Need help! Can't get an egg to save my butt!

Humansville, MO

i give my potato peeling

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Gee, now I dont feel so bad!!!! My girls stopped laying within 2 days after the dog attack that killed two of my Hens. Its been over a month now and not one egg since. Ive tried everything except and Egg dance with flute and drums! Hmmm... maybe smudging for "Boogers" wouldnt be such a bad thing! ( Sorry...A little Native Humor there!)
I am trying to keep from giving them Egg layer ,trying to keep it organic , but this is really rediculous(sp?) . I thought eggs built up daily inside the Hen . Growing and forming for a daily cycle of being laid? What happened to the Eggs that were waiting to be laid? If the Hens got so frightened that they refused or couldnt lay.... wouldnt the eggs HAVE to go somewhere?

Richmond, TX

I think the egg production is interrupted earlier in the assembly line.

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

Oh my God! My chickens would be ready to explode!

Clarkson, KY

{{is that constipation? er....}}

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