mexican Sunflower

Box has been mailed out to Stormy 1-14-2010

This message was edited Jan 13, 2010 8:51 AM

This message was edited Jan 14, 2010 2:39 PM

This message was edited Feb 21, 2010 7:35 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I haven't looked thru my seeds yet but
I should have some

Double Purple Datura
Hyacinth Bean

Lady I would be interested in your
Broken Color 4:00's
Dianthus "Siberian Blue"

Here is a pic of the Double Purple Datura that Ladyg and I have.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

--Datura -double yellow
--Ornamental peppers, purple small leafed with some splashes of white or pink, black peppers turning red an inch long, similar to
--Scabiosa Scarlet Sundae- will share a new packet of seed.
--Penstemon digitalis (somewhere, I know I saw a bag of seedheads around here) --still hunting for these darn penstemon seeds, afraid I may not have them after all because I know I have self sown small plants that I could share in spring
--Agastache Golden Jubilee (golden lime foliage, blue flowers) sharing new seed pack
--Matthiola evening stock-new seed pack to share ,never grown this~~~ladygardener
--Cotton gossypium- needs long season but will make cotton bolls
--Cow horn Okra- amaze your friends with giant dried pods!
--Aquilegia, mostly a blue one but may have crossed with others, two year old seed-stormyla, and

*Cuttings, sandwich baggies size
--A leaf or cutting of pigs ears (Kalanchoe)
--Baby Mother of Thousands, either flat skinny triangle leaf, or tubular leaf
--Baby common aloes, my dad is committed to separating all the babies and then doesn't know what to do with them!

=I'll bring sample bags of rice hulls for you to try as potting amendment sub for vermiculite
=Can bring lots of empty rinsed milk jugs for your winter sowing


I'll edit later

This message was edited Jan 16, 2010 9:48 PM

This message was edited Feb 11, 2010 7:37 PM

Athens, PA

Ok - just went throught everything. I am sending my seeds to Stormyla. I will not be able to attend with the distance and the weather being what they are.

My haves:
6 xCalla Lily bulbs - Crystal Blush. I have a picture below and some bulbs are large and some are not.
Tip Top Mahagony Nasturtium - From Swallowtail Seeds, so I doubt they have cross pollinated
2 xTip Top Alaska Nasturtium -- 1 promised to Ladygardener1 -1 promised to Stormyla
Princess of India Nasturtium -- promised to Ladygardener1
Jewel of Africa Nasturtium -Stormyla
Agastache - Giant White
Yellow Columbine- probably cross pollinated
Rudbeckia Herbstonne
Allium Flavum
5x Agastache Honey Bee Blue
Digitalis Tall lavendar - Ladygardener1

What I want:
Penstemon prefer white or blue, but will take other colors...
Hellebores any
Dahlia - annual seed
Dahlia - tubers - prefer dinnerplate
Astilbe any colors
Salvia Snow Nymph
Agastache - prefer Ava
Blue or White Larkspur
Primrose any except Francesca or Elizabeth Killalay (sp?)
Stokesia - any except Mary Gregory
Verbascum - prefer purple or red
Balloon Flower - prefer Astra Pink
Helenium - any color, however really prefer yellow

I agree with Ladygardener, the way to do this is to send a dmail and I will put the names after the seeds so we do not clutter up the thread.


This message was edited Dec 31, 2009 6:34 PM

This message was edited Jan 1, 2010 9:18 AM

This message was edited Jan 6, 2010 5:56 AM

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Bump, I am still adding to my list.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I've posted my list on the Mt. Bethel thread. I have reserved a duplicate quantity of almost every variety for the Frederick Swap. If you want to post wants for any of these and you will only be attending the Frederick swap, please post your wants on this thread. Let's have some fun folks!!! I sure hope that Joyanna is coming to this swap. I'm feeling the need to hold that little one again!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Someone asked me last summer for seeds from my Delphinium "Pagan Purples" I don't have many to share but I set a pack aside for them and now I can't remember who it was and can't find a D-mail on it.
FlowerJen, Stormy,Ladyg or any number of other people?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

It may have been me, Holly, but I bought some this year.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've only got a few types of seed from last summer, but I'll go through my stash for extras, also. (Most seeds have reasonable germination for at least 5 years if properly stored, so don't worry if you have "older" seeds.)

I'll be adding to this list as I get my seeds organized.

2009 seeds.

Heirloom Tomato Carnival Mix -- all the best performers from last year's garden. pinks, red, blacks, gold, bicolor, beefsteak & oxheart varieties.

Fish Pepper (12 packs)
Pretty Purple Pepper (3 packs)
Aleppo Pepper (6 packs of 8-10 seeds, hard to find so please request only if you'll grow it out and save seeds)

Veronica longifolica (3 packs)
Torenia, mix of blue, pink, purple (3 packs)
Garlic Chives (6 packs)

Also, I plan to place an order with Seeds of Italy and with HPS. Anybody who wants to split packs or save on shipping by ordering with me, please let me know on the threads below.

Seeds of Italy:

HPS: will post thread soon

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I went through the seeds that I had kept for myself today. As I start putting them in the milk jugs, I'm sure I will have leftovers from these seeds as well. I'm gonna need a lot of jugs!!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey! I need some help!
I posted this already--who knows where--but I want to have a photo next to all the seeds i have listed on my "Trade List" so people can see what they look like.
Most of them--i had pictures myself--but some i do not!

HOW do i go about attaching a picture of a plant from PF to my Trade List?
It does not seem to give the same "Browse" options as when we all post pictures in our posts...

HELP! Gita

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)


Right click on the image that you want. Then choose "copy". Go back to where you want the image to appear. Then right click again and choose "paste".

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm doing the same thing, sorting through and finding packets with enough to share or those I know I won't get around to that should find another home! I've been concentrating on seeds that I can winter sow... but I didn't realize I had quite so many to start. Yep, better start rinsing & saving more jugs!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I've been begging milk and water jugs from everybody. We single folks don't buy too many gallons of anything. I don't buy bottled water except for small ones to take in the car.

Norfolk, VA(Zone 8a)

Kniphofia, Red Hot Poker. My own hybrid. One parent 3 foot orange/red candlelike blooms, first year bloomer, very vigorous. Other parent 20" fatter orange/red blooms, equally vigorous.
Morning Glories, Carnivale di Venice, striped splashed blooms of purple & pink
Morning Glories, Flying Saucers, incredible blue blooms, large, waxy

Wanted: Any Annuals with Flower-Power, in other words puts on a show and good for the vase.

Picture: Flying Saucer, Carnivale de Venice

Thumbnail by Karldan
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Karidan, Are you planning on attending the swap?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


That did not work!
I r-clicked on the image and then on "copy"--but there was no "paste" option when i got to my Trade List.

SALLY!!!! JILL!!!! You article writers! Please tell me how this works!

The only way i can think of is to copy the image to "My Documents--My Pictures" and the retrieve it from there.....
Seems too complicated! There has to be an easier way!!!!!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita!!! Writing articles doesn't mean I know all the ins and outs of managing trade lists... that's a tool I really haven't used much. I thought when you were on a page from PF there was a button-click option to add that plant to your "have" or "want" list.

Yes, I just checked... scroll all the way down the main PlantFiles page for a plant, and you'll see "trading tools" options. That doesn't link you to a particular photo, but I think the top photo for the plant shows up in the PF link on your trade list.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


As last year--i will have a box of legal-sized envelopes with the name and info, on the seeds inside it, on the envelopes--and also a picture of the plant attached to the front of them.
These envelopes will have small baggies of the seeds in them--and it will be a "HELP YOURSELF" kind of a set-up. Look through them--and take what you want.
I will be available for any questions on any of the plants--I just find this a "hands-free " kind of a way to deal with sharing seeds. I am not too interested in acquiring/swapping for new seeds, but might be tempted if I so choose.
The box can be passed around--or sit on the Swap table--either way! Go at it!

I will pre-package any seeds requested ahead of time and deliver them to the person requesting them before the "Freebie-go-at-it stage.of my available seeds

Please see my Trade List for photos of any of these plants ahead of time!


1--Low-growing pink Zinnias--annual
2--Yellow "Rudbeckia Hirta"--nice double-petaled bloom. Annual.
3--"Rudbeckia Goldstrum"--the perennial version. State flower of Maryland!
4--"Tall, Red perennial Hibiscus"--5'-6' tall. Blooms in 3-4 years from seed. See pictures.
5--"Dwarf", red Coreopsis--18"-24". 1" deep-red, velvety blooms. Nice filler-in in your beds.
Possible biennial???? 2009 was the 1st year I grew this flower.
6--Tall, "Blue Salvia". Perennial. originally from Brent. Grows well from seed.
7--"South African Foxglove" (ceratotheca trilobe)--VERY limited amount of seeds. 1st year I grew it.
8--"Rose Campion". A Wildflower--self-seeds freely. Nice, magenta 1" blooms. Silvery foliage.
9--"Red Crepe Myrtle" seeds--(VERY limited amount!)--collected from shrubs at HD.
10--"Stella D'Oro Day Lily" seeds--VERY limited amt. of seeds.
11--"Heliopsis" (Jill's "Not Chocolate daisy"). tall, yellow daisy like flowers. Perennial. Multiplies freely.
12--Lantana "bandana pink"--(VERY limited # of seeds)
13--"Foxglove--(Digitalis)"--deep rose blooms. Hardy Biennial.
14--"Purple Cone Flower"--(Echinacea)..collected from plants at HD.
15--"White Cone Flower"---(Echinacea).. " " " " " " "
16--"4 O'Clocks--Broken Colors". A favorite! Can self-seed. Dig up roots to propagate.
17--"4 O'Clocks--Limelight"--short growing, lime colored leaves--VERY limited # of seeds.
18--"Lirope"--Tall, blue spikes. Perennial--clumping.
19--"Double, Yellow Datura"---annual. Grows to 3'x3'.
20--"Tripple purple/white Datura Metel"--annual. Grows 3'x3'.
21--"Grandpa Ott" Morning Glory--blue with magenta throat--tall climbing. Needs space!
22--Morning Glory Vine--"Blue picotee". .(with some pinks mixed in)
23--"Wintersweet Shrub"--(chimonanthus praecox) --7'-8' tall, vase-shaped. Fragrant blooms in late Winter.
Blooms only 5-7 years from seed. Will have some seedlings to share at the Plant Swap.
24--"Cardinal Climber Vine"--1" bright red blooms. Climbs daintily on anything....
Nice, lobed foliage. (Somewhat limited supply of seeds).
25--"Pink Cleome"--nice, tall and branching. Annual or Biennial.
26--"Giant, Purple Amaranth". Nice back-of-the-bed plant. Biennial. Self-seeds profusely.
27--Northern Sea Oats. In the "Ornamental Grass category"--Forms clumps 3' tall and needs NO care!


28--Jill's "Italian Basil"--semi-limited amount of seeds. Enough for you to grow some.
29--"Lemon-Lime Basil"--a nice citrus flavor. Great with seafood.
30--"Thai Basil--Queen of Siam"--(from Jill too)--has a nice Anise flavor--used in Indian cuisines.
31--"Garlic Chives"--like reg. Chives, but have flat leaves and tastes like garlic. Nice, white flowers.
Multiplies profusely from seed dropped. Harvest seeds before they drop.
32--"Tomatillo" tomato (??)--VERY limited # of seeds. Just enough to experiment.
Collected from the fruit someone brought me at work.
33--"Mortgage Lifter Heirloom Tomato"---Lg. Beefsteak-type, red Tomato. Google the history!!!
34--"Sun Gold Cherry Tomato"--the sweetest, most prolific tomato. Pick hand-fulls daily! YUM!
35--"Cherokee Purple Tomato"--one of the most popular Heirlooms. Large--heavy--deep red flesh
and few seeds. A sweet taste---Outside--reddish-mauve. Good bearing till frost.


Will edit this as needed........Gita

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

oooh, Gita, great list! Could I please ask for a few seeds of Brent's Blue Salvia and also some low-growing pink zinnias for Joyanna? Thanks!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

You got it, Jill! My first "I Want Person"...
I have the same Zinnias in Orange too...... And short!

How about the Cleome? It is also pink???
Mine never grew...but i gave some seeds to a friend in WV--and her's grew spectacularly! I wish i had a picture of hers!
I guess I could ask her to re-send this to me???

I DO have beautiful, pink Day Lilies as well. Have never dug any up..scares me a bit!
I would have to wait until next Spring to see where they actually are---and then, maybe dig up a couple for you.
I KNOW you are into PINK this year!!!!.....;o)

Here it is!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, Can you pack some of your Dwarf Red Coreopsis, Tall Blue Salvia and Cherokee Purple Tomatoe up for me? Thanks

Critter, I'd like to try some of your Veronica Longifolica, Please.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You've got it, Stormy. It gets twice as tall as the 18" that I think PF says, but it's nice to have clumps popping up here and there, makes a pretty filler in the border.

Pretty lilies -- I think they're probably Asiatic lilies, or maybe Oriental (Oriental blooms later, July/Aug, and usually has a strong sweet scent).

I appreciate the offer of the Cleome, but I've got a bunch of other flutterby plants to start this year. I'm planning to put short zinnias, maybe also Lemon Gem marigolds, along the front edge of the veggie garden to give Joyanna something to mess with. :-)

I'll probably place an order with HPS, mostly for their zinnias (including 'Zahara Starlight Rose'), so if anybody thinks they'd be interested in ordering with me, PLMK. I'm waffling a bit, because I probably don't really "need" more seeds, but there are a couple things I'd like to try, so if others are interested I'll go for it. :-) They have good prices on different sized packs, so they're a great source if you want to wintersow enough Dianthus to edge a bed or something like that.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Any of you fine folks who are not winter sowing this year, but are coming to the swap, Please save your water and milk jugs and bring them to the swap!!! They will be greatly appreciated.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Not going to be much in my have list, but I've got some wants.

Jill - Pretty purple pepper, and can you tell me anything about the Aleppo pepper?

Gita - Mortgage Lifter, and Cherokee Purple Tomatoes - Also would like to try just a few of the Tomatillo if you have enough.

Stormy, I only use half gallon milk jugs and 2 1/2 water jugs (the kind with the spout). Don't know if they'll do for you, but if you want I'll start saving.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Most of my 'Aleppo' seeds will probably be shared with the fanatics on the pepper forum... it's very hard to come by... but I'll save a few for my MAG buddies! I fell in love with it as a crushed, dried pepper available through Penzey's. Medium heat, tons of flavor, and a bit of a citrus note.. it's my favorite for sprinkling on pizza. The fresh fruits from my 3 plants were very tasty, and I'm looking forward to growing it again. If you just want 1 or 2 for a container, you know the odds are good that I'll have an extra seedling for you. :-)

Half gallon jugs work great for WSing, and those water jugs sound big enough to use like little cold frames... :-)

I added a few things to a friend's order from HPS, including the zinnias I wanted. I also just got my piggy swap box, and I've got a bunch of goodies from it to share around. I'm glad the Frederick swap isn't until the end of February, gives me abit more tiem to get my act together! LOL

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Miata, Yes, Thank you. Can you please save some of those big jugs for me. I have enough half gallons.

Folks, everyone at the PA swap donated their leftover seeds to bring to this swap. The list will be hugh, as I had already kept a duplicate supply of my seeds for this swap and also held back some of the ones that Lady, Ronnie (Luvs), Carolyn and Blue Spiral had sent.

Having the seeds preselected by the members really helped keep the swap pretty organized. I would recommend it. There were also some larger packs of seeds that folks were dividing while there. Also Ronnie (Luvs) had sent along a large quantity of seeds packets that she had received through other trades, so there were lots of things that people were sorting through, beyond what they had preselected. The preselection helped us to have a bit more time for socializing, which was nice.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes, we've done it both ways at the Frederick swap in the past also... I've put out little gift bags or chinese takeout containers (marked with names), trying to be sure everybody gets something from my stash, and people just drop in whatever seeds they've brought for a particular person. People look through whatever others have brought with them, and we also use "free to good home" baskets for random packets. It works pretty well, and yes, the more you figure out ahead of time the less hectic it is... but it's also fun to swap on the spot.

We'll do lunch from about 12 to 2 and then switch gears for seed swapping. In past years, I think people have stayed until 3 or 4 pm, so there's plenty of time for socializing in there also, as well as during stops at DPF before or after. :-)

I know this thread is pretty chatty, and that's fine... when we get closer to the date, we might start a separate 1-post-per-person thread for posting & editing your seed lists, especially if we've got a good number of people coming (makes the info easier to find).

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

we use about five gallons of milk a week, so let me know how many gallon milk jugs are needed- could bring 20 if hubby doesn't see them in the yard and smack me before the swap.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL, no wife beating allowed! 20 is good.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Gosh, I'll have to get busy typing this hugh list of seeds.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have been looking......Do we have an official Haves and Wants Thread yet anywhere???? Getting close!

Since I do not really "want" anything--my "haves" are all organized and ready to share.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, when this thread starts to heat up I'll see if we need a separate Haves & Wants thread to keep things organized.


Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, I'll wait til then. Don''t want to type that list twice.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Figured we could just copy/paste...

OK, so maybe we need a separate thread already, just for lists. I'll be right back with a link.

Please, let's try to keep discussion and requests here on this thread (we'll continue onto a new thread at need), or make requests via Dmail. The Have/Wants thread will only be organized & useful if we try to keep it to 1 post per person. Thanks!

New thread is here for Have/Want Lists:

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Sorry I have been absent from these forums. Just trying to slow down & let the rushing go by. I took Bob to the Gold & Treasure Expo at the Carlisle Expo Center a couple months ago and the end result???? Joining two gold prospecting clubs, sluice, goldpans, sniffer bottles, books, and finally, a 21-foot used camper we haven't picked up from the dealer yet because of the snows here in Pa. We will be going to Georgia and NC in May to several goldmines and seeing what we can pick up. Also plan to do metal detecting & gold prospectingdown there & here in Pa. Also, I will be looking for interesting fish (down South), plants, and finally FOSSILS. I "finally" retired officially 12/31/08 and Thank God, can now do these things, as long as my health holds out. I just bought a used laptop with Wifi Wireless & plan to take that along, too. Also, Fritzie gets to come with us. Lucky dog. He has been on a couple fossil digs and has a wonderful time & is our official "Rockhound." Anyway, I plan to be at the swap, unless I get sick or something. Here are the seeds I am bringing:
Datura tatula
Moon &Stars Watermelon
Cinnamon vine air potatoes
Aristolochia/clematitis Birthwort vine
Purple Salsify
White Bladder Campion
Rose Campion
Pink Blush Campion
Varigated Yucca
and maybe 5-6 Variegated Yucca plants for the doorprize table.
(not hardy; keep in sunroom)

If I find more, I'll edit this & add them. Looking forward to a snowless Feb 27 and a fun trip. Looking forward to see all of you.

This message was edited Feb 11, 2010 11:38 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooh, Cinnamon vine again for me please... one of these days I'll manage to do better with it... last year, it drowned a bit when a planter drain clogged, and then it got trampled by a rogue squirrel. I might try it in a hanging basket -- inside, if necessary! LOL

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Don't worry, this plant produces lots of air potatoes, so there will be plenty to share. Judy Showers.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Judy! Somebody told me that a "real gardener" doesn't give up on a plant until they've killed it 3 times, so hopefully 3rd time will be the charm for me, LOL.

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