Fig with spotted leaves


I love fig bushes but I have a very bad story to tell you.

My husband's parents had 6 or 7 wonderful huge fig bushes that produced sweet figs. They had Brown Turkey figs and another kind with a lovely pink inside. We had to pick the figs just before they were ripe because of the birds. Yes, the birds ate their fill...but I didn't care; we still got plently to eat and to share and to cook for jam. I loved the birds that sang the songs that filled the land with music. So, they sang for their dinner, shall we say?

Anyway...before I wax too poetic...

The house was sold to a woman that hated the figs. She hated the mess. She hated the birds that ate the figs. She hated the slim upon the ground of the half eaten figs. So, she called me and told me if I wanted the figs to come dig them out. Now, these were HUGE bushes, not just babes in the brush. And, the weather was frightful; somewhere near 95 or 103 or something. I don't remember. Plus, I did not have a place ready for them. I told her that I would get the figs but it would be some time because I had to get ready. I planned. I thought. I decided. And she called. "I had a man dig the figs up, they are in the yard. If you want them, come and get them....".

I had worked all day; over a 10 hour day...but I was worried about the figs out in the horrible relentless Oklahoma sun. So, I drove 40 minutes over to the house in the pitch black of the night. I found bare roots where the tops had been chopped off and disposed of. I loaded up the trunk and the back seat with as many destroyed roots as possible. And the neighbor walked out into the darkness and yelled at us. He wanted to know what we were stealing in the cover of night. I don't blame him; it looked bad. I'm just thankful he didn't have a gun.

To make a long story a little bit less long; the poor figs did not survive.

Now, (finally) the question is: I found some figs at Atwoods. They look great and are on sale for a great price. I'm taking a risk buying them this late in the season, but I want the figs and this weather is better than 103 degree weather in dry baked clay soil. But, about 50% or more of the fig leaves are covered with brown dots.

Will I be buying sick figs?

Thanks for reading and answering...

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

The figs are going dormant for the winter. All the leaves will dry up and fall off. They will bud and spout again in the Spring. You may want to over winter them in the garage and then plant in the spring if your daytime highs are under 80. And they get HUGE, so plan for a lot of space.

This message was edited Oct 21, 2009 8:40 AM

Thanks for answering! The fig story is over 10 years ago, I couldn't remember if the spotted leaves meant a sick plant.

Thanks again,


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