Ochracea has buds

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Happy Days are here again. Whoopee!!!
When I returned ochracea to the g house mid Sept, she still looked good.
By Nov 1, I noticed bugs so I gave her a dose of Bayer 2 in 1.
In a few days, she looked awful so no more Bayer for her,
will stick with the Neem oil spray.
Here's a pic in Sept. Will post pics
if and when I get my anticipated blooms, ugly foliage and all.

Thumbnail by patootie
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh Jackie I am so happy for you.. mine is still vining ..

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Debra, I still haven't repotted it in fresh potting mix. I don't dare do it now with it budded out, might drop all the buds. I will just keep feeding it
and hope it extends the blooming time. If its still blooming in April,
I can set it out for some help from the bees. lol

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - I can't wait to see the blooms on your ochracea! Nary a yellow blooming MG here in sight! (sigh ...) I am STILL waiting on the Yellow Chinese Evening Glory to bud and bloom. It sure is taking it' sweet old time!!!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, ochracea will bloom the first yr from sd. I wonder about the
Chinese Evening glory if it has to be more than a yr old. If not,
you probably will get buds soon. A week or so ago, I looked for buds on ochracea and didn't see a thing. Now one week later, she's covered. I had to just miss them last week.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I Planted three I. Plantesis seeds.. three came up..

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

I have a few old sds of this one I might try one or two. It's a beautiful M Glory

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Ooooh! 100% germination! Whoo Hoo! I like those odds! How many years does it take before they bloom for the first time if grown from seeds?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Heck I dunno! LOL first time to grow from seeds for me..will post pics later today of cots..

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I wonder if Jackie knows. I bet hers came from seed. Jackie????

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh! I was talking about the i. plantesis seeds 100 percent germination.. sorry for confusion..

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, I grew a platensis from sds 8 or 10 yrs ago. It took till the 2nd
summer before I got blooms. I might have just brought my vine
along too slow. Sometimes it is just a culture thing and I'm not always
the best. I try though.lol
I had it for yrs before I killed it. Don't remember what I did wrong but
I think it was DH "helping" me water. lol

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

So close to having ochracea blooms open. Her buds were tightly
wrapped till yesterday. Today I have color showing.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

ohhhhhh can't wait!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Take lots of photos to share with us! I can't wait to see them, too! :-) You'll have blooms for Christmas! :-) :-)

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

You know I will take tons of pics. I don't think the ugly foliage can
ruin it for me. Would have been wonderful though if my foliage could have complimented the blooms.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Here she is, ugly lvs and all. I am just so happy to have
blooms again. I''ll keep her fed and see if the lvs improve.
If not, will finally get around to repotting her.

Thumbnail by patootie
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

oh jackie she is beautiful! congrats!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Debra.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Another pic. Sorry that the foliage is beyond ugly.

Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

The yellow is almost that bright as in the last picture.

Thumbnail by patootie
Gautier, MS

Very nice blooms Jackie, yours seem a lot darker yellow then when mine bloomed. I might have give them a try again! Very pretty.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena. I would say that the first pic most accurately reflects the color. Mine not a pale yellow but a nice medium dark color.
The last pic had the flash on. They fade out every time I forget and leave the flash on.

Thumbnail by patootie
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - For being grown during winter, your leaves on this vine don't look bad at all! Love those cheerful yellow blooms. Are they smaller flowers? I've tried numerous times to germinate this species of MG and just have had zero luck! Congrats on a beautiful vine full of blooms! Just adorable!

I am still waiting for my Yellow Chinese Evening Glories to do something other than just grow and grow ... so far nothing but lots of vine stems and leaves. Not a bud in sight! (sigh) The vine sure is a nice one though, so I won't boo hoo too loudly! LOL!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

those are so very pretty! The yellow ones I got from emma I planted over at my sons place and they were tiny yellow blooms. Not this species, but a pretty vine. I wish I had planted them at my house, the ones i did plant didn't do anything and that includes the yellow evening glory this past summer.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Becky. Wish we knew more about the Chinese
Evening glory. I'm guessing it wants to bloom in the winter.
If so, you could still get some blooms.
Thanks Debra. If you or Becky could get your vine to bloom, would answer some questions re this vine

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - I am wondering if the CEG needs acid fertilizer? I know that I. purpureas like more acidic conditions, so I am wondering if that might also be true for the CEG. Maybe I'll try a dose of Rose fertlizer. Hee, hee ... hopefully I won't kill that beautiful vine ...

Are the blooms on your ochracea smaller or larger blooms? Love that rich yellow color! NICE!!!!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, these blooms are over 2 inches, maybe 2 and 1/2 inch blooms
When it is healthy with nice green lvs and fresh potting mix, the blooms
get to 3 inches.
I don't think it would hurt a thing to try a dose or two of
acidic fertilizer. I might try some this next growing season.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Nice sized blooms for the ochracea! My alamo vine has smallish blooms, but I am wondering if the blooms would be bigger if they were in a bigger pot? I think those blooms should be about 3", not 1 1/2 inches in diameter.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm sure of it Becky. The smaller the pot, the smaller the bloom.

I had a container of ochracea growing, but unfortunately had no place to keep it indoors to see its flowers. Maybe it would be a nice winter house plant?

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Joseph, It does need to be inside for the winter. Even if the
foliage got ugly, the
gorgeous flowers would more than make up for it

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Still not a single bud on my Chinese Evening Glory. Perhaps they don't bloom at all? Maybe these seeds are some other species of MG or just some kind of sprawling vine that isn't even in the Convolvulaceae family? How would we know, since so little is known about the CEG? I can't imagine them not blooming within the first year. Actually it is now going into it's second year as I had grown them from seed last winter... I dreamed about it blooming small yellow flowers! LOL! Obviously this vine is on my mind and in my subconscience thinking ...

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, I've got a few sds of this thanks to a kind member here. Just received them and will
try to start a couple soon just to see how they act for me. Maybe
it's a perennial and won't bloom til next yr for you.
If it's a perennial, might take 2 yrs plus for me.

This message was edited Dec 28, 2009 2:28 PM

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