December Daily Weather - Tis the Season Part 2

(Zone 3b)

Get well soon, Sharon.
18*F Snow continuing to fall.
Talk to you next from Seattle area.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm sorry you're not feeling well, Sharon. :-(

Have a great trip, Kiska!! :-)

Nurmo, Finland(Zone 4b)

Yesterday -19 Celsius. Today a balmy - 10. Joanna you're so right about dress. I rode the three miles into town on my bike today to pick up my weekly English newspaper. Most of me was fine; but my fingers froze in spite of two pairs of gloves. I've always suffered from cold fingers. Tomorrow I've got to go to the hospital. That's five miles. I think I'll probably ride half way and then take the bus!

I love clearing snow. The locals regard it as a chore; but I find it great exercise. The space in front of our house which has to be cleared is about the size of half a tennis court.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Rann, 50º is a wonderful temp! I was on your website a while back. I still haven't seen all your flowers and am amazed that we have many of the same plants. That's a beautiful sky! I love pink and blue the best. They left one row of trees, and the squirrel nests were far enough back that they were spared.

Oh, to be an excited child at Christmas! At least you know the gifts are appreciated :o) The lights are so pretty! It doesn't take much to brighten things up at Christmas.

Thanks Marsue.

Cuckoo, nice to hear from you! Wow, I don't want to visit the south for a while :o)

FlipFlops, how beautiful!! You've done a perfect room! What a wonderful helper, LOL! Lovely tree!

Bernie, I went ahead and ordered all my garden seeds. I didn't need a lot since some of my garden will hold sod while we get a new driveway put in next Spring.

Rusty, I'm glad you got your truck running. This isn't the time of year to be without a vehicle. The dogs are going to be best friends!

Ric, Robyn is such a big help! Ugly, but shaping up! Can't wait to see it finished.

Joanna, unless I stay active, I haven't found any gloves that keep my fingers warm. Thinsulate, nope, don't work.

Celia, you and Darrel crack me up! It's so nice to know how to do it yourself! Wow! What a neat ship! Those are the best gifts because it gives you something to do. It's a beautiful color too.

Rusty, what a sweetie!

Sharon, get well soon!!! I hope it's only a cold.

Patgeorge, take care of those fingers! I've always has cold hands and feet . I hope it's a warmer trip for you tomorrow. I don't mind pushing snow either. DH does the main areas and I do all the paths. Sometimes we look like a fox and goose game.

Well, it got cold here! The wind picked up yesterday and the temps dropped. It's sunny, just a little breezy and 15º.

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Happy Belated Birthday, Jackie!

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Brunswick , GA(Zone 9a)

Sharon, get well soon!!
Got to 80 today....went for a bike ride and met a wonderful neighbor on a little island and she gave me some lemons from her tree. Yum Yum. She has so many wonderful plants and I know she will be a big help to me getting my yard established. Y'all stay warm....suppose to cool off here tomorrow. Actually it's a little warm for Christmas with all the windows open and the frog singing everywhere. Crazy !!!

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Finally - we've moved here!

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