Flowering in Australia November 2009

Christchurch, New Zealand

Electric blue is a very apt name for that penstemon, the photo can't quite capture just how vibrant it is.
I will have to try again for a cutting of the pink penstemon at work, my last one didn't make it.
I keep looking out for different varieties now, it is just trying to fit them in that is the problem.

Merino, Australia

Found these out this morning. First blooms on my orphan Pink Iceberg alongside a white Alstromeria, I never knew I had. Hasn't flowered before.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

nice - that rose is a lovely delicate shade of pink.
Burgundy Ice was the landscapers plant of choice last year...
I see them all over town.
The alstromeria is pretty, Mum has spent several years trying to eradicate a yellow from her garden, she was given some & didn't know just how invasive it is.
I think the more subtle colours are less inclined to be triffids.

West of Brisbane, Australia

Here's my second tree orchid to flower for the first time. (I'm not counting the yellow Bauhinia tomentosa, which started flowering a couple of years ago. But that's a shrub, not a tree.) I'd lost track of what I'd sown, but this one clearly is Bauhinia monandra. Which is a thrill, because I was afraid I might have ended up with all the same colour. No discernible scent (leaning out from the window), but very pretty.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

That's a beautiful thing cestrum ...believe it or not the bauhinia cuttings *tormentosa* you sent me about 4 of them are growing out new leaves! I am shocked, I did not really expect that to happen ...I just put them into washed river sand ...seasol drink and sat the pot under the warm shade of the Congo Parrot ...I am sure they are growing.Thanks so much ...that is quite a thrill!
There are many Bauhinia trees from Penrith right up to the Blue Mountains used as street trees.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You have such beautiful plants. So wonderful to have such exotic trees.
I reallyenjoy the pic. Thanks

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

You all have such lovely gardens blooming now. They remind me of visits to your Botanical gardens and my sweet little Aussie grandsons. Thanks for sharing your beauties and the sweet/sad memories. grin

West of Brisbane, Australia

Chrissy, that's 'tomentosa' and the Bauhinia really is quite lovely and not a torment at all LOL
It's great that your cuttings have put on leaf. Just wanted to caution you against disturbing them too soon, in case they've put on a few leaves without growing much roots. So just be sure the cuttings have a decent root system before disturbing or transplanting them. I thought they would take much longer to root, so you've done well!

I won't touch them don't worry about that ...I will wait until I see roots coming out of the bottom of the pot. That is the brick coloured one right?

West of Brisbane, Australia

Bauhinia tomentosa is the shrubby yellow one. You can see my original pic here:

Sorry I forgot ...beautiful thanks so much ^_^

West of Brisbane, Australia

Here's a yellow shrimp plant, given to me by a friend who took it as an unrooted cutting on 1 August. And it's blooming now. Not scented, but pretty. And, I believe, quite tough.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

They are a lovely old fashioned thing ...they just go on and on.
The first day lily ...don't know it's name.

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The poppies probably about to burn up in this heat ...

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Barmera, Australia

These laugh at the heat Parodia ottonis syn Notocactus ottonis. Some cacti flowers will stand very little heat but this one loves it. I think this is my favourite cactus with these bright yellow flowers & red stigma.

Thumbnail by Stake
Merino, Australia

Colleen, look what opened this morning. I thought I may not have a dracunculus flower this year but here it is.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, it's beautiful!! I love those Aroids.
Great plant.

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Great to see your success with "Drac" Jean! Is yours in the ground?

Here are some more poppies, this time bagged to collect seed.

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Merino, Australia

Yes Wayne. I saw it first in a garden I was visiting and asked about it. I was immediately given a chunk dug straight up there and then. I put it in the ground in the shadehouse and it flowered the very next year. This is its second year flowering and it loves where it is. They multiply quickly.
I have a smaller slightly different one which is yet to flower.
A rose pic that I managed to get before it sizzled.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

my red torch ginger.....I had to cut it and place in a vase ,so I could see it all day.........

Thumbnail by MyaC
Merino, Australia

Some of the roses before they all cooked in the sun. Poor things, most don't get a chance to open fully. All the dry looking stuff is the leftover wallflower and sparaxis foliage. I know it looks untidy but I like to leave the seeds to drop on their own. Usually the wallflowers are still doing their thing but have dried early in the heat.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Very pretty. 77sunset.
No one would really know
it was cooking.

Isn't nature amazing the torch lily looks like a tropical waxy waratah!
it's stunning.

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The last hippy

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Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Very pretty. Both of them.

Mock orange over 20ft high and wide ...perfume so strong it is giving me a headache, the bees are drunk again.

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Pink Panther

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West of Brisbane, Australia

I've grown mock orange and seen it in Melbourne gardens. But I have *never* seen it grow to that size. Chrissy, your soil must have testosterone in it!

Don't get too excited it's only a Murraya ...but yes it covers the whole front lounge room wall and verandah of my home ... only 12 ft from the window. Nice shade though it faces North West so we do need it for the shelter.

West of Brisbane, Australia

Oh, I thought it was a philadelphus. I know murrayas can grow to be trees if left unpruned. Mine are rough hedges.

Barmera, Australia

The Lagunaria pattersonii is flowering. Another one of those colours that doesn't reproduce well. It is a Magenta fading to Purply Blue
The flowers

Thumbnail by Stake
Barmera, Australia

Back a bit.

Thumbnail by Stake
Barmera, Australia

Some more

Thumbnail by Stake
Barmera, Australia

The tree

Thumbnail by Stake

love the cow itch tree brian shame about the seedpods ...I agree it's a lovely thing.
Here is the Crinoline Brugmansia noid said to be Frosty Pink perhaps ...no it isn't.
See Frosty Pink Bloom set back in the blooms to compare ...

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Clifton Springs, Australia

Love everyone's photos...my garden is 18 months old and just beginning to get some size about it...... grew my first Brug... a pretty apricot..heavy perfume....will get more of these....this is my 8th garden so I was determined to only have plants that were perfumed..for the most part I have been strong...so I am well pleased with the results especially on these warm Spring evenings....have put up a photo of "Barbara Dobbins" she isn't perfumed but she doesn't stop flowering all through Spring and Summer and she's beautiful.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Welcome Seachanger!

Your water lily is lovely! Perfume and long display to add. I am wishing for a water garden to grow 'Barbara Dobbins'! Alas, space here in our garden does not allow for that luxury, so I must be content with you pix here!

The Brug you are growing is probably what most "Brug Folks" here in Oz refer to as "Old Apricot". This plant grows in gardens from the Cape (FNQ) down to the Bay VIC) to differing degrees of success. Please post a pix when you can of the bloom. It would be good to see what you have growing there. The delight here is that you have a Brug growing!:)

No doubt you will be able to show us more treasures from your new garden. Your experience will be well valued here!

Here we are at worst in Sydney... :(

The pix here from SMH.

Our "Red Wednesday"... ... ...
A gardeners delight...
No way!

Thumbnail by WayneCarter

Hi seachanger ...loooove lotus!
Hmmm if the scent is heavy it may be a versicolor ...I don't find my Old Sydney Apricot as fragrant as most others though very nice and of course the more bloom the more fragrance.
There are Brugmansias that one bloom opens and you know it's there from across the garden or through your window.
I hope you are looking at our Brugmansia threads.

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rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

greatest crop of arabs eyes in 5 years

Thumbnail by g_whizz

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