Corypha utan

noonamah, Australia

Finally after about 8 months my Corypha utan seeds have started to germinate. Might have been a bit sooner if I had have given them heat over the winter. After planting I read they needed a deep pot as they sent down a deep tap root and would resent any root disturbance. You can see from the photo they ran into the bottom of the pot too quickly. The sprouted ones are in a 200 millimetre pot now. Another 25 years and they should be entertaining me with their spectacular inflorescences.

Thumbnail by tropicbreeze
Arua, Uganda(Zone 11)

Well done! I will be interested to hear how they do. I have tried twice with them and everytime when I repot them they shrivel up and die no matter how deep the pot. I have tried now with the seeds sown directly in the ground in about 7 different sites and I am still waiting. The hot season is just arround the corner so I hope they will sprout soon. Hope too that I will be able to find them!

In pot the only way I can think might work is if they are in deep biodegradeable pots. But everytime the roots are exposed to air they die. Wish you all success, then I'll learn from you!

noonamah, Australia

I thought you'd have been coming into your dry season shortly.

Where they grow here is in seasonally unundated soil, near the Arafura Swamps. They go through a long dry season where the ground dries right out. In the wet season the ground becomes soggy or else flooded. Where I've seen cultivated ones they seem happy enough in ordinary well drained garden soil. With, of course, plenty of room around them for growth.

Hopefully my repotting hasn't killed them.

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