Are there evergreen vines that have pretty flowers?

Bellingham, WA

Hello, My husband and I would like to use trellesis ect as screening between ourselves and our nieghbors. He hates the way bare vines look in the winter. I am trying to find vines that will keep there leaves in the winter and have pretty flowers on them at some time of the year we live in zone 7. Please help me with any suggestions. Thank you, Penny

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I've just answered one post regarding a similar request and this might appeal to you - clematis Armandii, evergreen and vigorous, with white flowers.

Bellingham, WA

Thank you Louisa. I will see if i cna find a picture of it. Any one else have suggestions as well? Thank you, Penny

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

Newpenny, confederate jasmine is relatively slow to establish but makes a nice barrier, thick green leaves, great blooms in spring. cutting the flower tips off after blooming seems to stimulate growthi have seen it variegated also which is really pretty.

Bellingham, WA

Thank you Arlene I will have to find a vine in bloom and give it my "sniff" test. LOL Unfortunetly just because I think a flower smells nice doesn't meen it won't clog my sinuses instantly and give me a splitting, sinus, pressure headache.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

try winter pink jasmine they are prolific growers. lovely fragrance too. will cover any fence in no time. the more u trim the thicker the vine is... ma vie rosé

WOw,that's soo beautiful,thanks MVR'

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

if u think it is beautiful, check this out. imagine the surrounding fence fully clothed & cloaked with the jasmine vine. this occurs sometime beginning Nov. through Dec. by mid part of Dec. pink flowers buds taking over. by the end of Dec. all through Jan.- March the entire area is mildly perfumed! the lovely scent is nice & sweet, if not eye catching.

i started the jasmine with cuttings. as the cuttings grew, i keep trimming to allow the vine to be thick and full. the trimmings i keep tucking on the ground to areas that didn't have any. i planted the cuttings/trimmings 4' apart. pink winter jasmine are prolific growers. from April thru late Sept. i keep trimming the vine to keep it neat. by Oct. i stop trimming to create almost like veil effect of the flower bud emerging, flowing down the vine. there are not enough words to describe these vine. one has to experience and see for themselves what i am trying to describe here. it is awesome!


Bellingham, WA

Thank you MaVieRose, they sound lovely (the picture doesn't lode when I go to the site) Unfortunety I can't be around jasmins, I get an instant splitting sinus headache from even one small wiff on the breaze. They do sound lovely though. :-) Take care, Penny

Novato, CA(Zone 9a)

I have the pink jasmine too and it is beautiful but the flowers only last about a month. The white potatoe vine blooms all year and is also evergreen but no fragrance. Also, it is extremely hardy. I planted them along my fence every 8 feet and they are touching after less than a year. They cascade down the fence from the top. Have even reached into my magnolia and are blooming up there. Perhaps you plant the two together. Good luck Shirley

Lewisville, TX

We live in Dallas/Fort Worth (zone 7 or 8) and I planted Carolina Jessamine (not a jasmine) all on our back fence. It's a beautiful dark green twining evergreen covered with masses of fragrant yellow flowers in the spring - and lightly reblooms thoughout the fall. Smells Heavenly and fast growing! The freezes here never seem to bother it. Takes full sun to partial shade.

I don't know how to paste a link or image here, but there are several good pics of it in Dave's Plant Database.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Moogie... u got mail!!!

Daltongirl... do you trim ur jasmine. have u fertilize it lately??? the ones i used to grow, i trim heavily during the summer time. i use superphosphate for fertilizer and foliar feed with MiracleGrow 15-30-14. the star jasmine i grow at present in prolific in growth and lots of white fragrant flowers. HTH... ma vie

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