Christmas decorations.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Here is Santa and family.-----Elaine

Thumbnail by sammut
Merino, Australia

Love your decorations Elaine. I can't add any because I no longer decorate with only the two of us here. I will enjoy looking at yours though.

That's lovely elaine ...what else have you been up to?

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

elaine...this is a sad story ...i decorated my house,truck ,tree lawn,upuntil 2 years ago,when my knees could no longer handle scrrambling across the roof[at the speed of a sloth]and i gave up...176 cars drove in/out of the culdesac on last display in one night...this year,the atmosphere is a little better.i may put some up..i have a 2 metre blue star'we call aunty nell'because she died christmas eve next door seem keen,maybe we can do a deal

Thumbnail by g_whizz
western sydney nsw, Australia

I have nothing in the front of my house every thing is in my back yard only family and visitors
see it . Hope next door do a deal and" Aunty Nell" goes up for all to see .
Here is the snack table all ways ready for when needed.

Thumbnail by sammut
Clifton Springs, Australia

That table looks beautiful Elaine, your guests must be very well looked after.
Everyone in favour of Auntie Nell going up say "AYE "
"AYE" but be careful though Anthony.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning to all I'm on the run this morning stayed out side to long
Here is my Christmas banner.---------------Elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
townsville, Australia

Elaine they are all lovely, Iooking at your table of goodies I'm coming to your house this year lol.

and Aye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Shelly welcome any time but not this weekend doctors orders complete rest and taking medication
My back door is staying locked family orders .
This is the BBQ area

Thumbnail by sammut
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

peer pressure has struck'' aunty nell'' is up beautiful and streamlined as ever..also a couple of eye trickery nomenclature 'so far'......'''oh them bones''''aching,but hey christmas spirit'hit me' at about2.30 after 2 years in the dumps,,,,thanks all,anthony

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

aunty nell doesnt wobble thanks to 3 hits with the love it''so far''

Thumbnail by g_whizz
western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi-- cough -couch sorry about thate hope it stops soon .
Aunty Nell is beautiful .
Here is two more little helpers.

Thumbnail by sammut
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Elaine,Just wonderful ..what you do!You are your family must cherish you!No idle time in your life is there...

western sydney nsw, Australia

I just never have time to do every I wont to the days are to short for me and now I am losing days battling this bug I have . Must start counting my bleesings and stop complaining Sorry
Here is the yard tree This year the yard colour is red . Bows and decorations.Elaine

Thumbnail by sammut
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

between plants,the market and chores,ive still managed 2 more ropelights,[1 on the clothesline,1 around a support pole]busy day,burnt and buggered,but hey,the christmas spirit is still cruisin

western sydney nsw, Australia

I started on the cloths line hung 4 things last Friday might get it finished in a few days think I will put lights .-----------Elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

If you have Grandkids I bet they love to come visit you....a real wonderland for them to explore!

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

brical,ihave 1 grandchild,the diamond in my eye,she's so new,she still shines....good golly miss proud of her,and her mum[in case you didnt realise].

western sydney nsw, Australia

My grand children all grown up no great grand children Yet ?
But I am having 2 little ones coming chistmas day a 6 and 5 year old thate is reason the yard decorations are a little over the top also this is the first year lunch is in the yard not so formal going plastic and foil to make clean up quick and easy the only hot food will be the Pudding and custard .
This morning the bug seems to have gone on to the Flu not bad if I stay still but hard to breath if I move around so a nother visit to the doctor and more medication expected.
This is next to where I am sitting .-----------Elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

That is just lovely...what happy joyous surroundings you have made there for your enjoyment and others!
Do take care and go back to your Dr and get that breathing attended too..

Clifton Springs, Australia

Love your yard tree, Elaine..the kids must love your house.
Great to see Auntie Nell looking her best..Anthony, nice to know that the spirit is cruisin.
My granddaughter was 14 last enjoy your Diamond every minute that you can.
We gave Stephanie perfume and a webcam...all I wanted at 14 was a horse. LOL

western sydney nsw, Australia

Above the table ---------------Elaine

Thumbnail by sammut
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Great pictures. Enjoyed Aunt Nell and the Santa's in the yard.

Alstonville, Australia

This old car gets the treatment in the street every year.

Thumbnail by hel
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Neat! That is very nice.

This message was edited Dec 12, 2009 8:44 AM

western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning to all ,
Sorry have not been around still not well after being up about 10 minutes I have to lay down again .
Hope this week I will start to feeling brighter and more with it.

Thumbnail by sammut
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Elaine, The Christmas Spirit is at your house.
It is Beautiful!

Love the pictures everyone ...elaine now slow down and take it easy ...the heat has been bad and you need to relax a bit.
I hope you feel better soon.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Ok, you've finally got me inspired! I usually do xmas lights, but time has been getting away. Today I found my reindeers, star lights and solar Candy canes (need a day to charge). Anyway, I put the reindeer and stars in and just in the nick of time, as its raining. I put them on a timer for 8pm till 9.30pm. I'll add a bit more to it tomorrow, weather permitting.
ps, loving all the xmas spirit going on, and Elaine, please do take care of yourself. sometimes you just have to take a step back until you regain your strength, as frustrating as it might be! You've had a tough time on the health front, so give your body a rest, you mad woman!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning to all,
At last I'm on the mend about 2 days away from normal This morning I received a beautiful gift A Keepsake collection of Christmas stories Its a childrens book but good for all ages nice change .Christmas eve we sit and tell our favorite tale so now a change every one can read a story out.This is our way of relaxing waiting for midnight.
Sue great to see your lights going up Now Santa will be able to find you .
I never finished getting every thing out my boys are cleaning my roof on Sat . and will get more boxes down from the high storage area. and put them around for me my days of ladder climbing are finished. Like always no matter how early I start it seems the last things always go up christmas Eve.
Better go time to make lunch .
Every one have a great day till later elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Clifton Springs, Australia

The book looks lovely Elaine and your silver fairy is very pretty..
Sounds as though you will have a wonderful Christmas Eve
Good to hear that you are feeling better.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Glad to hear you are on the mend Elaine. Its a busy, hot hectic time of year to be unwell!
I played a bit more with the lights, and am not sure if I am ready to stop yet. Probably not. I just have to find some more power points.
I haven't got a tree up this year, but with out children around, it doesn't have the same appeal. If my Wollemi pine had lived, it would have been perfect! Does anyone have one that has stayed alive more than a few years?

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brisbane, Australia

This is really my one Xmas decoration - the lazy person's friend - the fibre optic tree! All you have to do is plug it in! I enjoy Xmas, but not the decorations still staring at me in Feb.
Ooops sorry it's such a blurry pic!

This message was edited Dec 16, 2009 10:46 PM

Thumbnail by LeisaD
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That's what I have Leisa, I got some little stuffed critters on it.
Elaine, you will get stronger with each day.
Loved the book and angel

western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning to all ,
Yesterday I charged up a string of 100 solar lights it was only a cheap box I found them at Coles [ I am a excited when I see any solar lights ] I put them on the tree next to the front door
the panel I put next to the glass hope there will be enough sun in the afternoon to recharge they looked great forgot to take pic. have to see if they still have them to put in the yard . My silly entry dont have a power point so a nice change to have lights on this tree . also put a string of lights above the lounge for the first time normal I only have lights on the tree .
I have been looking at the fibre optic trees might be on the list for next year .
All my decos come down in 5 Hrs early new year eve morning house cleared by lunch time dont know about this year?
My 23 year old grand son would be heart broken if I did not have all the decos out he brings his mates to see it all but I have a little neice and nephew come christmas day so the yard mainly done for them .
better go its going to be a hot one here today all out side is watered so staying in the cool house have a great day take care elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I know, it's a mess, but I love messes!! Hope you all do too.
Not clutter, it accumulated Treasures.
boy, do I have Treasures.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Very pretty lights you have there Elaine..
And good to see you are now on the mend.

RRM.Lovely treasures....I just love that rooster...what's it made of?

Clifton Springs, Australia

That rooster is a beauty...RRM

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Charleen ,
Where is the mess your home has a happy lived in look I love Christmas decorations mixed in with treasures adds more colour and more reason to smile as you look around Im lucky my Rocky never touches any thing but likes to hid under the tree .

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hit wrong button --------Here is pic. elaine

Thumbnail by sammut

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