Boys in Edmonton

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Getting concerned about the 'Travelling Troubadours' ... am hoping it's just a computer problem that's ailing them ..


I'm thinking we've lost yet another set of travellers..........


Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I hope not or I am going to be very disappointed


yeah, me 2

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

so sad

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Has anyone Dmailed Dorothy directly?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I did when I apologized for not sending the Gnomes along to her and instead sent them to Edmonton to Ann. I got no reply back, so am thinking I likely wouldn't now either as she is put out with me.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Had she indicated to Ann that she wanted them? I thought she wanted to be passed over; so I was a bit surprised when they got sent to her. I've also Dmailed her. Ann says above that Dorothy was excited about getting the travellers; so I hope all will be well.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Fingers crossed, and hope divine ^-^


I saw her on another thread, and said I was looking forward to her pics, and to getting them as well.
She never posted again after that.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

who has them


Nevrest/Dorothy, in Saskatchewan

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

has anyone sent her a dmail to see when they will move on etc... nicely

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I did.


Thanks much, ladies!!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I just looked up Dorothy on the mailing list and she has not given me her phone number. If I had it I would call her.


oh well - que sera sera

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi Ladies
I Dmailed back and forth a few times to Dorothy and I believe she was excited about getting the boys.
I know that the day they were to arrive there was a big dump of snow and knowing that Dorothy had a long way to get into town thought it may delay her a bit.
I will D mail her and see if I can help in any way.


I didn't realize she was out of town.
I guess I tend to forget that not everyone's in town, and able to get to a PO station.
I'd like to see is some pictures, though. She does Have the boys doesn't she? Or are they still at the PO?

How's your cold, Ann?


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I will check the PO when I get home.
My cold has gone to "not being able to talk and squeek"
Anyway it will be gone for our Christmas party on Friday so that will be good! (big wish)
Not quite as cold here today or maybe I'm getting used to it. Ha ha Ha.


hahahaha well, I hope your city is plowed out now - expect it is, like Calgary, getting out from under all that snow we had!

It's 11c here now - what is it in Edm?

Sorry to hear about your laryngitis...... I remember when I had it that I had gotten past my cold, and throat didn't hurt, but I had to write everything down.
Try drinking a hot ginger drink. It's great for the throat - cut raw ginger, and add it to boiled water. It's good chewed on, raw, too. Bob & I use it when we're singing, so we don't strain our voices. Keep a water bottle beside our chairs to sip on. It really helps.


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks Susan
I will give it a try, good job it didn't freeze my fingers too! I will check temp but I'm sure it's close to -20 something.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Sooooooooooo .. where do we stand with this?

Is Dorothy Ill and unable to move the Gnomes along?

Is her computer disabled?

Has she misplaced the Gnomes?

I am starting to think a 'prank' is being played, or, am I unfounded with that thought ? I sincerely hope I am. But I find myself a bit annoyed that I actually couldn't sleep for a couple of nights thinking I had made Dorothy feel 'left out' because I sent the Gnomes to Edmonton.



No prank on my end. I strongly dislike practical jokes, so won't pull 'em!


I don't know what to think. I haven't been involved much, except to enjoy watching the crew in their travels. I've never asked to host them. One reason is because I don't want to have to worry about getting them back in the mail.

It seems unusual that someone who participated so little in the forum, would suddenly show and want to host them, but then never comment on anyone's photos of them as they travel. I cannot think she would have been so disappointed not to get them if she told ViolaAnn that she didn't think she wanted them now. Perhaps she never understood the guidelines of their travels.

Here is her website where she sells things, and explains a bit about herself.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne you shouldn't be sleepless. Dorothy's message to me in early November said

Maybe they could visit my garden next year when it is growing?

and I responded -
I can't guarantee that there will be another cross-country trip - this one has had so many problems. Marilynne in Thunder Bay has decided she can accept them since her other conflicts have ceased. So there will be a few days for you to decide for sure whether you want to remain on the list. But this MIGHT be the only chance to have them.

That was the last I heard from her and if Ann was in touch with her, she apparently decided that she WOULD like to host them but I was not advised.

Ann (ViAnn)

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thanks for sharing Dorothy's site echoes. I think perhaps the Gnomes have been picked up by Dorothy and perhaps forgotten as it seems that this would be a very busy time of year for her with regards to selling her merchandise.
Very unfortunate twist of fate in the Gnomes return trip. But, life does go on, and lessons learned.




Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Me too Susan .....

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I am 'letting go' of the Gnome phenomenon ... I will lurk .. and, if you do get them back online and on their way west .. good .. but .. I am done.
I find I start to grovel in self pity when someone does something to make me look a fool .. I know that sounds a bit harsh .. but .. I really do feel foolish and betrayed as well ..
Human nature being as it is ( changeable and unpredictable) is too difficult to predict.

I am gathering up my SISU and heading onwards ..

Take care of this thread ..



~M~ - I'm with you. I've had enuff of this.
Feeling betrayed as well. Why people feel they have to do this to others is beyond me.

No more gnomes for me.

May we, who truly follow the spirit of this thread, meet in another thread and be ourselves without feeling put-upon.

Cheers, and the best of luck to those I know, and who know me.


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I am so sorry that this happened. I didn't know that this would be the outcome when I sent them another way.
I will try to call Dorothy , somehow.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

NOT yours to worry about Ann .. you were kind enough to offer them to her, she accepted, you sent them ,, from that moment on the 'ball was in Dorothy's court'. We know they arrived .. none of us have any control over what happens to the Gnomes once they reach their next destination.
One can only hope that her lack of communication is just due to her being busy/feeling unwell/downed computer .. I doubt it .. but .. thinking about the other choices .. well .. best left unmentioned ...


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I'm greatly saddened that not everyone seems to understand the rules of having the gnomes. There have been enough disappointments so far that I doubt there will be another time, but if there ever is, I guess we need to ask phone numbers before a person is accepted to participate and have a written agreement that they all send back by Dmail indicating that they have read it and understand it. Hindsight understands so much.

Ann (ViAnn)

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

20/20 vision so I hear ... however .. lessons learned ..


Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I am very disappointed my girls picked out the two mounties to go along and now they are gone it is awfull that someone would be so selfish ann you should report this person the daves garden to see if they can contact her to see what can be done

Forget it Mona. That won't do anything. If they are gone, they are not lost. We know where they are. Dorothy could show up any time and tell us what went wrong. She has been around for a long time, but doesn't post often. My guess would be health concerns. I know she has some mobility problems. I think if we all just held our breath, and practice some real patience, she will either come on with some photos or just send them on their way to Susan. Let's give her the benefit of some time. Even if Susan doesn't get them in time for Christmas, we'll probably see them on their travels again. Some kind encouragement may help and leave the door open.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Echoes - I think you've said the important words - "Some kind encouragement may help and leave the door open."

And we MUST remember that at times people may accept them and then have unforeseen circumstances. We still don't know what happened to them when phfurballs had them. DH would only confirm that she had not been on DG since her last post to us. A search just now for her on DG comes up empty, but I wonder if I've got the name spelled right. But sometimes things happen. I'm still hopeful that they will surface.


Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

ok we will wait and see

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I agree that patience is important! I know that Dorothy was excited to have the boys visit and did have a huge snowfall on the day they arrived. Dorothy had been very prompt with returning my emails untill the last one so I am sure there is a problem that is preventing her from responding at this moment.
This just is a hicup and I hope Dorothy is well and will have a great Christmas.
The Boys have time to surface and continue on their journey.

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