SAVED! I got an EGG!

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

Everything is going to be OK and life will one day get back to normal. I have my sign that it will. One single brown egg. It's little and she rolled it in poop, but IT'S AN EGG!

Lodi, United States

A Thanksgiving Miracle!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

Congrats! :)

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Your butt?! You weren't the one headed for the stewpot for being dilatory in her duties... you religiously and conscientiously fed the feathered blighters in spite of their work stoppage!

I think this may just be a small offering to stop lethal intervention... much in the same vein as N. Korea or Iran makes pacifying noises, a few small gestures to prevent stronger measures, and then a predictable reversal as they return to their own agendas.

Beware the Chicken Nation... a diplomat's guaranteed employment security, a foil for all well-intentioned chicken wranglers.

But DO enjoy that cackleberry! =0)

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I really should stop reading these posts at work, they make me laugh out loud!

Ferndale, WA

Surely such an event like would require a pic. It's not every day a poopy egg saves a butt. Clarafication of the pic, I meant a pic of the egg. LOL...Hmmmmm.

Humansville, MO

what a wonderful thing
i love to gather my egg

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)


Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

now I shall go sit in sulkdom.. I still haven't an egg.. and it is suppose to freeze tonight.. I bet they stop laying for the freeze..

Richmond, TX

I think we need a survey: which breeds are owned by the people who report egglessness, and which are still laying? There must be some common denominator.

I'm in SE Texas and my Jersey Giants are not laying. I get an occasional egg form a Buff Orpington but my sole surviving Barred Rock is the only regular producer.

And you?

Lodi, United States

Everything is either too young or broody--but I am about to confiscate some eggs unless they hatch this week--then we will see.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

We have White Rocks which are laying, and some of the Silverlaced Wyandottes are still laying as well. The Cuckoo Maran hasn't graced us with a brown egg for months and months, and will go in the freezer with the Wyandottes when we butcher them. One of my new Cuckoo Marans has just graced me with a tiny dark brown egg, though, laid in the wrong place but at least in the henhouse. And I believe a Cherry Egger or two has chipped in a contributions - again, small and in the wrong place, but hen fruit nonetheless!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

mixed bantams laying randomly.. like 1 egg a week out of 8 of them but i think they stop pretty much in the winter.

Buff Orps.. 12 girls, 11 eggs a day.

Welsummers - 2 girls, 1 egg a day

EE's - 2 girls, 2 eggs a day

idk if the silkie is laying a white egg.. or if its a bantam.. bc i'm not sure if the silkie is a girl or boy.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

They do say random reward is the most powerful reinforcement...

the Chicken Nation will triumph in the end... er...

Viva la Gallina!

Lodi, United States

So the more sporadically they lay--the more we will indulge them? Diabolical.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

It's true, so devilishly true.

This message was edited Nov 25, 2009 8:08 PM

Clarkson, KY

Black sex-link or barred rock. 1 egg daily from 15.....

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

my other welsummer must lay at daylight. I had her penned separately from her sis last night & the egg i got from her was ice cold this morning. Been daylight about 2 hours here when i went let them out. Felt like the inside of a fridge out there. at least i know for sure now she lays eggs.

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

Yessssss! I got annother one today. Isn't it silly when we have so much to get so excited over an egg.

I am so thankfull today for all the people on Dave's who care.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Definitely something to be thankful for today, Jyl! I see it as a symbol of good things to come!

Ferndale, WA

We all Love you here JYL. And I would like to second what you said about all the good friends here at Daves Garden. What a great place to rendevous on a regular basis. Love to all. Hay

Thumbnail by Haystack
Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Hey Hay... that'ns too little to be laying eggs yet... n you can't kill it, it ain't big enuf to even be an orderve... or r you teachin' it to be a stunt chicken?

Hav a wonderful holiday, y'all. I 3rd the motion...

(ºvº) jay

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Great news! I am glad there will be no burned offerings now. I hate that kinda stuff.

I was doing the happy jig this morning. ( I don't jig too well but i put my heart into it) I picked up TWO eggs. I picked up 3 yesterday but didn't get eggcited because they were kinda buried in the corner of the nest and I thought they were the eggs from the 2 days I didn't think I got an egg. Now I KNOW I have 2 hens laying. I tried to see a difference in the combs but there is no difference in the redness of any of them that I can tell. I guess getting all the roos out of the pen, doing some housekeeping on the nests and switching to the laying pellets has combined to do the trick. Looking forward to some of the others taking up the egg laying habit!

Humansville, MO

i love this place too
you can ask about thing and get answered
i lost a hen yesterday
my hd said it must been a hawk
how do you keep then aways

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Elle, we have found that a few geese seem to help protect our chickens. Other than that, give them plenty of places to hide under so they can run for cover when they see that shadow coming over...

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

If you've got them in a run, you can put netting over the run... attach streamers to warn wild birds away so they don't get caught in it.

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

My 3 Wyandottes started laying 10/7 and I'm still getting 1-3 eggs per day. Lovely small brown eggs. I do have a light in the coop to extend daylight time for them. It went into the low 30s last night, so I haven't looked for eggs yet. They are staying in the coop out of the wind, unless I give them scratch or greens in the run.

(Zone 6b)

Silkies are laying fine here in Texas.

Those three young silkies I posted videos of a few months ago, two partridge and the white, all turned out to be roosters. Wouldn't you know it?

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

I wish i knew if my silkie was a roo or not. It got to 28 here last night.. i had 8 eggs this morning (60 degrees by 10am) from them, and 8 more this afternoon.. seems my banties only lay when the temp hits 60 degrees & suddenly I've got eggs from them. got a hole handful of itty bitty eggs just a bit ago.

Humansville, MO

my hd said that the top knot
is longer and heaver

(Zone 6b)

At 5 months you will know.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

its near 7 months old... it never crows, i never see it lay an egg, caught it sitting on eggs but then i have two other roos that sit on eggs too so idk what it is. its just snuggly & cute.

Bridgewater, ME

I`m waiting on my silkie two,I have five,they are about three months old,so cute but havn`t a clue if they are boys or girls,my luck they are all roosters.

Lodi, United States

I can sex Silkies pretty accurately by their top knots---the boy's goes up and back--a little like a pompadour--or like the wind is blowing it straight back. The girl's top knot is more bushy and mushroom like--sort of evenly distributed around their heads and less up swept.

If you study the pictures on the bottom half of this site you can get a good feel for it. They identify the males and females and you can clearly see the fuller "pullet do".

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Saddle feathers are no help with those fuzz balls. LOL

Bridgewater, ME

Great site catscan! I`m going to see if I can sex my babies tomorow

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I got THREE beautiful brown eggs today!

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
Denver, CO

Claire, who is sitting on my lap and trying her hand at chicken blogging, laid the tiniest little egg this morning. She usually lays eggs the size of an ostrich, but today she laid an egg the size of a sparrow.

And Alice who always lays her egg later than Claire, collects Clair's egg, and put it under her breast, put's some mulch around it, and starts to nurture it. But after she lays her egg, she gives up the motherhood thing.

Happy Hollidays eveyone.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Chickens are more than funny. :)

Humansville, MO

my young hen are laying 9 egg a day
out of 12
the new hen house is done
now is moving day

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