Heidi Chronicles: End of Another Summer

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Hi Judy,

If I could get a redo, I sure would wash my hands a lot more just in case.

Actually, I was trying to tell you what to run from. As for what to look for, nausea and a rapidly worsening cough would be the thing to look out for. There isn't anything wish-washy about the symptoms. Sometimes when I start to cough or have sniffles or whatever, I don't know if it's allergy/sinus or cold/flu. With this, I had no such confusion.

Right now I'm awake due to relentless pain (nothing compared to Saturday but too much to sleep) and am trying not to barf up my last dose of Tamiflu.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Sorry to hear you're so miserable. I have to second the handwashing. I'm a nurse and we've had 3 cases of N1H1 flu among the patients I work with and so far none of the other patients on the units or the staff have gotten it. We have bottles of the hand sanitizer sitting on all the dining table,desks, ect and are really pushing everyone to use it often. Now that I've said this, watch me come down with it. Don't get in a hurry to get back to work. The people I know whose kids have had it say it takes 7-10 days to get better and relapses do seem common.


Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Cheryl, so sorry to hear the flu claimed you as a victim; but glad for your advice, and especially glad to hear you're starting on the mend. Rest, rest, rest, so you can fully recover.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Hi susan,

Thank you for the info. It seemed like I made such a giant leap forward overnight when I started taking the Tamiflu. I guess I expected to continue to get well at that rate but it doesn't seem to be working out that way. I still have a persistent fever, congestion, and frequent cough although now the cough is a more normal, productive, and non-painful.

On Sunday, I had envisioned getting back to work by Wed. and have been taking my temp constantly because even when I feel well, I'm not supposed to return to work until I've been fever-free (less than 100 w/out fever reducers) for over 24hrs. Of course, that also presumes no cough. It doesn't look like I'm going to make Wed. Thanks for the info. I had read about relapse issues, too, and I live in very real fear of that. I don't want to get dragged back through that hurricane.

I'm sure glad that you have been able to stay flu-free and hope you will continue to do so. I really do think the hands are the answer. Stay safe.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thanks Ruth,

Rest is about the only thing I can do these days.

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Don't rush getting better! No relapses allowed! Your descriptions of the agony you have gone thru really made it hit home how dangerous it can be. I will be taking extra precautions as well as making my family do so. Get better at your own pace. Praying for you. Robin

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Hi Robin,

Thank you, and I'm glad you will be taking precautions to try to avoid the flu.

Feeling a little worse today and that's scary.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Is Tamiflu a prescription, or an otc medicine?

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

prescription, I took it when I had the flu last month. It really works if you get it soon enough. Didn't even make me nauseated. In fact, I didn't miss a meal. LOL

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Hi, KyWoods,

It's prescription only. There are a lot of scams right now online and otherwise for bogus Swine Flue cures including fake Tamiflu. Please avoid those as, at best, they will do nothing.

It's not something you want to take unless you have the virus. You can't take it ahead of time to keep from getting the virus. You can take it to prevent the flu if you know that you were exposed; however, doing so only provides protection for the 5 days or so that you are taking it. You can't keep taking it for the weeks and months from now until the threat is gone.

If you suddenly get a very persistent, dry cough that grows rapidly worse, you should get to a Dr within 48hrs so that you can get started on Tamiflu. Trust me, if you have Swine flu and if your experience is anything like mine, you will need to see a Dr anyhow to get something to try to stop the horrible cough. OTC cough suppressant will not cut it. I took TheraFlu from Friday afternoon thru Sat morning with no effect. If you get this thing, and if your experience is at all like mine, you will know it is the flu within the 1st 8hrs, 24 at most.

Tamiflu works by preventing the flu cells from dividing to proliferate and take over. Once the cells can't divide anymore, it's game over. Your body only has to find the way to kill off the existing flu cells w/o worrying about 100's &1000s of new ones popping up everywhere. You'll still be sick for a while, but it will be less severe and of shorter duration. (Without Tamiflu, I might still be as sick as I was Saturday, and that's hard to imagine.)

Since the flu starts with a single cell that gets past your body's defenses and then starts dividing like crazy to create an army, the faster you start the Tamiflu, the fewer flu cells there will be, so the faster you will get better and the less severe the symptoms.

There is another, similar (but not identical) drug called Rolenza (sp?). I think it is probably just as good, but I have never taken that one, so I can't comment on efficacy or side effects. From the literature it looks like it may have more possible side effects.

I hope this helps. Like I said, I would like for my misfortune to help the rest of you both to avoid this beast if you can and to know what best to do if you can't.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Wow, Susan,

Didn't even miss a meal? Wow! The flu alone is keeping me from eating. Very happy for you though. Did you have H1N1 (Swine flu)? I STILL can't eat.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Even though Tamiflu does make me barf, I would take it again in a heartbeat because it is that good. It doesn't cause constant nausea and barfing. That would be bad. About 3hrs after I take each of the 1st few doses, I suddenly get nauseous and barf. Then it's over until the next dose (12hrs later). Literature suggest this may be ameliorated by taking it with a small amount of food which seems to be working for me.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Yikes! Thanks for the medicine info. I'm not sick, but it's good to have that info handy...

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

I'm feeling a bit worse today. Not sure if I'm actually worse or just feel worse because I've run out of the hydrocodone cough suppressant which also helped with pain and helped me sleep more (once I got past the horrors of Saturday, that is).

Still have congestion especially in the bronchial area. Still coughing but, again, not painful now. Still have fever. My stomach is a mess. Don't know if I mentioned it but this flu is more likely to cause GI symptoms than the seasonal flu.

Perhaps the most worrisome thing is that I am less able to eat today than I was yesterday. I have barely managed to choke down 2 single serving packets of apple sauce today and can only push water at a rate of one swallow every now and then. It took all I could manage to eat 3 spoonfuls of applesauce before my morning Tamiflu. As mentioned, there's a war going on in my stomach now. Sometimes I rub it lightly because it feels, well, icky. It doesn't want food.

This morning I put on my bath robe and went out to street to pick up the mail. (For those in rural areas note that my mailbox is roughly 2 car lengths from the house.) I figured by this time the box would be jammed full and I wasn't sure at what point the mail carrier would take it all back. An art magazine that I LOVE was in the box. Normally, I can't wait to read that one. Today, I had nothing else to do, but I couldn't read the magazine. That was another bad sign.

Trying to hang in there.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


You are very welcome. What with the "yikes"? If it's about Tamiflu making you barf, as Susan points out, it doesn't happen to everyone. I think the stats are around 50:50.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

You poor thing! Prayers being sent up...

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

I was just horrified by your description of the virus multiplying....you do have a way with words, lol.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)


"I was just horrified by your description of the virus multiplying." Really? Wow. Thanks. That's what they do though. They get inside of us and start multiplying at a rate that makes bunnies look lazy.

Thanks for keeping me in your prayers.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Prayers daily for you, Cheryl.

I have only had flu one time ever, and that was whatever flu was going around about a year and a half ago. Tamiflu took care of it, but I was given the first dose at the doctor's office, and by the time I was back in the car and on my way home, perhaps another 20 minutes, my friend who was driving had to pull over to the side of the road because that medicine just would not stay down. It did help though, but by the end of about 10 days I had gone into pneumonia, so that was another 2 week battle. It was not H1N1, of course, but some horrific strain anyway.

So you be very careful. Those of us who live alone tend to not take care of ourselves sometimes, and while you are ill, be sure to force yourself to do so. You need to eat, you know, even if it is just to drink something.

You have a lot of Mother Hens out here who are worrying about you, please check in as you can, and please do take care of you. I guess we could all jump in our cars and come take turns mothering you, but you might not like all the company and Heidi might not either. Just be well so we don't have to do that.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Hi Sharran,

OMG, so sorry to hear that your bout of flu ended in pneumonia. Whew! What a lot to go through.

For me it appears the carnage really isn't over yet. This flu has a strong GI component. In fact, that is one thing that distinquishes it from 'regular' or seasonal flu. Anyhow, that's where I am now. Everything from my stomach down is a war field. I can't describe the miserable and relentless combination of cramping, nausea, barfing, and other things not to be mentioned here.

When I said "I can't eat" I meant because my stomach doesn't want it and won't accept it. I'm really trying to take care of myself as best I can because I want and need to get well soon. I know that I probably need to eat, but I can't. Even if I force myself to eat, it will only cause more pain and suffering.

Today I discovered that I can eat a freezer pop, you know, those fluid filled plastic tubes that you freeze and eat. It's just flavored, sugar water, but I think that is also why it doesn't make my stomach to noticeably angry. I ate 3 of those today, and drank about a glass of water. I tried to drink one of those sippy drinks, but only got a few sips down before my stomach objected. I did also manage to eat part of a single serving container of applesauce tonight. That's it for the day: 3 freezer pops, a few sips of some flavored drink cup, part of a serving of applesauce, and a glass of water. Anybody know if that's sufficient? Not sure what I can do if it isn't, but it would be good to know if I'm headed for even more trouble due to not eating.

A few caveats here. I can spare a few pounds if that helps at all. Inability to eat is not usually my problem. In fact, I don't believe this has ever happened to me before, but right now I have 0 interest in food of any kind.

Thank you so much for caring about me. Your post was very touching. Thanks for being there.

Hoping for a turn around soon.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Gatorade would be very beneficial to replace electrolytes. And the unmentionable problem is made less unbearable with the use of zinc oxide diaper rash cream, or probably any diaper rash cream. Do you have anyone nearby to look after you and bring you things?

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Ya know, Cheryl, I put juice in ice trays, and put craft sticks in them to hold them with. I also did the same with V8 juice. If it was frozen, I seemed to be able to keep it down.

Be careful about dehydration. About a month ago I had a kidney infection and for whatever reason became dehydrated. I have been on Pedialyte since, because I couldn't keep Gatorade on my tummy...also for whatever reason. Four Pedialytes a day seem to do the trick even now, and I feel good.

I don't have any extra weight to lose, and I admit I don't eat well, so for the moment, i happily sip the little kid's drink.

You gotta do what you gotta do.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Good thing to know, that Pedialyte is easier on an upset stomache. I will file that away just in case. Thanks, Shar!

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Welcome...doesn't have much flavor, but sure helps.

Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

DH made me some"rice water" the last time that I was so sick. A handful of rice in a med. saucepan full of water and boil 15 min., cool and drink 2 mouthfuls every 5 min.
You might try bouillon, too.
Glad to know that about pedialyte. Slim fast is easier to drink and keep down than Ensure is. It is about the same nutritionally as Ensure Lite, too.

Praying for you...

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Isn't it amazing all the valuable things we learn on DG?

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Cheryl I am so sorry to hear how miserable you are with this flu. Sending my prayers too that you get over it soon. I think if more people could read about your ordeal they would try harder to avoid it! I know I will wash more often now.

Take care!!

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm ok. The day after I last posted, a friend convinced me to go back to the Dr. I awoke that morning thinking I was doing a little better. I went out to get the mail and started barfing. When I got to the Dr's office, I was asked for a urine sample. I could only produce a tablespoon or so of something the color of cloudy iced tea. I was sure this was a bad sign. Also, the A/C at the Dr's office made me a bit chilly, yet I was sweating, a cold, clammy sweat. The Dr said I was as white as a ghost. They had me lie down in a back room for pretty much the entire day while I received 2 bags of IV fluids. I had been perilously dehydrated but hadn't realized it. That was scary. Seems you can't be the patient and the care giver at the same time and hope to do both jobs well.

Anyhow, it has taken me a few days to get back on my feet, so to speak, but I am feeling pretty good now. I've begun to eat some crackers, dry toast, and chicken noodle soup.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Glad you're OK Cheryl. Sounds like you really got dangerously dehydrated. Too late to help you know but here's a recipe everyone should know.

Homemade Rehydrating Solution: Mix 8 level tsp sugar, 1 level tsp salt and 4 cups or 1 liter water. Adults should drink slowly about 2 cups after each diarrhea stool and children 1 cup. If available, add 1/2 cup orange juice or 1/2 mashed banana to each liter for potassium. To flavor, you can also add something like Koolaid mix. Can be made into frozen pops. A sick adult should try to drink at least 2 liters of this a day even if you can only keep down a tsp or two at a time.

Sure hope this is the end of it for you. Keep drinking that chicken soup and rest!


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Cheryl -- so glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Ummmmm...Cheryl, see Post #7218789 above.....and keep some Pedialyte handy. I'm sure there are other drinks that will do the same thing, but this seems to work for me.

Yes, it's tough to be alone and sick at the same time. We're all sending you strong get well wishes. I hope they are working, right along with all the prayers and hugs.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

That would be a good recipe to have handy if you can't get to the store to get Pedialyte.
Thanks for posting it, Susan.

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

Wow, the dehydration sounds pretty scary, Cheryl; so glad to hear you're doing better now. Hang in there!

Dover AFB, DE(Zone 7a)

Still praying for you... worrying some too...

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Yes, I'm getting worried too. Wish we knew someone close who could check in on her.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Me too. I don't like when this thread is silent.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I do recall in the past few years, especially when she's been sick and missing work... that she will not post for days or even a week ... basically catching up on work and general 'stuff".... though i do too worry. I"m sure she will poke back in soon and apologize for being MIA.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Hi Everyone,

Sorry to have left you for so long. Thank you all for your concern, your thoughts, your prayers, and all the well wishes for my recovery. This virus really hit me hard, very hard, but I am feeling much better now. Today, for the 1st day since the onset of my illness, I worked some from home. I'm hoping to go back in to work possibly tomorrow.

I've thought of you and of posting but until now just haven't had much strength to do more than the necessities. The virus hit me with a 1-2 punch, the first round being the horrible coughing and such and then just as I thought I was getting over it, the 2nd round hit with stomach and abdominal pain, general GI issues, and such. I was unable to eat anything at all for some 5 days during which I lost 15lbs and even now am only eating a little chicken soup, dry toast, and crackers along with Gatorade, water, and Pedialyte. In the past I've found Pedialyte to be a noxious brew but have found that I can tolerate a few sips of the Apple Juice flavor. (Susan, thank you very much for the wonderful recipe for rehydrating solution. I plan to print that out and attach it inside my cabinet for emergencies and to send it out to friends and family.) As for how hard this virus has hit me, on my trip to Publix the other day for a few necessities I learned of a woman who has been sick now for 3wks with no let up. She has asthma making the flu all the more deadly for her. I do so feel for her and hope she will be well soon.

Somewhere in the midst of Round 2 of the virus, the Dr found that my liver enzymes were way, way out of whack (to use the technical term), something like 3x max normal. This, as you may know, is not good. Now I have to undergo additional tests to try to determine if this was just an acute but temporary issue perhaps in reaction to the virus or a secondary and opportunistic infection or whether it is an indication that something more serious has happened to my liver. I'm trying not to worry too much, but it is a bit unsettling for as you may know one cannot live without ones liver.

For the past few days I've also been feeling a very deep and almost impenetrable sadness. I know this is somehow a result of what I have been through the past few weeks, and I'm sure it too will pass. As the virus dragged on beyond the 1st few days or so, I began to feel so incredibly alone and afraid. It is so very difficult to be all alone and that sick. People asked to help, but I could not think of which of my friends and family I would want to risk inoculating with my illness, so I spend the entire time alone except for my visits to the Drs office, and I went there so many times that I joked with myself that my Dr was becoming my new bff. Just to put my profound sense of alone-ness during this horrible time into some kind of perspective, the day I spent lying on a flat, hard, wooden table in the semi-darkness in a back room at the Dr's office with an IV in my arm was my warmest and most satisfying memory of the past few weeks. For days after that as I lay alone and afraid in my soft bed at home, I longed to return there to the 'comfort' of a place where I could hear the voices of others just down the hall.

Yesterday, when I took Widget outside, I sat on the bench in my front yard for a little while to enjoy the sunlight. It was so beautiful. I still haven't been back out to see the raccoons. I had figured that by now they would have given up on me and moved on. Then two nights ago when I was in my kitchen for a moment, I heard Widget arguing at the back door and knew in an instant that Heidi must be on the other side in the darkness. I so wanted to go to the door to see her, but I knew that if I did so, I would want to go out to feed her, and I knew that would not be wise, so I went back to bed without looking. The next 2 afternoons I went out near sunset to leave some food for her including things in the fridge that had expired during my illness. Still not feeling well enough to go back there in the dark, I just wanted to leave her and the kits something to eat.

That's about it for now. I hope that each of you is doing well, and, again, I thank you for being there and for thinking of me during this difficult time.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

glad you are feeling up to typing.... good to have you back... i knew it wouldnt be too much longer.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow, you poor thing! I'm so sorry to hear it's hit you so hard. I don't blame you for not wanting to expose anyone else to it, though. If you felt like you were in real danger, I'm sure you would have called for help from someone.
Prayers continue.

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