A Wee Wassail...

Clarkson, KY

High on a hill was a lonely cowherd, lay-ee, odlay, odlay-hee hoo!!
Finally got that lone bull calf back, lay-ee, odlay, odloo!!
Just when she thought she'd had quite enough of lay-ee, odlay, odlay-hee hoo!!
Off went to goats for a Christmas visit, lay-ee, odlay, odloo!!
Oh ho, traipse through the pastures, ho ho lady odlay
Oh ho, thoroughly soaked, yes, lady odlee-ho lay!!

Scamper, the horse he was agitated, lay-ee, odlay, odlay-hee hoo!!
His girls had run off to some other fella's, lay-ee, odlay, odloo!!
He couldn't get through like his winsome does could, lay-ee, odlay, odlay-hee hoo!!
Stuck as he watched all his charges wander, lay-ee, odlay, odloo!!
Oh ho, traipse through the pastures, ho ho lady odlay
Oh ho, thoroughly soaked, yes, lady odlee-ho lay!!

Richmond, TX

How rousing and cheerful - for us.

Clarkson, KY

Lol. Beadmom and Moxy have added verses...but not here, yet. Drat them...

Richmond, TX

Avidly we await...

Clarkson, KY

from beadmom I got...

Off to the neighbors did the donkeys go oh.. lay-ee, odlay, odlay-hee hoo. I spent the day replacing flowers...lay-ee, odlay, odloo. When they came home they did not suspect oh... lay-ee, odlay, odlay-hee hoo That most of their landscaping had been et...lay-ee, odlay, odloo.

And of Miss Moxon...

One little sheep was named Marshmallow, lay-ee, odelay odelay-hee-hoo, She had a fleece like a big soft pillow lay-ee odlayee odleoo.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

My little lamb is named Marshmallow, lay-ee, odlay, odlay-hee hoo!!
She's got a fleece like a big soft pillow, lay-ee, odlay, odloo!!
She follows me like a well trained dog would, lay-ee, odlay, odlay-hee hoo!!
Such a delight when a lamb is that good, lay-ee, odlay, odloo!!
Oh ho, traipse through the snowbanks, ho ho lady odlay
Oh ho, snow deep as her flanks, lady odlee-ho lay!!

Clarkson, KY

phew...my thanks!

Richmond, TX


Clarkson, KY

We lack a piggy verse, porkpal...

Lodi, United States

Can't do pigs...

Three little chicks on a secret mission, lay-ee, odlay, odlay-hee hoo!!
Two of them fledged, all with high ambition, lay-ee, odlay, odloo!!
Jumped from the brooder with wings outspread, lay-ee, odlay, odlay-hee hoo!!
Saw the dogs coming and cried "We are dead!", lay-ee, odlay, odloo!!
Down scooped The Hand to save them from their plight, ho ho lady odlay
Tucked them back in the brooder, safe for the night!! lady odlee-ho lay!!

Clarkson, KY

Well humph. Lovliness naytheless...

porpal...it is possible the piggies deserve an entire song in their honor...

Oh piggies three, oh piggies three...
how lovely are your...

really not my forte, piggies.......

Lodi, United States


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Very well done Catsy. Secret mission songs are especially apropos with this group.

Oh glorious pigs,
the stars are brightly shiiiiiiining,
'tis the night to go play in the mud.
Long lay the pigs, such wallowing and diving
'til they were covered in mud, head to toe.
A thrill of hope, each weary pig rejoices
For yonder comes, the farmer with their feed
Ruuuun on your hooves, oh squeal with such deliiiight,
Oh niiiiiight, divine....ohhhh night, to play in mud,
Oh niiiiiight, diVIIIIINE....ooooh night, that pigs do play.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

Are you guys losing your marbles....?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Did you find some of my marbles Grey? I would like them back...

Lodi, United States

Shoot, I thought I'd lost them long ago.....

Richmond, TX

Moxon has outdone any piggly creation I could produce. Oh, Swine Divine! (?)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Catsy, do you suppose Grey took our marbles?

Lodi, United States

It is rather suspicious the way she asked after them....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think we need a sheep song. Here is Lollipop for inspiration.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yes, rather like she knew that they were gone or something....I mean...how would she know, unless she had been the one to take them?!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

I did most certainly did not 'steal' your marbles.... maybe you just misplaced them?

Lodi, United States

Lollipop lollipop
Oh lolli lolli lolli
Lollipop lollipop.....
Call my lamby lollipop
Tell you why
Her fleece is finer than an cashmeriiiii
And when she does her shaky rockin' bleet
Man, I'm knocked right off my feet
I call her
Lollipop lollipop
Oh lolli lolli lolli
Lollipop lollipop.....
Sweeter than candy on a stick
Huckleberry, chimry or lime
If you had a choice
She'd be your pick
But lollipop is mine
Lollipop lollipop
Oh lolli lolli lolli
Lollipop lollipop.....
Crazy way she nuzzles me
Tell you why
Just like a lightning from the sky
She loves to nudge me till I can't see straight
I call her
Lollipop lollipop
Oh lolli lolli lolli
Lollipop lollipop.....

Okay--that is a framework...no time to develop it.

But yes...me thinks Grey is protesting a little too much. First she suggests that we have lost them...then denies she knows anything about it....Highly Suspicious.

We need an official investigation...an impartial investgator....a Grand Jury....?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm not impartial because I lost my marbles a LONG time ago(that is if I every had them in the first place)

Clarkson, KY

I've never had anything but partial marbles...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I think mine might have cracked.

Clarkson, KY


Kyttyn and Porkpal...these are where (generally) the current mayhem is coming from. Dahling has been hinting at me for a while to do this so...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

BRILLIANT Catscan! Oh she's a happy lambie now!

I assign you as Chief Proper Investigator. I shall act as your Deputy Proper Investigator should you require my assistance. I note that it may be a family habit, since it would appear that somebody in Grey's family stole Wren's marbles at some point, and it can't by Kyttyn herself because she's too young, unless she's having us on about that too. Hmmmm....

Grownut can be The Official Sorter Outer of All Things Discovered.

Wren shall be the Official Voice of Reason and Sensibility.

Greykyttyn is....THE prime suspect!!! Dah-dah-dah-daaaahhhhh (that was the musical bit)

Porkpal shall be the Official Jury Convenor and shall elect jury members of her choosing.

Clarkson, KY

Fleecy coats, fleecy coats
It's shearing tiime in the pasture
Llama woool, mohair gooats
Soon it will beeee shearing daay

Leicester, Cotswold, and Merino
Long and lovely and fiine...
What of cashmere or sweet faced alpaca?

Love angora, goats or bunnies
Gathered slowly but sure
Gorgeous mounds of soft fiber diviiine

Fleecy coats, fleecy coats
It's shearing tiime in the pasture
Llama woool, mohair gooats
Soon it will beeee shearing daay

Clarkson, KY

Ooof. Duty done and I find, once again, The Great Catsy amazeth. Nicely done!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

LOL in other words I am the old stick in the mud. Oh well can't be helped goes along with all the gray hairs I have(started to go gray when I was in my late 30's DM gave them to me-I know that is opponent from the normal way)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wren, I started to go gray before I was 30, so you were lucky my dear!

You don't have to be the Official Voice of Reason and Sensibility. In fact, perhaps you would be better suited to the Ultra Secret Decoding Detective role, except that you can't tell anybody that's what you are, you see, or else they might try to kidnap you...

Lodi, United States

Silver Bells! Lovely. So sensitively conveying the wonders of the season.

Moxon: There is a secondary case involving the criminal defacement of Wren's marbles by persons unknown.

Can the two cases be tried concurrently if and when we come to a determination of probable guilt on geykyttyn's part?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

LOL Ok as long as you send me the secret decoding detective device-I wonder how long it would take me to send one of those screaming down the street to join my spell checker??? By the way I am still looking for my lost spell checker, any one seen it???

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Sorry geykyttyn is not guilty of that one. My marbles where cracked long before she was born.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

*pouts* I didn't do anything!!!!!! Somebody help me before they make me sleep in the chicken coop! I'm innocent!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

o Miss Wren.. I'm sure your marbles aren't cracked & lost... maybe they are just sunning themselves in the nice warm Florida sun?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Catsy - absolutely they can be tried in the same case. Indictment for grand theft marbles and marble defacement, possibly even wanton marble destruction. All extra-naughty felonies with a whipping-by-wet-noodle sentencing option.

{{{Wren....shhhhhhh....I am sending the secret decoder device by secret yak delivery....be alert for yaks hanging around your house or looking through your windows....do not be alarmed....}}}}

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

LOL if they are then the defensively are cracked by the heat

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Did you see that? Did you see how she tried to provide an alibi for Wren's marbles? Ah-HAH!!

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