Flowering in Australia December 2009 pt.2

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

oriental double''buttercup''this is massive and rare....$1 at a market sale[bulb]

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Barmera, Australia

G'Day All,
Bit of confusion over the insect. I took it to be a "Praying Mantis" they are predators but if it is a true stick insect I don't know. The pictures I have seen of "Stick Insects" shows them as having a long pointed head. The "Praying Mantis" has a head dominated by the big "Googly" eyes and that is what I thought I was seeing in the photo.
See here.

This message was edited Dec 14, 2009 6:51 PM

north coast nsw, Australia

My mini purple x chocolate drop is stating to flower...

Thumbnail by breeindy
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

good 'ol lilium regale''''''now its christmas'''''''

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Coffs Harbour, Australia

The Lily vortex is sucking me in........arghhhhh! Nah, lovely lilies Anthony! I like the golf ball sized one (name too long) and what a bargain on your buttercup!
I, too thought the insect was a preying mantis. Good for eating ohter insects. Stick insects I am scared of. I had one in my hair when I was a kid and ripped half my hair out trying to get it our. Ughhhh-oooh-ahhhhh!
Chrissy, I had some Coffee trees, but (as per usual) they are a bit weedy, and as these had self seeded from the original, I didn't plant them in the end (off to the tip). I have a curry leaf tree though, and its a type of Murraya.
Colleen, I saw that docco too. Yukk! I pay about $4 for a good strong Cappuccino. They call them rainforrest beans, but now I beign to wonder where they get them. hmmmm.
Breeindy, what is that exquisite little flower? Its a lovely colour.
here is my Allamanda, the yellow flowering first, but there is A. 'Cherry Ripe' in there too

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Not exactly a flower, but the first time my cycad has had a cone. Its a Boy!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Good old Agapanthuis, although the sun and wind have shortened the flowering period considerably. I'm going to spray paint the seed heads this year. Stay tuned!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

And last, the grafted pink miniature, on the red climbing rootstock. Of course it won't climb, but I might graft some buds higher up next year.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
barmera, Australia

Congratulations Sue. [on the boy] I too thought that it was a Praying Mantis. We'll have for Chrissy to come back and tell us. Colleen

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

sue,do you get a catalogue from'hill view rare plants'?[i think a lot of his plants would be to your liking] or anyone elses.i got mine today....marcus harvey0362240770 here in tazzie

This message was edited Dec 15, 2009 2:20 PM

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

the front half of 'the lily vortex' is chockers full of colour ...maurice the rose is pretty groovy seachanger,,certainly some great blooms out and about

This message was edited Dec 14, 2009 5:12 PM

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

lollipop ,lollipop oooh lolli lollipop,lollipop , doo doo doo do . asiatic lollipop.and with that tune,i might pop,,,,off to bed..happy blooming

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

heres one of those'triploid 'aurelian crosses''airdrop x[hearts desire/african queen]

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

very pretty but small orienpet''tinos''

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Clifton Springs, Australia

How many different varieties do you have Anthony?
and how many plants would you have in and around the Vortex?
This is a new variety of Scabiosa,"Crimson Clouds"...
Very pretty and easy to grow..

Thumbnail by Seachanger
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

about 260 potted liliums and over 2000 seedlings now[purple trumpet seed still coming] i'm an addict,they even go up on each back stair

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Sue,Love your Aggies...such full heads..your garden is looking really great,it just keeps getting better & better!

Your Lilies are just stunning gw...bet there's lots of lingering fragrance at your place!

Dianne I just love your Delbard rose ...so perfect!

Duranta Geisha Girl

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Another Frangi...It has the strongest scent .Is very similar in shading to the other 'white' I have shown in previous posts, only this beauty has the reflexed petals.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Justicia betonica

Thumbnail by brical1
Clifton Springs, Australia

I had to hunt for these photos of our Stick insect '' Henry"..

Henry just walked around in the Camellia for 2 weeks
He/she would sunbake every day..as you can see, not a bit nervous.
then he/she just disappeared.
His/her body was a good 30cm..

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

This one shows more detail...
Everything that he did was in slow motion,
but with a jerky action.
he was very entertaining, but he certainly didn't live life in the fast lane.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Wow Dianne,Henry is one BIG stick insect ! I've had them here before but nothing to compare with that!

barmera, Australia

Brical Love the Justicia betonica. Great pic of the stick insect Dianne. Anthony you're an addict too. lol. Colleen

Inland S.E QLD , Australia


Thumbnail by brical1
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Lovely Canna Judy. All of yours are doing well here. A bird landed on a flowering spike of 'Australia'. It broke off, so stuck in water and roots formed! Now I have a "new australian" to share! :)

Here is Agapanthus 'Guilfoyle' with Crocrosmia 'Lucifer'.

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

"Lepachina"? growing well in a mixed garden bed. I love it's fealty, silver leaves and strong stems. The blooms last for ages and are of a colour that blends well.

Does anyone know this plant? I found it growing in an old "cottage garden" over run with weeds.

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Clifton Springs, Australia

What a lovely soft colour your Canna is Judy....it teams so well with it's foliage.
It looks so familiar Wayne..just can't give it a name.
The Salvia on the right of my photo is Wendy's wish..

This message was edited Dec 16, 2009 5:28 PM

Thumbnail by Seachanger
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

here is lilium 'vollmeri',looks a bit like a mediterranian pizza

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

has everyone jumped ship...hello.o.o.o.o.o. theres an echo in here...its poured with rain all day and i can still pull out an ace...heres 'top gun',a very strong,large pink

Thumbnail by g_whizz
barmera, Australia

Wow I like that Anthony. Here's a Gymnocalysium flowering for me for the first time. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

colleen,i think everyone may have been sucked into the lily vortex...hello o o o o o,definately nobody there....check out the new DG frost indicator,on right of screen when you press'home'.you'll be amazed..i know i was

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I managed to extrude myself from the lily vortex. I'm here, I'm here, but nothing to show, except alot of yellow pollen from the stamens! he he
Judy, thanks for the comments on my garden. The rain we had this year certainly gave everything a boost. The Justicia is unusual, and I like how you captured the bee.
Wayne, your Aggies are quite a bit darker than mine, although I have a few different shade, none named.
Anthony, I can't believe the variety you have. Lilies must be for you, what broms are for me?
Colleen, another dainty little cacti flower. Its a very edibly shade of cream!

I worked on the vege patch this arvie, while it was cool. We had a late storm with a light shower of rain, so it cooled everything down, thank goodness. I am yet to see a fruit on my watermelon, butd have three rockmelon coming ripe (planted the same time as the watermelon) The tomatos are huge, but I lost quite a few to caterpillars before dusting the fruit with Derris, which seems to be holding them at bay. The fig tree is loaded, and netted, and I've been picking baby corn for a couple of weeks, so all in all, its becoming productive, but boy, do I have to work at it?

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

hells bells sue,the magician may have used the mirrors,pulled out the rabbit and played the ace,but,the lillies are still coming.i just hope theres something left for jan 9..big seed order arrived today so ive been into the seed planting...halinar purple trumpets,tetraploids and diploids.....ive spent all afternoon planting seed with the galahs..,theyre very worn out..[i can well and truly recommend 'cascade bulb and seed']generosity+........ah well glad someone came back from the brink of the vortex........i still have seed left over,anybody wanting some,please let me know[no charge...dr.halinar was very generous]..anthony

Christchurch, New Zealand

speaking of lillies...
this is the bouquet I got at our work Xmas do.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

you lucky person ,to have a christmas work do.we'
re getting a litre of 'chicken beak soup',and a handshake,''thanks for coming in all year '' [closed]..no its christmas,i dont want to be an ogre[i love ARC]

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Very cryptic Anthony. I wonder what it all means! he he. What happens on Jan the ninth?
Its nice when you find a seller so generous that you can share your purchase with your friends.
Nice bunch Theresa!
I always tell my hubby ,
"if in doubt, get flowers"
The reply
"what for, they're dead in a few days?"
he just doesn't get it! (and consequently, neither do I)
Overcast here, but might get out for some photo taking later.
Housework day today! Booo

Clifton Springs, Australia

Keep the faith Sue....your husband will probably bring you a beautiful bouquet when you least expect it.
Mind you, mine never has...but I do hear of ones who do..lol.
Fess up Anthony...what's on 9th of Jan?
Here are some of your favs to keep you happy....
This was a pkt of mixed ones.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

that is a good bloom dianne,cant remember the name,but its fairly new.it will come to me. on the 9th is the claremont lily show[hopes'n' dreams of the grand champ].a few top notch sales today,nothing serious,a couple of collectors[one at the door while i wrote this]...more later - anthony

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I got a Vriesea intermedia

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

A Costus/Ginger

Thumbnail by weed_woman

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