Blooming Vines

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

End of Sept here in Florida and the vines are happy campers!
Blue Butterfly Pea Vine

Thumbnail by mjsponies
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Orchid Vine ( Stigmaphyllon littorale)
gotten in trade from another DG'er
I love this !

Thumbnail by mjsponies
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Cypress Vine and Luffa Gourd Vine mixed together

Thumbnail by mjsponies
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Cypress and Luffa again from a distance...
don't know why the pic came out so bad on this one tho ????

This message was edited Sep 29, 2009 11:25 AM

Thumbnail by mjsponies
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

good ole Black eyed susan vine

Thumbnail by mjsponies
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I didn't include passi's and pipevines, since they have their own forums...just the good old standard variety dependable vines.
what are your reliable bloomers ?

Eupora, MS

beautiful vines MJ..glad to see my baby blooming..hope it makes a butterfly for you..all blooms don't make should take off for you in the spring or maybe before in your area.


DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I can't believe how easy this vine has been ! Not at all fussy....I just love it, and D's SO is building another trellis for it so it will have more room to grow on.

Eupora, MS

MJ..tried to send you pics of mama vine..will e-mail them to you..they don't download too well on here with dial up.


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