CAL-IF-FORN-YA, here i come!

Chesapeake, VA

Ilisac, it is zone 8 there.
There is also a lot of interest in growing citrus fruits in the area. It is an area where there is some local research going on.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I had no idea that any part of VA was in the same zone I am. I did look it up on my USDA map. Very interesting

Chesapeake, VA

Yes. My area was in the southeast tip of VA, which is the upward edge of zone 8 which is mostly below VA. Our water currents are warm on the east coast, so the effect of the water is to warm us.

Chesapeake, VA

The effect of the water in California is the opposite - they are cold water currents.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Are they ever. The older I get the colder they get.

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