Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

We came from here....

So ok, whose in?

This is my most recent bloomer LOL! Still in the pak!

.. I do have buds on a snap in my the office thats under my lights and Im waaaaiting!

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Will be doing that exact variety, next year and Black Prince, definately.

Do you all what I saw in "down town" Mt. Orab yesterday? Snaps blooming their hearts out!!! And just 12 hours before it was snowing.(well.... Just a few flakes and a heavy frost.)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

most of my plants in my GPS got hit with the deep freeze last night except for the snaps. Even the pansy petered out!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

My snap seedlings in the GH are still good. They were growing so good,I was afraid they'd get too big over the winter,bloom out and be useless for early market sales but this weather has haulted their growth and they didn't get a cahnce to make much new growth after I gave them their har tuts.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I got my Animation Cognac snap seeds from Johnny's so I'm definitely doing those and got Frosted Sunset from Summerhill.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, I am not sure what we got down to last night but the first thermometer I saw today said 16. Had to be colder as there was ice on the buckets in the shelter.

I got Parks catalogs today.. oh my, I am gonna have to sit on the couch and google some paper pages!

The snaps in the office are still in bud form.

And we stopped at Leos today and he gave me a pinch of a baby variagated sun rose! She did not know what it was and was glad to learn its name and I was glad for the snip! I just hope i can get that baby to grow like the others I have Its a looker in the foliage! Cant wait to see it in bloom! Makes me wonder if I should not have got the whole plant! (Kicking self in butt again!)

Anyway I cant wait to start seeing everyones pix of their snaps here!! The names are a facination enough but the show has to be much better!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Good choice dmac. "Animation Cognac" is, by far, my favorite snapdragon. Last winter I only planted 2 or 3 of them. This fall/winter I've planted a whole section of them. They're coming along but still a month, or so, from blooms. The Rocket Snapdragons were planted at the same time and they're much closer to blooming (starting to set some buds).

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Oo BB,I've been wanting var. baby sunrose. Don't kill so you can send me some....LOL

My snaps Bronze Dragon are finally turning bronze now that the weather has gotten cold. Some of the Brighton Rock seedlings are turning dark too.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Im gonna call leo and tell him to hold that plant for me, I want the whole thing! I just got a pinch and will try to get you some.

Man Im still logging yer seeds yet and I got Parks catalogs in and OMG.. too much in there that I would love!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah,I finally got all my personal seed inventory in a DG journel...working on perennials now but the dang "m" key works a while then putz out for a while and I still have 8-10 pages,back and front of perennials to journel so I have no ther recourse than do some housework ,get the trash out for tomorrow's pick up and get our bills posted.YUCK! I hate housework but the floors are a mess from toting firewood in to to fireplaces.

I gotta get out there on a warm day and inventory all the daylilies.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

You gotta get that sun rose Blossom. I've learned that if you keep tossing around the decision on whether to buy a plant, or not, you might as well get it if its something unique or hard to find. Chances are you're gonna get home and wish you had bought it. My brothers visiting and yesterday I took him plant hunting. The one nursery had just a couple of blue pansies left, so he grabbed them. He didn't need any more pansies, but he hadn't seen any blue ones in Sarasota, FL. That nursery had a whole bunch of them on Wedn and I knew they'd be gone very very fast. I stumbled across a couple of "Pink Perfection" Camellia plants. Thought about coming home, without it, and thinking about it some more. Decided to just buy the darn thing. I know I'd be wishing I had bought it later in the day if I left without it.


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, if I can get the whole plant from Leo, I will make lotsa babies, but heres what I have so far is just this little girl here... shes only 2 inches long and got no roots yet... I just baptisted her so shes a lil wet looking so wish me luck. If it grows as well as the green one I have we are in business and I will send them to you in the spring. I have tons of the solid green, some 20 baskets full of it and they are due to be cut back.. Dang I wished I had a place to do cuttings.

6'2" and I are going out to dinner so later I will work on more catalogging. Gotta get the kids fed and do a few things so will be back here later

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I know Jon, but Leos wife was not to big on selling it.. she had a too big tag on it and she gave me the cutting only because I ID'ed it for her! So I dont know if she will let it go or not. I am hoping and will see. Maybe if I bribe her with a solid green.. hmmmm now theres a thought!

Camelias are gorgeous. I cant do them here. Id kill them for sure and even in the house. I tried a gardenia too once and same thing.. dead dead dead...made me cry!

Well, gotta run Jon, so you and Patty have a good day!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Have a good day Blossom. My brother has a very old gardenia at his new home, that needs to be fertilized and have its dead wood pruned. He didn't know what the tree was and had never heard of a gardenia. Yesterday, at the nursery, I took him over to the gardenias and had him look at and smell the blooms. I have a feeling he now has more interest in trying to rejuvenate the gardenia at his new home.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Whal,ain't she prudier than a speckled pup lyin' up un'er a red wagon wid yaller spokes.

I've always wanted camellia Pink Prefection but can't ever find one locally.

Had a beautiful dwarf varietgated gardenia but I didn't keep up on pruning out the solid green growths and now it's all green...but still a nice plant and blooms just loads.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I don't have a gardenia, but have recently thought about buying a smaller one. Most of the ones I was looking at yesterday, at the nursery, were probably 10 feet tall, or higher.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I need to propagate the dwarf one. Makes a nice low profile you can under plant other blooming shrubs with.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Jon. Im sure we will, its the Christmas dinner at our church and I tell you what, not a bad cook in that bunch!

Biggest gardenia I ever saw around here was a houseplant.. foot tall maybe, but I did see some marvelous ones in Hawaii!

Well see you all later...

Purdier that a pup, she is nas aint she! Well, pray I dont kill it cuase I think Leos wife is gonna be a tough sell on getting the momma cheap if at all!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I didn't realize the variegated rose wasn't for sale. Under those circumstances I'd just be glad they gave me a cutting. I don't know if I've have the nerve to then ask them if I can buy the whole plant after they were generous enough to give me the cutting. That's a touch call.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I baaack! OMG! That dinner was awesome! Burrrp! LOL! ANd Jolly Santa thought he was a bowl full!

I am soo happy to have received just a snippet of that sunrose! Im going to try to go back soon and see if it is still available ;-)

If it is I am tempted to make her an offer though anyway and that would be to let me propgate back for her some in return! After all, that mum collection was awesome! And I think she would like that pretty well. But time will tell. We are just getting to know each other! They are more of a retail type GH than a grower so it would be a place maybe I can contract grow some specific plants for her and that is what I am looking for in the future. Be nice to make a little money later and that plant does so well for me. Well least the sold green ones did!

Well, I had a nice surprize today, my one snap opend. I just wished I had a better camera to take better pics of close ups. This agian does not do the flower justice!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

That's a nice snapdragon Blossom. I wish my camera would take better close ups also. Either it doesn't or I don't know how to change the settings and do it. Like those surprises when blooms pop open and you didn't see them coming. Have a few bearded iris buds close to opening. I think I enjoy those blooms more than anything else I have. They're a pleasant surprise down here in the tropics.

One of my neighbors told me to go check out the Christmas lights at a house 3 blocks behind me. I did so this evening. I have never seen anything like it before and my jaw dropped to the ground. They must have started putting up the lights several months ago. All the lights twinkle, blink and flash to the music. I was wondering why I've been seeing these flashes of light in the sky at night. It's that house. There are so many lights that the sky lights up and I've been noticing it from approximately 1/2 mile away!!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I love the soft color of that new snap! But the blossoms were somewhat mutated. Probably due to fertility issues.

Jon, go back to that house, take night pix! You would be surprized what comes of the lights! We have some in our area that go all out too.

My other camera was better than this one. It could take better close ups. My hands are too shakey and the speed on this one is just a hair slow.

Bet those gardenias are heaven-scent! As I recall though the scent was better at a distance since they were pretty heavy scented correct me if I am recalling wrong. Been a long time since I have smelled and seen a real gardenia!

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Wow! Not as good as the ones that catapulted a man in Mason(one of the many suburbs of Cincinnati!) to fame...
Have any of you heard the song Wizards In Winter by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra? A Mason man, Carson Williams, in 2005 outfited his WHOLE yard and house to dance to it. They had cars lined up for 3+ miles! What really stinks is that the Community Of Mason told them that they couldn't do it again, because the of "accident risk". He got around it by placing a similar display in the local park, and he charged admission. These came up in a Google search "wizards in winter lights":

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL!! I would hate to pay the electric! My grow lights are high enough!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL, I've seen video of the lights that guy puts up in Mason, Ohio. Trust me, this display here is on an equal level as that one. It's actually not confined to just one house down here. It involves both of his next door neighbors properties also. There is also am archway and trail at the beginning of it that you can follow along through all 3 properties. This display is massive.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, that lil snap up there got richer in color. Looks like Im gonna have to clean offf shelves tomorrow. Had several annuals bite the dust.

Looks like my paperwhites are heading out. Be blooming before Christmas I expect!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Probably not much you could have done to save the annuals I would guess? That's why they're called annuals. At least it gives you some more room on the shelves. Good to hear the timing on the paperwhites is gonna work out just right. Haven't tried those before. The new Amaryllis bulbs out in the yard are just starting to bloom/set buds. Amaryllis "Piquant" is the first one to bloom today.

Thumbnail by amorecuore
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

OK, sure, make me jellus Jon! I love those but hate getting them because I end up buying and tossing! Never to bloom again. RATZ! That one is very nice

Yer right onthose annuals...but I do have a petunia still blooming! The blossom is very small.

I am so afraid to fertilize in the house. Room yano! But I know if I did fertilize more.. I would have healthyier stock.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, Amaryllis are not very cost effective if they're tossed after blooming. They're not cheap bulbs. I just leave them in the ground or move them a few months later to a different spot.

At least you're getting December blooms. That's cool. Why are you afraid to use a liquid fertilzer mixed with water?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Im short of height space! LOL! Lame excuse, but then I woul dhave to pinch more too.. ok.. running out to go get fertilizer.. just been plain poor and lazy!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL. I would hope the fertilizer would give you better results. Perhaps a 1/2 dosage on the smaller plants?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I was wondering.. have you tried that agroflash? I am interested in trying it.

There was another product I tried last season and was pretty happy with it, you put ONE drop into a gallon of water and wham, you had fertilizer! Dang if I can remember the name of that product....Im gonna have to go to Al's and see whats on their shelves I am pretty sure they carry that one..

Well, Jon, I must thank you for the nice pac of seeds today! They arrived in great shape..For snapdragons I have seed now for Fordhook tall mix. They look awesome! They are going into my must plant box for 2010! I best get busy!

Im going to be busy logging your seed in too and I have not finished doing Pattys! LOL! I have a pile of hollyhocks and the veggies she sent in her package yet to log.

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

The arch sounds a bit like the neighbors, 2 1/2 miles down the street(streets here are looonngg,lol). They have three, very large arches over their driveway, did in 3 different colors. This year it's red, blue, and white. + Their pond: they put multicolored lights all around it! When I get pix, I'll post!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

What makes the Christmas lights at these three houses so overwhelming is that it encompasses the whole property, front and back. The yard itself has just as many lights and lawn ornaments as the house does lights.

I'm weak on fertilizer knowledge Blossom. I have lots to learn. I just stick with Miracle Gro and a few specialty fertilizers for my hibiscus, palm and citrus trees. I hope the tall snapdragons do well for ya. I like the short and midsized ones, but I LOVE the tall ones, because they're perfect for cutting. I always immediately put my snap seeds in the refrigerator in a ziploc bag until I sew them. For some reason I get better germination this way???

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I dont lioke miricle-kill. Never had luck with the stuff. Must be my water.

I will not use any of their products..

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Too funny. I've been using Miracle Gro on all my plants, regularly, for the last 2 1/2 years. I even use it occasionally on my hybrid hibiscus. The hibiscus tend to like it when you rotate fertilizers that have similar components.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I tell ya what, I know what is in their compost and I would not use it for all the tea in CHINA.

Id get it tested for chemicals first.


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Don't know. Never had any problems, or plant loss, due to using it. I don't use it on any of my vegetables for consumption.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Sooner make my own if I could. Then I know it aint got the nasty stuff in it. Some of these dang compost farms ought to close their doors for what they put in it. Owell, just my humble opinion having seen a few first hand. Some of them aint nothing more than a garbage dump and the stuff ought to go to the landfill not the compost heaps. Idiots..

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Just starting to get blooms on tall snapdragon seeds that were sewn on Sept 25th. Here's a photo, from this morning, of "Animation Cognac" putting out it's first bloom this winter.


Thumbnail by amorecuore

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