Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

what's a goth garden????????

A goth garden is a theme garden that features dark foliaged or black or purple plants, carnivorous plants or anything else that will give you the gothic feel. Wrought iron etc. You have all the basics with your black EE's, amorphs etc.

Then there's the opposite garden with white plants, angel trumpets etc. We called it UnGoth. Friendship is mixed with each plant representing a person or in memory of a person etc.

We're collecting seeds now. We have a contest underway on the Goth side that for every contestant that sprouts a bat flower and gets it up to "fly" gets a Black Ruffles EE. Mekos is the judge on that one. Just a fun thing to ramp up our skill level.

We'll share pictures and plans as we begin the process. Join us We'll have fun!

Hi everyone, sorry I missed you guys earlier. I had a dr. appointment this morning and my daughter in law went with me , then wanted me to go to Greenville with her which was an hour away for her appointment- baby is doing good so far, she is 24 weeks right now and they are going day by day to see if she can make it to 34. IF she makes it to 34 they will do the C- section and if not then we deal with it at that time. This is my miracle baby, and I'm claiming a full term delivery. She has never made it past this time of 24 weeks before. And like I said before, it's a girl. Help us keep her in prayer.
Trina you are awsome! Thank you so much!!!
You have added hope to a whole viliage of hurting people. You also helped new bees have a nice garden. Bless you and Thank you very much.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I will light some angel candles for you're DIL. I completely understand her situation...Kenny is my only living child, the other 4 are steps (but in my heat no matter how bad they get thier MINE) My first prenancy I was 19 I made it to 24 weeks and then lost second pregnancy I made it to 8 months when the baby's heart stopped, I went to the hospital and came home to a house full of baby stuff and had to plan a funeral for my daughter when I found out I was pregnant with Kenny I REFUSED to let any baby stuff in my home....I REFUSED to let anyone speak about me being pregnant...and I moved 400 miles away from my mom because I couldn't call her one more time to tell her sorry no wasn't until I gave birth to him (c-section 6 weeks early because I went into labor) that my best friend only AFTER the doctor told him the baby was perfectly healthy and he still had to see for himself, went and purchased what I would need, or brought over what his own son had she is definately in my prayers!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I will be remembering your DIL in prayer. God is able.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Our prayers are with your family mekos. Best of everything for the life within. So Fragile as is the mother carrying it.
Love ya all.

She has a blood disorder that causes her to throw blood clots to the placenta and it kills the baby usually at 4-5 months and they just diagnosed the problem and she has to take 3 shots a day in her stomach of blood thinners to stop the clots and now will find out Wednesday if she has preclamsia and will need to be admitted to the hospital now or can wait a little longer. She is on almost full bed rest and has to be so careful. She lost a boy at 5 months and a girl at 6 months and a set of twins at 4 months but so far this one is so good. She really will appreciate all the prayers. I try to be so positive so it will help her to be and it's so hard waiting to see what happens. They said if she can go till 34 weeks they will be real happy but will expect it sooner. However, I expect a full term delivery 34-40 weeks, so we'll see. It depends on her blood and how she does. We are hopeful. Thanks everyone.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

got my angel candles set up and lit...they will stay that way until you confirm a healthy baby AND momma

Bless your heart. We should know something Wednesday. I'll let you know as soon as I do on that. Then we take it one day at a time. The blood thinners can cause her to bleed to death so it's risky to her and if she don't use it, to the baby. She is trying to get them to tie her tubes so she can't get pregnant again but they don't want to unless you got 2-3 kids. She has none unless this one lives. She doesn't want to risk another one. And if it's a girl, it will have the same disorder that she does. A boy won't carry it.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

yeah I had to fight to get mine tied at 23 cause I physically can't have anymore because of my spinal injury...states are weird on that....I had to get a medical exemption with 4 doctors signing off to get it done

We working on that. Another baby won't live without the shots and the shots can kill her so not much of a choice there.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

OMG I just got THE best news ever! Blakes crazy grandmother just got herself locked in a mental about some Karma....I'm happy Dancing all over the place!

Maybe that is her way of staying out of jail for the way she has treated him. If she pretends to be mentally disturbed she won't have to pay for it. Sounds like she knows what she is doing. If you are mentally ill you won't go to jail for abuse.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Blake has an older sister well I guess this afternoon she got served while her church ladies were there to pick up some old furniture she was donating, and she fell and started cussing and screaing profanities at them telling them to get out...well after they left she called 911 claiming Ashley (blakes sister) was at her house trying to kidnap her and steal her furniture and ranting and raving...well at first the cops took it serious so they went to Ashley's and were going to arest ashley, until she pulled out her restraining order and told the WHOE the cops came back to arrest shirley for filing false charges... she decided to play "crazy" thinking it would get her out of being arrested....well now she keeps calling Blakes cell phone, which Mathew is using right now, thinking matt is Blake and bragging about what she did, not realizing every call she makes to Blakes phone gets recorded because of the restraining the went to arrest her AGAIN and she tried faking a heart the doctors locked her up!
Finally it's not just our word or Ashley's that she's evil!

I told you God would repay for her awful ways. The bible says Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord, I will repay!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

hopefully they get it right this time!


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

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Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

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