Flowering in Australia November 2009

NW Sydney NSW, Australia


Thumbnail by WayneCarter
barmera, Australia


Thumbnail by ctmorris
Barmera, Australia

More Cactus, Epis

Thumbnail by Stake
Barmera, Australia

Opuntia macrocentra I think, they love this heat.

Thumbnail by Stake

My big fluffy red poppy pic is blurred ...so this is the only poppy pic today because it's getting dark.
Note all the little stings in the seedcase ...some critter is having a "high"old time.

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this clump is over a metre across ...three baskets

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I am waiting for one of those big round ball type ones ...it's a lovely poppy there wayne.

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Merino, Australia

The first of the poppies opens.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

And my pink. The purple poppies are over 4 foot tall and the pink are up to my head this year.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Jean they are beautiful!
My battery has just run out and I have to recharge it ...
Jacaranda opening ...with the market garden up on the hill in the background.

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Alstonville, Australia

Hi all, Wayne that double poppy is beautiful, I don't think I have ever seen a double.
We moved here in July andthis Calibrachoa (Cabernet Cherry) is still flowering.

Thumbnail by hel
Alstonville, Australia

Here is the Lavender.

Thumbnail by hel

Excuse my ignorance here but I have never heard of that ...does it have a common name? Very Pretty sort of million bells look about it.

Alstonville, Australia

Chrissy, it is actually a type of Petuna.

Thumbnail by hel

Oh those spreading ones ...they are wonderful and seem to last a very long time, very nice.

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

More poppies!

Chrissy, hopefully in the mixed seed I sent there will be a few of these. Never mind if not, this year a great lot came up. I will bag them and save / send out. Your hanging baskets are fab! I am spotting those little "Rhips" (or are they Shlumbergera?) here and there. Some are almost fluro in their colour.

Jean, your poppies are wonderful too. They remind me of some of the hats the late Queen Mum wore! :)
Gosh that is tall!

This message was edited Nov 2, 2009 1:01 AM

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Yet more poppies...
St. Fiacre might be getting a little distracted from his pious reading! :)

Thumbnail by WayneCarter

I plan to send you some for your special corner (even if you have these already you can think of them as bit's from chrissy's jungle...sorry I couldn't find a flamingo anywhere!

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Thanks Chrissy, they really are fun to grow. I saw a plant today that "glowed", electric pink! :))

Hel, thanks for bringing your Calibrachoa to the forum. I have never seen this plant before. When collected, let me send some of that poppy seed up to you.

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I love all the poppy pics you lot. Lots flowering around the neighbourhood at the moment, so i will have to get the camera out!

Poppies everywhere ...pink and purple and white singles as well as pink red and purple doubles ...thanks so much, the doubles are so tall.

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Tall as ...well almost the 6ft fence.Everything is looking a bit bleached out in this shot ...too much sun and the silly flash thing won't go away. Much prettier in real life and I love the seed heads.

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Self seeded vincas popping up everywhere and starting to bloom so far a pale lavender

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pale pink and a maroon one that is just budding up.

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The white semi double oleander is starting to open up ...it throws singles ...semi doubles and full doubles.

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The persimmons are fruiting up nicely ...we get hundreds of fruit from our two trees (non acidic) I love these trees so pretty at every stage.

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And finally for today (it's scalding hot out there!)
This picture of one of my congo parrot plants ...I think of that lovely "parrot lady" every day when I look at these dear little plants ...can't believe they are real! (thanks again helen aka parrot lady where ever you are).The plants are just bustling with buds and little parrots everywhere ...beautiful!

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Christchurch, New Zealand

my Flanders poppy

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

from a barren weedy corner to lush jungle (with sneaky weeds hiding in amongst it all)
amazing what digging an area over & a sprinkling seeds will do for you.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

iris, pale blue noid

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

and the other one...
I like this darker blue.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Dalfyre, love your blooms.

Now remember to post one of your Flanders Field poppies next Wednesday...
Remembrance Day.

Now watch those "seed heads" Chrissy! :))))))))))))))))

Yes, they are lovely!

This message was edited Nov 3, 2009 3:28 AM

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I put my pic on the wrong thread, so here it is again. NOID daylily

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Alstonville, Australia

How are thing's in Coffs Sue?
Is this a November lilly anyone?

Thumbnail by hel
Alstonville, Australia

Here are nine of my Anthurium blooms.

Thumbnail by hel
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Golly!!! Poppies over 6 foot tall.Those flowers are so beautiful.
I love them all. Thanks for the pics.

Merino, Australia

Here's a shot of one bunch of the pink poppies with valerian and friends. I leave the parsley to self seed along here and it fills in spaces while looking just great for a long time. There is a lot of self seeded dwarf sprawling geranium too. It is exactly like the large cranesbill I have elsewhere

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Very pretty scarlet rose which has a yellow inner of varying size . With friendly white valerian

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)


Merino, Australia

A bit hard to see the golden inner in last pic, but those flowers glow in the sun. The purple rose in the background is either 'News'or 'Great News'. One is single and one double, I always forget which is which.
This pic is of the most heavenly scented rose as it is opening and one already full blown.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

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