What to do with bare roots

Buffalo, NY(Zone 5b)

In the next week I am expecting to receive some bare root phlox. The question is should I plant them now?
Should i put them in pots indoors under lights for the winter? Or should I just refrigerate them as is and either start in pots in spring, or plant outside in late spring? Any thoughts would be helpful!

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm no expert, but I've planted perennials in the fall, (we're neighbors!) and haven't ever had a problem with them coming back in spring. I WAS unsure about a bleeding heart, and the first year I took on of those plastic nursery pots and inverted it over the plant & anchored it.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 5b)

If it was 2 or 3 weeks ago I wouldn't think twice about planting them, but it will probably be almost November when i get them so I don't know if there will be enough time for them to acclimate before it really turns cold, though the way it's been this year we could have one of those rainy 60 degree christmas's!! I'm actually in Williamsville so am a little more removed from you depending on where in Kenmore you are! I used to live on Warren Ave several years ago!

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

hopefully someone will come along with good advice, they usually do. I honestly don't know what I would do at that point.

I'm by the the Kenmore Pool, can't get a whole lot closer than that! My BIL lived on Warren for years.

I found a link for you on bare root perennials, maybe you can get an idea from here: http://nga-gardenshop.stores.yahoo.net/plantingbarerootperennials.html

Good luck, neighbor!

Altus, OK(Zone 7a)

smileymom343 - that was a good little article on planting bare root perennials.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

yes it was

Buffalo, NY(Zone 5b)

Thanks! That was very helpful

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Oh good! Glad I could help a fellow gardener.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi jackthompson,

i have a nursery out near Oswego, NY, and you know if anyone gets more snow than Buffalo it's Oswego.

Go ahead and plant them. Mulch them well. They'll be fine, especially with your snow. Snow is such a good insulator. I am potting some up right now. I will leave the pots outside over the winter, just putting them pot to pot. Phlox are hardy. i assume they are phlox paniculata?

BTW, my daughter went to UB dental school, came home almost every weekend. What a trip that was in the winter!


Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Polly, you are right on that snow thing! I go to UB dental for my dental needs, it's a great school! I love the fact that you get many different opinions on your dental needs from many different professionals.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I was lucky enough to get one cavity while my daughter was in dental school, and had it fixed there, but other than that I didn't really see much of the campus. She was way too busy studying for us to visit much. It was a pretty hard course of study. Beautiful campus though. She was mainly at the Amherst campus.

She did her internship at ECMC, and that was pretty exciting. She worked the ER there. Very busy ER.

It really was a great school, and a great experience. My daughter did her first four years at LeMoyne in Syracuse. I don't think she would have been up to campus life at UB until grad school, coming from a very small town. UB is quite the place.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

My son wanted to go to Elmira for college, his older cousins convinced him it's tough to be disciplined when you're away from home, etc.. etc..

I'm glad he made the decision to stay here, I agree, UB is a really nice campus. He is an English major, spends all his time at the north campus.

ECMC is probably the busiest hospital in Buffalo. I don't know the exact terminology, but I believe it gets State funding. All accident victims go there, unless they specify otherwise.

This turned into the WNY thread! I apologize for going off topic. I think Buffalo is way underrated. Lots of things to do here, nice people, good food, great art town.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

It did turn into a WNY thread, but jackthompson probably won't yell at us, since he's from Buffalo. Buffalo is a nice city. There seems to be a lot more to do than in Syracuse. I'm half way between Syracuse and Rochester. And Rochester has much more we're interested in than Syracuse, especially for the kids.

ECMC is a state funded hospital, I believe. My daughter Michelle, got to work in the ER on the trauma unit for a year. lots of good practice for her. She truly enjoyed it. She actually got to do a lot of hands on work, and some nasal repairs, and other facial repairs along with the mouth. Her roomate on the other hand that she went to medical school with, was going to be an ER Dr., and after working at ECMC decided to become a dentist also.

The kids Michelle went to school with that had done their first four at UB did very well, but I think they were more used to big schools, and probably knew their way around. Especially the ones that were from Buffalo to begin with.

What does your son plant to do after graduation?

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

He does NOT, repeat, does NOT want to be an English teacher. LOL, he always does that to people who ask if he wants to be a teacher. He has always been a writer, since he could, as a matter of fact. He was going to major in Journalism, but thought that would pigeon hole him when looking for work.

I imagine his dream job would be a screenwriter. He's done that for years, even does story boards for his work. I really can't answer your question, I don't believe he really knows what would be practical in this world. Maybe writing for a newspaper or something along those lines. Anything connected with writing. One year for Xmas my friend bought him a ream of paper and a dozen pencils with his name on them. He was thrilled.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

It sounds exciting, and scary. Trying to find what you want to do, and be able to support yourself with. I admire people that can write. I've never been good with words. But he sounds like a person that will take himself where he wishes to go.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

I hope you're right! He should be ok, he's a good egg. And pretty level-headed. Why did your daughter decide to be a dentist? I always ask the student I have that question. The best student I had told me he knew he wanted to be in medicine, and decided on dentistry because (as he put it) he was impatient, and dentistry was a more immediate reaction to his helping people. I didn't word that like he did, but it was a good answer.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

My daughter loved her dentist when she was small, and he encouraged her to go into the medical field. She origionally went to medical school at UB, as many do, and then after serious thought, decided she wanted to be a mother first, and a medical person second, and with most medical professions that is opposite of the way it is. So decided dentistry was the way to best have a successful family life. She now has her own dental office with three employees, and works four days per week. She has two children age 7 and 10 that are very invoved in sports, and karate, and she has the time to take them to their functions.

When the children are grown, it's her hope to do some forensic dentistry, and maybe some travel with it.

The answer from the student about why he wanted to get into dentistry was definitely a well thought out one.

So you are a teacher then? What do you teach? I taught third grade before I went to work for the state. 1972.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

snow will be here before we know it.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Me, pollyk? No, I'm a bookkeeper. I'm sorry, I see how I worded that above. I've been going to UB Dental as a patient for about 7 years now. Once you're in, you're in for life if you want to be. I've had 5 students. They can't put me in the regular area for cleanings (I forget what they call it) because I have "exposed root tips" on 2 of my teeth, so they have to give me Novocain for cleanings. But I love going there because they're so darned thorough!

Your daughters plan was a good one. Well thought out. I wish her great success and happiness.

ge, you are so right. It's like death & taxes. I don't mind the snow, am not fond of the cold. I don't think the lake effect gets all the way over to you though, does it? I know Pittsford is near Rochester, but I don't remember which direction. We have customers in Pittsford.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

We are south east of citicenter on the way to the Victor exit for thruway.
We get some lake efect but nothing like Polly

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

A few years ago we had that lake effect storm that circled over the area and wouldn't leave. 7 feet of snow. That was fun. (not!)

So you are an artist? Do you have anything on line? My husband is an artist too. I'm surrounded by artists! My parents met in art school, my brothers and all their kids are musicians, my kids are artistic... I passed all the art genes down to them, because I can't come up with anything creative myself.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I have some images on the Artizens forum.
DD is working on another website.
I took my old one off in an economy move but realized just because there are no sales doesnt mean I shouldnt keep it for just such cases as this.

We have high accumulations for a season but nothing like 7 feet. Those are storms that takeout old barns.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

I'll go over there and look. I love looking at art. there are a lot of free websites artists can post their work also.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm snooty and dont like the free formats.
GoDaddy is being used for my new one,but DD says she can manipulate the background on the opening page so it doesnt look so much like a news letter.I want more imagination than that.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

I don't blame you there. DH posts on the free ones, we don't know anyone who could design a website within our budget. (one income - 2 kids - 1 in college. ugh!)

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I wish I could afford a webdesign pro.
I have seen some beautiful ones.
Of course they are only as good as the photographer.
In the 5 years I had one posted I only sold 1 original print.
Got a lot of exposure, and early years when I was still doing fine art shows it helped sales at those.
Customer loves the painting on Satuerday, checks out tyhe website and buys on sunday.
My prices are lower in person so they probably think its a bargin.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Do you come to Allentown? DH won't do Allentown, says it's too "crafty". But we haven't been there in years, so I don't know how it is now.

There are tons of Galleries here, and lots of group shows also.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I did the Allentown show from 1976 - 1989 it became too junky and now my friends who do it just take seconds and stuff they mark down because theyve had it so long.
One piece was entered to win a prize and did.
Go figure.
I dont do shows anymore since 1996. Too hard on an old lady, sales are in the dumpster.
I have 2 galleries in the area and neither has sold anything in over a year. Tha Art Market is just flat.
Had a 1 woman show at the gallery here in the city, sold 4 small pieces last May2008.
I only paint when I want to and they are bigger than a full sheet22x33
The latest is of Maples frames up at 34x44 and costs $3000.00
What the heck since no one is buying I can do as I please.

Thumbnail by ge1836
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hay folks, for those interested in web sites, I built our garden clubs site and left the set up in their templates so down the road any member with basic computer knowledge would be able to run it. I have in the past used Dreamweaver... but for those of you wanting something this is good and not too badly priced.


here is our club web site www.nordoniahillsgardenclub.com and this is all built with their templates but pictures come from our members or even from networksolutions group pics or shutterstock.

Check it out


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

It's funny, Buffalo and Syracuse are always trying to see who gets the most snow, but it seems to pass right over Rochester.

We average about 200-300 inches per year here. 7 feet in one storm is horrible.

Hi Jo Ann! I didn't even know there was an artisan forum on here. I'll have to look at you paintings on there. Of course, I have one of my own to look at :)

We did my website on Homestead, but I ran into trouble doing the picture area, so had to hire a pro. it was surprisingly reasonable, and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. And his hosting prices are cheaper than Go Daddy, which is where I had my domain name, so it worked out well in the end.

Nice job on that website Janet!

Anyone that works on their own website learns a lot about computers, believe me.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Polly, that was not the norm, just a freak snow storm. I think Buffalo wins over Syracuse though.

I'll have to go art hunting! and I agree.. nice website Janet!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

thanks folks, but it really is an easy and inexpensive site to use.


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Oh no, Buffalo wins some years, and Syracuse some. It's announced on our TV station each year, where Buffalo is, and where Syracuse is. And there's actually an award, the golden shovel, or something like that, LOL.

I had to go look this up, the winner for the last few years is Syracuse. Column #3 is Buffalo, 4 is Rochester and 5 is Syracuse. Hopefully we'll have another winter like 2001-2002, I didn't realize we had that little snow that year.

2000-01 77.1 112.6 158.7 133.0 191.9 Syracuse
2001-02 47.4 63.5 132.4 58.1 59.4 Buffalo
2002-03 105.4 117.6 111.3 135.2 153.2 Syracuse
2003-04 65.1 106.4 100.9 125.6 181.3 Syracuse
2004-05 75.9 106.5 109.1 113.6 136.2 Syracuse
2005-06 30.2 74.9 78.2 73.9 124.6 Syracuse
2006-07 45.9 78.6 88.9 107.2 140.2 Syracuse
2007-08 61.1 70.7 103.8 106.0 109.1 Syracuse
2008-09 52.6 73.3 100.2 103.7 149.6 Syracuse

Our highest recent year was 1995-96 with a total of 505 inches.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Nice site Janet

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

I take that back! Maybe it just *seems* we get more snow than anywhere else.
The freeze-thaw cycle keeps me working ~ we sell ice melt in the winter.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 5b)

Actually i think Polly is right! They generally get more snow total, but when we get a big one it is a doozy!! Also we get the strange lake effect stuff! Smileymom you should remember in late '95 , I believe" there was a storm that dumped 40 inches in Kenmore, and Grand Island (only a few miles away) only had 2 inches. If you are new to the area it takes a long time to get used to the localized nature of many snowfalls!

As for my phlox when they come I will take Polly's advice and plant them and mulch real good! Actually now is a better time to plant because I am planting them among other Phlox and it will be easier to see whereto plant than it would be in the spring!

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

This is true, jackthompson. I always say I'm going to make a grid, but I never do. Sometimes I say "oh yeah!" in spring.

I was transplanted from Detroit way back in 1969. I remember 1995 in particular because the night it started was my friends' daughters' 5th birthday party and it snowed for 14 straight days.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

I thought when we were transplanted to Cleveland that it was bad, but after watching how that lake effect snow will move to the east there is no way that I would ever left east of the Lake Erie....LOL

I do feel for yall over there.


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

We always get a ton of lake effect snow from lake Ontario. One time it was high winds, and they said we were getting lake effect from lake Erie. Now hold on here. You folks in Buffalo can keep that.

I'd much rather have the snow than the ice, and I know Buffalo has had it's share of that.

Fall is a great time to plant most perennials. If they are hardy to this zone, they will do well planted in the fall. If fact they do better for a couple of years as they get the root growth instead of concentrating on the top growth. Phlox paniculata is hardy to z3 or 4, and you are z5, so they are hardy north of us, and in fact the species phlox paniculata is native here and way up into Canada. I wouldn't plant a zone 6 plant, and try to get it through the winter, but anything hardy can be planted right up until ground freeze.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Oh, it's not that ba-a-a-d...

Sometimes a good snowstorm is kind of fun. Bring it on! As long as it's good packing, I don't mind.


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