Is it OK for peaches to freeze on tree?

Hailey, ID

We're having our first frost here tomorrow night, at 25 degrees. I'm excited as it will help finish the apples and pears, but our neighbor has a peach tree and we're not sure if they will be OK. Should we pick them tomorrow and let them finish ripening inside, or is it OK for them to get that cold?

Greensburg, PA

My experience is that frozen peaches rapidly deteriorate after freezing when they thaw. I no longer grow peaches and we rarely had peaches on our trees by the time frost arrived, but my choice would be to pick them if I was sure that it would be cold enough to freeze them on the tree. You might want to pick the most mature ones and leave some on the tree to see how they do, knowing that you might lose them.

Weather forcasts can be unreliable and local conditions make it even more complicated to decide, so a split risk decision usually works best for me - harvest the best and give the rest a chance to mature more, balancing your risk.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Wow, peaches ripen up for me in the beginning of July. Peaches may not be the right fruit for you.

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