growing alpine strawberries

Hester, LA(Zone 9a)

I have a good bit of alpine strawberries I started from seed a few months ago & they are finally an inch to a couple inches high. I'm looking for a good size of container and method of transplanting them for over the winter. I'm sure a decent amount have their roots tangled already.

How easy or hard are these to transplant - I'd like to know since they look like they're doing great so far. I wouldn't want to go and kill 'em all off since I've never grown these & know they aren't exactly the same as regular strawberries either, so I don't just want to look up strawberry culture for answers.

Murphysboro, IL(Zone 6b)

Just a few weeks ago, I noticed that I had a volunteer alpine strawberry growing in a flower pot that had been sitting near the berry plants for months. So I guess they do reseed themselves! I'm not sure whether a particularly ambitious plant managed to grow a stem long enough to drop a fruit into the pot, or whether it was assisted by wildlfe.

Anyway, it was a tight cluster of three almost full-grown plants, so I didn't try to disentangle them, I just transplanted the whole clump into the garden, and it settled in really well, even though most of the soil fell off the roots as I dug it out of the flowerpot. So I think they're pretty tough.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

I planted a large number of alpine strawberry seedlings (started in January indoors) this spring. They didn't mind transplanting as long as they were not beaten down by watering. I had to put netting around them to keep the resident bunnies from having a nibble. Now they are HUGE and producing a lot of berries!

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