Question about Bush MG Seeds

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

We are getting our first freeze on Friday night and this is the first year my Bush MG has bloomed and set seeds. I have so far collected three pods that turned brown, but there are another 8 or 10 that are not turned yet. They sure do take a long time to ripen! I'm just wondering if anyone has tried cutting the plant down and hanging it to allow the seeds to ripen and if it worked.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi ansonfan,

I assume you are talking about Ipomoea carnea

If you are getting a freeze tonight, you might want to go out right now and cut your plant back before the freeze gets it. Don't cut back more than about 3'.

Also, put about 1' of mulch around the base of your plant. Or, cover the base with old towels until you can mulch it tomorrow.

You can then take your cutting and place in water in a place that will not freeze. If you do not have a Greenhouse, inside your home, or in a garage will work. You can leave the entire cutting as it is until your seed pods mature. The cuttings root very easily in water. You can cut your one main cutting into 12" or longer cuttings. Cut at a slight slant and put in a clear container such as a glass jar in about 2" of water until they have some strong roots. Change water frequently. Then you can pot these up and keep in a protected area that will not get freezes until next spring and will have plenty of plants for yourself and friends.

These plants look great planted in 3's in a triangle.

Hope this helps.


Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Thank you so much Emma, thats exactly what I needed to know. I have a small greenhouse so I can keep the cuttings easily and it sounds like they are as easy as brugs are to root so thats great too. Thanks for your help.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

You are very welcome . . .
and yes, the I. carnea does root like Brugs.

Glad I could help


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

so far the one or 2 i have have done ok in 35 degree weather as long as it warmed back up the next day. my oldest one is still blooming but cold is coming.

didnt know they were so easy to root from cuttings will have to try it.

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

I went ahead and cut mine back since I have a place to keep them. The seedpods have been on there a long time and I really didn't want to lose them. Its great that they root so easy, now it will make a great 'pass around' plant.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

They do root very quickly and easily! Enjoy multiplying your plants! :-)

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