THE GPS 7 - The Glorified Potting Shed!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Geesh,your making me work for it today...ain't cha

First Kiss Blueberry

Running back for Santa Fe...Run-run-pant-pant...BAM.....Ouch...door frame...that's gonna leave a mark

Run-run-pant-pant-sweat-sweat! Hope you know CPR. Aughta be 'shame of yerself...running an old lady.

Santa Fe

This message was edited Nov 21, 2009 9:11 AM

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Vinca "First Kiss Blueberry" is an excellent choice Patty. It's coloration is pretty unique for annual vincas. I haven't grown "Santa Fe", but it sure does look nice. The "Pacifica Series" is excellent also as the plants stay a bit more compact and hold up great in weather. The "Cora Series" plants tend to be taller and wider, but are still very upright. I prune the "Cora Series" plants every couple of weeks down here to keep them more compact. They can easily get to 18-24" wide if you let them. I've had some reseed themselves down here, but I'm not sure whether they would do that in cooler areas. Another one I just love is Vinca "Nirvana Cascade Pink Splash". I don't think it can be grown from seed unfortunately. I ordered a few of them from back in 2007.

It seems that the largest selection of vinca seeds are available from, and Blossom, If you're interested in seeing what "First Kiss Blueberry" looks like you can see photos of it on Park Seeds website. I don't have any photos of it because I grew it in 2007 and didn't have a digital camera back then.


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Ooops. It's

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Hey patty, hup 2-3-4 Watch out for that flipping door! Dang pilates, gotta keep her moving! Gotta make her work off those green peppers.. yakity yak, door talks back!

Jon, the vinca I am looking for is pretty hardy, but I dont know when it kills itself! LOL! Im gonna have to go back to that resturant and see if I cant take a photo if-n its still alive!.. (...oh soooo tempting to snatch a cutting! LOL!) Well anywhozy, I think its a vinca.. its some viney purdy thing any way! Its in some outdoor planters and beds...

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

You must be referring to the perennial ground cover vinca you see up North??? The Vinca Patty, and myself are referring to is the tropical vinca/periwinkle that would be grown as an annual in zones 9 and lower. I was wondering why I never see any of it up North. I thought perhaps it doesn't grow up North, but it obviously does. I see Cornell University trial garden pictures of it and it looked fine all summer in Zone 5.


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

no its definetely not tropical!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

trying again

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Nope, high country is not it... its pretty though! Maybe its not a vinca.. I am not sure. so I am searching vines...

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

This is close, but no cigar...

The one I am looking for is just a shade different... mabe it is not a vinca? I dont know.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

yup...a vinca. I bought "Illumination" 2-3 yrs ago and killed every bit of it

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Marderer.. ther ya go again.....ya gots ta qwit using them thar plants fer target prak-tiz! Want milk with that serial?

Well the mums is in. Boy and duty.. thank you Leo as I jump fer joy! Those had some nice roots started in them so its looking hopefull they will return on me next year.

I am totally baffled on what that vine could be if not a vinca.. any clue?

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, it dont look like nun in plantfiles....

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well,RED,I just gotta thank you so much again for sending me all them thar seed that you did! You are going to keep me busy for days as I catagorize them and sort through them and mark the calender for planting times and all that glorious stuff! Our food pantry will thank you as well when we get all the yummies planted and harvested and donated to them! I know the good Lord will take a lichen to ya!

I will do this while listening to that new redneck radio you sent was attatched to the bottom of the HILLBY OSCAR!! That was rail nas!

So far I got the mysterious bulbs seperated and planted... and made two piles.. one for food seed and the rest for purdies! If things go well, the purdies will make bunches and get gave to shut-ins next yar so they can enjoy some flaurs!

Ok, well... I gotta move my plump lil bottom to the kitchen whar I have them seed paks all waiting for me to dive right in!

We really appreciate yer leftovers! You have made more than one person very happy I am sure in all this! SO lets git r dun!

Sort sort sort.. mark mark mark..

Oh shuks, I gotta wind that thar radio up again... yano, I really appreciate that thing.. no commercials! Its also rail nas cuz it dont use no legtricalty! But poor old ZEB, he keeps lossing his head in thar! LOL!

BIONK! Thar it goes again... back later!

Wind, wind wind, sort,


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Meanwhile back in the GPS, found this blooming thing!

.... and a few others!

This message was edited Nov 29, 2009 5:38 PM

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

And this.. check out the lil blue thing in back! Man thats a sweet petunia too!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Most true blue volunteer I have seen! Hope she leaves something for me in the spring! I like her size, and that color to me is to die for!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

a pair of snaps!

That reminds me, I have to wind that thing up again....back to the kitchen.. sort sort sort!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

well put a dab of superglue on ole Zeb's neck

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


you tryin to tell me ta stick um???!! Like put im in is place??

I think its more funyer the way he is truthfully!!

But that would fixum! But if I stuck him, he couldnt.. well, yuno....

.....lose his...Aw fergit it.. I love it da way it is!

Just puts a new spin on the werd "heyad" if-n ya get my drift!

Oh RED, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Looks like its gonna be a JOLLY ONE!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well so much for jolly today.. it got below freezing last night and this afternoon.. there are still patches of ice hither and yon. Fairwell to Autumn!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, hope every one has their calenders marked for planting dates for 2010! We are officially into winter here..

SNOW! WIND, RAIN, and snow again!

Sooo.. we are moving into the GPS 8


and will be bouncing back and forth to the plants in the!

Or where-ever!!


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