24 and 1/2 SHOPPING DAYS....OH MY!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Oh man, let me whip out the petty cash....grin Kinda looks like an ornate phone booth.....lol

That cappucino recipe sounds good Lynn. I would like a copy please.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I tagged that one, Flowers. I think DH and GS will really like that one. Thanks

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Hey Lynnie I'll buy two and send ya one lol. Talking snow showers here Wed. night. Burrrr I don't like it either moon. Lynnie I want the capppucino recipe my daughtes love that stuff.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

It has a sweet tart flavor if ya like that sort of drink and the cloves gives it that umph

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Sweet tarts, lemonheads, sourpatch kids, those are favorites of DH and GS. May have to hold the cloves for them, but I like it...grin Thanks

(Zone 5b)

I was spending so much on instant cappucino my husband found me a recipe...
I prefer it less sweet, so I tweaked it, I'll give you the un-tweaked version

1 cup instant coffee
1 cup dry creamer
1 cup sugar
1 cup Nestle Quick
1 tsp cinnamon

my version is to cut the Nestle quick & the sugar each in half, and I sometimes leave out the cinnamon. Just mix it up and put it in a pretty jar with a ribbon. Use either regular instant coffee or decaf.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Yummy Lynnie will try that one for sure. Love the hot drinks in winter, makes for cozy Thanks

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Wow, Lynnie. That looks like it makes a good bit. Certainly gonna be more economical than the little tins you find in the grocery. Gotta give it a try. Thanks

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Ok girls day is getting away from me and need to feel useful. Will catch yall tonight sometime and hope you have sunshine inside and out. Karen

(Zone 5b)

you're both welcome :) it does make a lot, I drink quite a bit of it in winter...I'm the only person in my family probably in the history of my family who doesn't drink tea. Shhh. Don't tell the ancestors. A group of British people made fun of me once, offered me tea and when I said no thank you, I don't drink it they said "That's right! You throw it in the harbor!" and fell out laughing at me LOL they were very fun.

(Zone 5b)

oh cut it in quarters before you make a big batch....it's just equal parts everything.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Hello Everyone! Our internet at work is hit & miss today. had to *try* to play solitaire during lunch, forgot how...

Bring it on, Lynnie. Recipe sounds good.

Moon, that jade carriage is amazing. York peppermint patties are my favorite. I love to feel the cool breeze..

Flowers, you & family are a sight for the eyes, your daughters are very pretty, like their mom.

JJ, I absolutely love those reindeer. Very, very cute. I like the Santa idea, especially the one of Lynnie's of him peeking out from behind the tree.

Jim, the local art gallery, The Albright Knox Art Gallery, has a sculpture of David on the grounds. I love sculpture, especially Michaelangelo. I read The Agony and The Ecstasy about a million times. Well, ok, maybe 20... I know it's a novel, but the history and techniques used are true.

Hopefully this will post and I don't lose anything. DD starts at the SPCA today, she's really excited. (hit send)

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Hey Smilely glad you are back to your perky self. Thanks for saying but girls took after their dads good looks lol Have a good day and hope some time for solitare wink cya tonight.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I will need the full recipe...grin

Okay, gotta go see if drano has worked magic on GS's BR sink....heaven knows what he has washed down it....grin

You guys have a good afternoon....keep your fingers crossed I don't want to have to get a plumber in....so if drano doesn't work gonna take the p-trap off....Jean of all trades at your service...LOL

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the recipe, Lynnie. My SIL would like that also. Maybe a little of each, cappuccino and hot chocolate.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

You go Moon child we will root you on, You can do it!!! rah rah rah lol Oh Smiley what is SPCA I know you are a proud mama.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

If drano doesn't work, try some *real* drain opener. copper sulfate.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Smiley. Sounds like you are feeling a bit better. Try to stay warm and dry....grin I love York's too, and they surely dress up a plain cake. Can use a sheet cake topped with them right out of oven and a chocolate drizzle frosting...quick and easy and good....my dessert motto....grin.

Take care, All

Off to plumb the depths of the sink drain....grin

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Good on Angela. Hope she has a really good experience....the SPCA is lucky to get her.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Flowers. Like the pound, kind of.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Oh now I remember duhhhh, Know she will do great, great cause. Chow gotta go and get some things done.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

She does love animals. Doesn't want to see anything *icky* though. I didn't have the heart to tell her that for her age, it's not hands-on with the animals. She can find that out on her own. She was afraid she'd get stuck with something that involved taking care of sick animals, or something to that effect.

I told her she'd probably be cleaning cages, and that's a very important thing because they have to live in there all day. She said she didn't mind that. (whew!)

I guess our internet is permanently back on, got a phone call from the ISP, better check the bank now.

Everyone have a good day.

Jesup, GA

Sneaking in just long enough to say hi all. I'm at work,ughhh. Trina,hope things get better quickly with family. You are all in my prayers. Been missing you on the threads. Keep in touch and let us know how things are going. Moon,that's my jade coach! Lost my slipper in it,when horses ran away. At least I know where it is now! Seriously,they are beautiful. Every one be sweet,that means you too Miss.Flowers. Grin....And I will catch up later. JJ's I saw a hoarding show as well. This woman had a dead cat under all of the garbage piled in her house. Ohhhhhh/Gag,Gag and Gag some more. Was that the same one that yall watched? Cant believe any one can live in that kind of filth! Gotta go girls. See ya later alligators!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

8,000 pounds of trash! Still taking meds and drinking plenty of fluids. Later!

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

I'm home from work and I love my new house, I love my new house, I love my new house.......
I have to get pictures of it. It's really nice.
Each room has a ceiling fan and track lighing up near the ceiling that we use as night lights so we can check on them.....
They all slept all night long ^_^
Oh, I forgot to mention vaulted ceilings and 2 and 1/2 baths, and a 3 car garage.

Do I really have to go back to the old house for a week?

One of my new clients was giggling at me as I was changing her during the night, so I guess she likes me.
And I got one up and gave her a shower and got her dressed, and she was all smiles too.

Oh and Lynn...............
No bear mugged me..............LOL

Dronfield, United Kingdom

Hi Everyone,hope you are all having a good day,already 6.45pm here.
Smiley I hope your daughter enjoys it at the SPCA.My elder son did what we call work experience at a boarding kennell for dogs,where owners take their pet to be cared for whilst they are away from home on holiday[vacation to you in US],or it could be where the owner was ill and unable to care for the dog.He had to walk them,bathe and dry them ,feed them and clean out the runs and kennels.School pupils here have to do 2 weeks work experience during the school year when they're 16 and Sam choose to do his caring for dogs.
We also have charities like the SPCA over here,they are usually for re-housing abandoned animals or ones their owners can no longer care for.The animals are usually re-homed where possible.
My Sam really enjoyed it,don't think he wanted to go back to school again when 2 weeks were over.
Flowers,at first I had a problem trying to work out what your Russian or Christmas Tea would be like,then I realised the following........
Jello is what I know as Jelly,i'm afraid I didn't know what it was and had to look it up :}
Jelly to you I now know also is what we call Jam,that you put on bread or toasted bread.
I love the flavours of cloves and cinnamon,so warming.Ginger's the same,I think.
Busy afternoon for me,swept up lots of fallen leaves from the paved area at the back of my house.I'd been waiting for a still wind free day to get rid of them all,hopefully thats the last of them,the trees are bare,except of course for the Evergreens.
It's been very cold and frosty all day,but with a wintery sun,which made it rather nice.Warmed up quite quickley once I'd begun sweeping :}
Talk later hopefully,supposed to be helping DH with indoor decorations,once I've eaten :}

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I am happy for you. It sounds like your house is great. Even if they can't talk, giggling and smiling is wonderful. How can they not like you!

Dronfield, United Kingdom

Kassy ,thats great news that you like your new house where you'll be working.It sounds as though the facilities there are excellant.It must also be so very rewarding when the people you're caring for respond to you with smiles and laughter.
I hope everything continues to go well for you in your work :}

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Thanks venice and joy.

Now I hope my program coordinator at the house I have to go back to for one week, lets my clients know I will be leaving.

I know the one with congestive heart failure is expecting it. He knew when the house that was near me opened up, I was planning on transfering.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Folks.
I am sure it can get a bit confusing for ya sometimes Joy. grin....In case you haven't noticed, we often confuse ourselves...grin Supposed to get our first freeze this weekend here. I do not like cold weather....

Hi Venice...hope you are feeling better, today.

Kassy, that is just too cool. So glad you will be happier there.

Okay...had to take the trap off the sink...YUK. I found a toothbrush wedged in the trap and a ton of collected yucky stuff. Not even gonna try to figure out how that happened...blame it on the cats...yeah, that is it...a cat did it....grin

Now just waiting to see if I got it all back together with no leaks...crossing fingers...grin

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Yeaaaaa Kassy, sounds like a great place! Venice sorry you are still under the weather. Stay in out of the cold. Moon look at you--------Found a toothbrush and everything,Baddd Kitty lol Joy thats cute, never thought of jello as jelly but can see where that would be now. Don't google, just ask and we will muddle through together and if that doesn't work then you can google lol. Back to the kitchen, ride made me hungry.

Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Good luck Jean........
BF had leaks in his.............LOL
If you have no leaks, we have a job for you at his place ^_^

I will be much happier there.

Thanks flowers ^_^

(Zone 5b)

Dixie get back to work! *grin*
Venice I hope you feel better soon....
Smiley I hope your daughter likes the work, sounds like a good productive way to spend her time.
Kassy I'm glad you like the new place, how did you manage to avoid the bears on the way there? You must run really fast.
Moon I want to remodel my bathroom when are you available? You can take the sedan chair.
I'm glad Joy didn't see that bit about me not being a tea drinker, I don't want to alienate her.
Flowers what are you eating I'm hungry too.

Dronfield, United Kingdom

Decorations are coming along well

Thumbnail by joyhughes
Marinette, WI(Zone 4b)

Joy, want to come and do mine? I have one day off in the next 16 days.......

Ok, when am I going to get any shopping done?

JJ, want to do my shopping?

Dronfield, United Kingdom

Lynnie,I like tea and coffee,I did read it,but I didn't feel alienated,or I would have said
Lol.I drink tea with milk,but no sugar,same my coffee.But I'm afraid I don't really like the milky Capuccino type coffees,Just black coffee to which I add a smallish amount of [preferably warm]milk.The Italian style drinks are very popular over here though,as we have all the cafe chains like Starbucks now .I frefer tea if I'm eating as well as drinking :}
Everyone,sorry my snowman photo came out sideways.

Dronfield, United Kingdom

Kassy,it must be very difficult fitting eveything in,with your work schedule being so busy.....if I could afford the air fare,I'd definately help out :}

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Okay...Moon's midnight bath room supply and renovations service is now open....no leaks...hurray!! Renovations while you wait (with legs crossed) grin (lynnie, with me doing the renovations, you may need that sedan chair....grin

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Joy, I think if we could all be together to help each other out, we would! What is in the cage in your photo?
I think what we call jello is not jelly in your case. The tipper was that you call it jam. We have jelly and jam here, jello is a brand name of flavored gelatin. You don't have jello in the UK? No jello jigglers?

Kassy, it's so great that you love your new house! Tears almost came to mah eyez when I read that. Not only do you not have to travel, but you love the house. And you love your work, what more could you ask for in a job??

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Joy cute santa!
Kassy are you going to decorate your new house? Too dangerous for your people? Surely a little something would be nice.
Moon great job!

I am out in the warm air scrubbing pots. The fresh air is good for me. No sniffles or anything. I use the latex surgical gloves to garden with and it is hard to type with them on!

Question: How far back should I cut daylilies, asters, irises? Maybe I can do that while my pots soak.

You girls are soooo silly and funny. I burst out laughing when I read some of your posts. Keep it up!

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