CLOSED: My Have List

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish Greetings,

I have flower, herb, shrub, tree and vegetable seeds. Please view my wish list. If you do not have anything on my wish list, let me know what you have; I am willing to trade for things that are not on my list.





Coreopsis tinctoria- Dwarf Red Plains Coreopsis 12 pks
Cosmos bipinnatus- Cosmos 'Double Click Rose Bonbon' 6 pks
Cosmos sp.- Cosmos mix 3 pks
Datura inoxia- Datura mix 5 pks
Dimorphotheca sp.- African Daisy 2 pks
Eschscholzia californica- California Poppy 'Jelly Beans' 6 pks
Helianthus annuus- Large Sunflower 'Chianti' 3 pks
Helianthus annuus- Large Sunflower 'Hallo' 2 pks
Helianthus annuus- Large Sunflower 'Italian White' 5 pks
Helianthus annuus- Large Sunflower 'Lemon Chiffon' 6 pks
Helianthus annuus- Large Sunflower 'Strawberry Blonde' 3 pks
Helianthus annuus- Large Sunflower 'Sundrops' 5 pks
Helianthus annuus- Large Sunflower Mix 1 pk
Helianthus annuus- Small Sunflower 'Incredible' 5 pks
Helianthus annuus- Small Sunflower 'Kid Stuff' 2 pks
Helianthus annuus- Small Sunflower 'Sunspot' 5 pks
Helianthus annuus- Small Sunflower 'Teddy Bear' 9 pks
Helianthus annuus- Small Sunflower Mix 1 pks
Lagurus ovatus- Hare's/Bunny's Tail Grass 9 pks
Lupinus texensis- Texas Bluebonnet 'Alamo Fire' 7 pks trade only
Lupinus texensis- Texas Bluebonnet 12 pks
Lupinus succulentus- Arroyo Lupine/Succulent Lupine 12 pks 1.5 grams
Lupinus succulentus- Arroyo Lupine/Succulent Lupine 9 pks 1 gram
Phlox drummondii- Drummond Phlox Red 12 pks
Triticum aestivum- Wheat good as cat grass 3 pks
Tagetes erecta- Marigold mix 3 pks
Xerochrysum bracteatum- Yellow Strawflower 6 pks

Ipomoea sp.- Morning Glory mix Ivy-leaf, 'Star of Yelta', & 'Kniola's Black Knight' 2 pks
Ipomoea hederacea- Ivy-leaf Morning Glory baby blue blossom 6 pks
Ipomoea purpurea- Morning Glory mix 'Pink Shibouri', 'Aomursakizyouhantanshibori' & 'Kniola's Black Knight' 11 pks

Lunaria annua- Money Plant 14 pks
Sidalcea malviflora- Prairie Mallow 4 pks

Asclepias incarnata- Milkweed 2 pks from trade
Aurinia saxatilis- Gold Alyssum 7 pks
Cimicifuga racemosa- Black Cohosh 11 pks
Convallaria majalis- Lilly of the Valley 17 pks
Coreopsis lanceolata- Tickseed/Lance-leaf Coreopsis 8 pk
Dianthus deltiodes- Pinks 'Micro Chips' 9 pks
Gaillardia x grandiflora- Blanketflower var.? 2 pks
Helianthus tuberosus- Jerusalem Artichoke/Sunchoke tubers - see vegetables
Liatris spicata- Dense Blazing Star 8 pks
Lupinus perennis- Perennial Lupine 5 pks
Meconopsis betonicosis- Himalayan Blue Poppy 3 pks trade only
Pulsatilla vulgaris- Pasqueflower 'Double Frills' 2 pks trade only
Rudbeckia hirta- Black-eyed Susan 'Cherry Brandy' 1 pk
Saponaria officinalis- Bouncing Bet 2 pks

Celestrus scandens- American Bittersweet 3 pks
Clematis- Clematis 'Duchess of Edinburgh' 4 seeds special trade only

Hibiscus sp.- Hardy Hibiscus red/rose color 1 pk
Hibiscus syriacus- Rose of Sharon 'Blue Bird' 5 pks
Lagerstroemia sp.- Pink Crepe Myrtle 1 pk from trade

Agastache anisata- Anise Hyssop 2 pk
Allium tuberosum- Garlic Chives 1 pk
Coriandrum sativum- Cilantro 2 pks
Petroselinum crispum- Curly Parsley 3 pks

Capsicum annuum- Italian Pepper Corno di Toro type var.? 10 pks
Capsicum annuum- Sweet Bell Pepper var.? 8 pks
Capsicum annuum- Chili Pepper 'Black Pearl' 13 pks
Cucumis melo- Cantalope "Ambrosia' 3 pks from trade
Cucurbita maxima- Hubbard Squash 'Baby Blue' 4 pks
Cucurbita maxima- Hubbard Squash 'Mini Orange' 3 pks
Cucurbita pepo- Acorn Squash var.? 1 pk
Helianthus tuberosus- Jerusalem Artichoke/Sunchoke tubers 12 pks
Lycopersicon lycopersicum- Tomato 'Jolly' 25 pks
Lycopersicon lycopersicum- Tomato 'Patio' 7 pks
Phaseolus vulgaris- Anasazi Bean 7 pk
Phaseolus vulgaris- Great Northern Navy Bean 7 pks
Raphanus sativus- Radish 'Rainbow Mix' 9 pks
Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme- Grape Tomato 13 pks
Zea mays- Native Mini Rainbow Corn 'Wampum' 11 pk

SAMPLERS: seeds in samplers are not traded separately only as packs
Vegetable Packs contains the following:
#2: Sweet Bell Pepper Capsicum annuum, Cucumber 'Muncher' Cucumis sativus, Butternut Squash Cucurbita moschata, Spaghetti Squash Cucurbita pepo, Anasazi Bean Phaseolus vulgaris, Tomato 'Tigerella' Solanum lycopersicum, Grape Tomato Solanum lycopersicum var. cersiforme 1 pk

#3: Sweet Bell Pepper Capsicum annuum, Cucumber 'Muncher' Cucumis sativus, Butternut Squash Cucurbita moschata, Spaghetti Squash Cucurbita pepo, Anasazi Bean Phaseolus vulgaris, Tomato 'Beefsteak' Solanum lycopersicum, Grape Tomato Solanum lycopersicum var. cersiforme 1 pk

Three Sisters Large Packs: contain the following:
#1 Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum' Zea mays, Great Northern Navy Bean Phaseolus vulgaris, 'Mini Orange' Hubbard Squash Cucurbita maxima 2 pks

#2 Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum' Zea mays, Great Northern Navy Bean Phaseolus vulgaris, 'Babby Blue' Hubbard Squash Cucurbita maxima 2 pks

Three Sisters Small Packs: contain the following:
#1 Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum' Zea mays, Anasazi Bean Phaseolus vulgaris, Acorn Squash Cucurbita pepo 3 pks

#2 Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum' Zea mays, Anasazi Bean Phaseolus vulgaris, Butternut Squash Cucurbita moschata 4 pks

#3 Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum' Zea mays, Anasazi Bean Phaseolus vulgaris, Hubbard Squash 'Baby Blue' Cucurbita maxima 3 pk

#4 Mini Indian Corn 'Wampum' Zea mays, Anasazi Bean Phaseolus vulgaris, Hubbard Squash 'Mini Orange' Cucurbita maxima 1 pk

Bee, Butterfly & Hummingbird Mix # 1 contains the following:
Pot Marigold Calendula officinalis, Cornflower Centaurea cyanus, Shasta Daisy Chrysanthemum maximum, Tickseed Coreopsis lanceolata, Calliopsis Coreopsis tinctoria, Hound's tongue Cynoglossum sp., Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea, Wallflower Erysimum sp., Blanket Flower Gaillardia sp., Annual Baby's Breath Gypsophila sp., Candytuft Iberis sp., Blue Flax Linum perenne, Dense Blazing Star Liatris spicata, Four O'clock Mirabilis jalapa, Evening Primrose Oenothera biennis, Gloriosa Daisy Rudbeckia hirta, Catchfly Silene armeria, Silene coronaria Dusty Miller, Crimson Clover Trifolium incarnatum, Zinnia Zinnia sp. 2 pks

Bee, Butterfly & Hummingbird Mix # 2 contains the following:
Cornflower Centaurea cyanus, Lance-leaf Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata, Dwarf Red Plains Coreopsis Coreopsis tinctoria, Dense Blazing Star Liatris spicata, Petunia Petunia sp., Milkweed Asclepias incarnata, Drummond Phlox Red Phlox drummondii, Perennial Lupine Lupinus perennis, Arroyo Lupine Lupinus succulentus 2 pks

Bee, Butterfly & Hummingbird Mix # 3 contains the following:
Anise Hyssop Agastache anisata, Gold Alysssum Aurinia saxatilis, Black Cohosh Cimicifuga racemosa, Tickseed Coreopsis lanceolata, Dwarf Red Calliopsis Coeropsis tinctoria, Cosmos sp. Cosmos sp., Sunflower Helianthus annuus, Dense Blazing Star Liatris spicata, Money Plant Lunaria annua, Perennial Lupine Lupinus perennis, Arroyo Lupine Lupinus suculentus, Red Drummond Phlox Phlox drummondii, Prairie Malva Sidalcea malviflora 2 pks


Please, check out my wish list. If you don't have any of the seeds, that are on my list, please feel free to tempt me with anything you have. Thank you for trading with me.


Please, before requesting or sending seeds, check the links below for prohibited plant status in your/my area.

Prohibited Plant Status: Federal & State:

Prohibited Plant Status: Massachusetts:

USA to Canada Prohibited List:


Thank you for trading with me.

Aquene Peace,
WautuckquesSochepo SnowRabbit

This message was edited Nov 1, 2010 8:57 PM

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have Minnesota Midget seed for the Anasazi beans if that works for you.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish CajuninKy,

That sounds great, I am sending you a D-mail. Thank you for trading with me.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


I am slowly weeding through my back log of seeds and am updating my list as I go. I have now posted some new seeds to the list. Taubotny Thank you


DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Well, I don't have a darned thing on your want list, but if you check my have list maybe there's something there you'd be interested in.
I'd like some of your Pink shibouri x kniola's Black Knight and 'Triticum aestivum "Wheat" actually my cat wants that ;-)

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish Mj,

I sent the seeds out to you. I hope you enjoy the Morning Glories and your cat the "Wheat". Taubotny.


DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I sent you a d-mail when they came, Thank You? did you get your seeds?

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


Mj: Yes they did, thank you very much.

I have added new seeds to my haves list.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


The following seeds are new to my Haves List:

Coreopsis tinctoria- Dwarf Red Plains Coreopsis
Helianthus annuus- Sunflower 'Chocolate' trade only
Lupinus texensis- Texas Bluebonnet 'Alamo Fire' trade only
Lupinus texensis- Texas Bluebonnet
Lupinus succulentus- Arroyo Lupine/Succulent Lupine
Phlox drummondii- Drummond Phlox Red

Chlorophytum comosum- Variegated Spider Plant
Echinacea tennesseensis- Tennessee Coneflower trade only
Lupinus perennis- Perennial Lupine

Bee & Butterfly Mix # 2 contains the following:
Cornflower Centaurea cyanus, Lance-leaf Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata, Dwarf Red Plains Coreopsis Coreopsis tinctoria, Dense Blazing Star Liatris spicata, Petunia Petunia sp., Milkweed Asclepias incarnata, Drummond Phlox Red Phlox drummondii, Perennial Lupine Lupinus perennis, Arroyo Lupine Lupinus succulentus


Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Do you still have any of the snail vine seeds?

Elk Horn, KY

im interested in these if you still have? perenial lupine, chinese wisteria, dwarf japanese red maple, and native mini rainbow corn 'wampum'. i have hyacinth bean vine that would trade if you are interested?

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish woodsirit1,

Yes I do have Snail Vine seeds left. I will Dmail you.

Moe / WautuckquesSochepo

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish czimmerman00,

I am sending you a Dmail.

Moe / WautuckquesSochepo

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I just have to ask. What does kawankamish mean and what language is that?

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

The Algonquin Natick Dialect Language word 'Kawonkamish', means the same as the English word 'Greetings'.


Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

thanks. At least I know who the Algonquins are.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Koonepeam(You are welcome).


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


I have added some new seeds to my Haves list.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


I have now added to my Have's List some plants.

Annual Plants:
Commelina communis- Asiatic Dayflower

Perennial Plants:
Aurinia saxatilis- Pot of Gold Alyssum
Nerisyrenia camporum- Bicolor Fanmustard/Velvety Nerisyrenia
Ornithogalum umbellatum- Star of Bethlehem/Sleepydick
Scilla mischtschenkoana- White Squill/Early Squill
Scilla siberica- Siberian Squill


This message was edited Apr 8, 2010 4:32 PM

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

thanks for the "heads up." I will have to look some of them up in the Plantsfiles. I am clearly not the studied gardener that you are, but love to learn about and grow new plants that will grow here. I will be in touch........Betty

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I have updated my list.


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Algonquin? I hail from the Seneca .

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I never saw a D-mail from you. Do you still have the snail vine seeds?

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish marti001,

Yes, I am from the Chappiquiddic Band, Wampanoag Nation, First People of Chappaquiddick, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. We are a part of the Pokanoket Tribe.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish woodspirit1,

I did send you one. Anyway the answer is... yes, I still have the seeds set aside for you. ;-)


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I wish I knew more about my people. My grandmother destroyed everything and forbid the family from talking about it. My mother, in a drunked stupor, let slip to me about the Seneca heritage, grandmother got very mad and when I refused to forget about it, she disowned me. So I have nothing. And feel like such an outsider. Even all of my records say 'white' as my race and there are enough white men in the mix that I don't have the true look of a Seneca. But my soul is Seneca, no matter what anyone thinks.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

marti, maybe a genealogical group could help you trace your heritage.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I tried that years ago. Nothing. Grandmother did a good job. Even my relatives that are still alive refuse to dicuss anything and even say there is no Indian heritage. I have come to the conclusion that it does not matter what I can or can not prove, what others can or can not believe. I know and that's what matters.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I think their denial is the biggest clue it is true. I think you stubborness is well justify and you should be proud

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I am very proud!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish marti001,

It is strange, not being able to find any reference to your families Seneca heritage. Have you tried online sites, ones that trace genealogies? The kind that have online access to birth and death certificates, census documents, etc..


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I've tried just about everywhere. I do not know what names to look for. Grandmother insisted that we claim that we were German, English, Irish and Dutch. My father was Norwegian, Irish. So all the names I can find are from those places. My mother was born in the Ohio River Valley.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I have added some more seeds to my Have's List.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I have added a new seed mix.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I have added some new seeds to my Have's List.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I have added more seeds to my Have's List.


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I am interested in your variegated airplane plant and Zea mays "Wampum" seeds. Alas, I don't have anything on your list right now.
Would you be interested in any of these seeds from this year's harvest?
Strophostyles helvola, Trailing Fuzzy Bean
Ipomoea hederifolia var Lutea
Ipomoea obscura
Ipomoea setosa
Ipomoa muricata syn I. turbinata
Ipomoea nil, Blue Silk

Thanks, Alana

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish Alana,

I would love to trade my Chlorophytum comosum 'Variegatum' and Zea mays 'Wampum' for your Ipomoea hederifolia var Lutea and Ipomoea nil 'Blue Silk'.

I will get them out to you in Monday's mail. Thank you for trading with me.


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I will get yours out Monday as well. Thanks for trading,

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


Alana: I received the seeds, thank very much. Sorry I had not posted my reply. We have had family trouble. Again thank you for trading with me.


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