ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 162 Fall has Arrived

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We came from here.

I was going to use Autumn but hey does anyone here really use that term.
We wade in the crick, drink pop not soda, eat supper not dinner, have a morning snack not brunch and things are catty-cornered not kitty-cornered.

Looks like the rain is moving out for a bit after this morning.
The warm and T-Storms thru the weekend.

Here's a shot of our Canna and the new Trellis we FINALLY finished.
Yes they are even w/ the gutter and yes the Holiday lights are STILL up.... LOL!
These and the EE's are hardy in this spot.... 3 years now.


Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

OK THAT was was just weird.
Apparently as the season turned so did my photo....LOL!

Thumbnail by henryr10
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Talking of strange words and terms Ric, you said on the other thread that this TREAD is closed!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I did? Where? LOL!


This message was edited Sep 22, 2009 9:56 AM

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning ALL!!
Bonnie..how is the toe this morning???
Ric...yep..you got all the terms right!! This is how we talk!
Bonnie...you were right! I was so exhausted last night...I SLEPT!!! Only woke up 2 times...and went right back to sleep..yayyyyy!! I feel 100% better today too. Amazing what a little sleep will do for your body and mind!
Ok...I picked all those crabapples yesterday...and am having second thoughts...lol. Still haven't made up my mind for sure, but I might put them on freecycle..unless someone here wants them? I really don't have the time to do them....what with doing windows and plants coming in. I'm just not as ambitious as I used to be..or as fast.
I really feel sorry for those folks down south..with all that water. That must be a horrible situation.
I am going to try and do a couple more windows today...and then outside to work on plants again.
Let me know right away if anyone wants these crabapples.!! There is a 2 gal? bucket full!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the offer Marcy, but I have 3 trees, so have more than enough for us and 10 other families!!

Toe feels much better. I took the bandage off, tricky as it was stuck real good, and soaked it in Epson Salts, and then bandaged it again. I have to do this for 2 weeks, but it didn't look too bad, and it is not hurting like it did yesterday.

I did laundry yesterday while my toe was still numb, but didn't feel like folding, so have done that this morning and have remade a bed with fresh linens. Have another one to go, and some bills to pay, so it will be a very tame day today.

Sun is out and it sure looks good, but don't want to take a chance on getting the bandage wet with dew, so will behave and stay inside.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Speaking of how we talk... the local vernacular in this area is not really in the phrasing, nor choice of words, but in how they say them. Last week I took a 3-night class in hunter safety (which actually covers lots of conservation) and I swear the man learned to speak by training with a mouthful of marbles. That, and their habit of dropping many "th" consonants at the beginning of words, drives me crazy. I'm a little hard of hearing anyway, so it gets tough in a large room!

Cookie, the room reservation, along with Ric & Robyn's IC is very tempting, but I really do not have the gas money. Thanks, though!

Waddy, KY

What is the deal with crabapples anyway? All I've had at market the past few weeks is people looking at the 9 different kinds of jam I have and wanting to know if I have crabapple. Then the look of rapture comes over their faces and they rant on for a full 10 minutes about how wonderful crabapple jelly is.

Bonnie, good to hear the toe's hanging in there. Reckon there's any truth to the idea that if you have a cut on your lower extremities and get dew on it you can get what Granny called dew poisioning? Which I figured was just blood poisioning. Has anyone else heard anything like that?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I don't know what dew has about it but my mother would not let us go out with a cut on the foot while the dew was still on.

Janet, I have 3 crabapple trees, and you are welcome to come get some and try the jelly, if that is what your customers are demanding. Personally, it isn't one of my favorites.

I would put some raw honey on that foot or take a tablespoon a day of raw honey to help . There are things in raw honey that are good for us :)
i have apples but not crabapples. Got to finish them off by friday
today was canning 7 qts of tomato juice .
kind of a restful day only had the canning and a few errands.
Geo big ~~~~ and (((()))) and Melissa too if your lurking . :)
oh i did score some apple cider that is not pasteurized yeah ! love it.
not much else
tomorrow is the farmers produce stand 10 hrs up at 6 am and won't be home until 7 or 8 pm by the time i get kids. I don't think i have it in me anymore like i used too . won't be doing this next year ! don't quote me on that LOL
good night all and to all a good night
be at peace my friends

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Well..I just went and bought jelly jars, cheesecloth, and sugar....LOL. I guess I will make one batch of jelly. I think one batch calls for 8 cups of fruit....so I am pretty sure there will be some left. If you want them,Sue, I can bring them to the RU????? You only need crabapples and sugar..no pectin. Ohh...and cheesecloth to strain them in...to make clear jelly.
I didn't accomplish much today, as I still am not feeling just right. Think I have a stomach bug...a mild one. Plus I just feel very tired. Hope tomorrow is better..I have work to do!
Bonnie, glad the toe is getting better for you. I never heard that about the dew?? Can't imagine what would be in it that would bother a cut?? It's just condensation??
Darius...being hard of hearing is the pitts, isn't it??? I just hate not being able to hear things or understand what I am hearing!
Hope you all have a great evening!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Janet and Bonnie Dew Poison is the same as Scratches or Mud Heel on Horses.
Wet pasterns or feet on horses/animals w/ an open wound plus fungus or bacteria and there you go.
As a matter of fact it's pretty much what I just had.
I was in and out of ponds for about a week.... had a scratched mosquito bite on my leg......
It's like contact dermatitis but w/ an infection in humans.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the explanation Ric, I just know that my DM would not let us go out and play in the dew with an open cut or wound. Toe is looking good. Had another soak tonight, and put some of the antibiotic salve on a cut I have on my thumb too. Honestly the cut on the thumb is more painful than the toe.

Marcy, I admire your tenaciousness. I probably wouldn't have bought stuff to make the jelly. Of course, if you don't like it, it will make good Christmas gifts! Every cloud has a silver lining.

Sue, just admit you are not as young as you used to be. When we age, we have to give up some activities that we USED to do.

I am having some issues with the meds the Dr prescribed for the RA. He said it has a tendency to raise blood pressure, and last week had 2 days that I had a horrible headache, took my BP, and yep BP was up a lot. So I have stopped the meds, and my joints are all groaning. It was working great, but can't justify having BP problems, in order to be more comfortable. Will call the Dr. tomorrow and see if there is something else that he can prescribe. I will not go on BP meds to counteract the effects of the anti inflamatory. So may just have to suck it up, and deal with the pain in the joints to have a normal BP.

Technology, isn't it great?

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Well Ric...I have to say...that was very interesting! I had never heard of it!
Learn something new every day!
Bonnie, the more I thought about the jelly, the more I decided I just had to make one batch...lol. I love that stuff, and I don't think I have ever seen it on the grocery shelves? Or if it is, I never noticed it!
But I won't tell you how much it cost me just to make this jelly...lol!!! I told Dave, I could have bought a whole case of it, if it was available!!
Glad your toe is coming along good.
Ok...I am off to get some more rest...I hope! Night everyone....sweet dreams!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Marcy I'd heard of it in horses but never seen it till I got it.
Got Wasp Stung this morning. My fault.
Iced it in seconds and hit it w/ vinegar.
Gone in about 15 minutes.
Started working on getting my computer room remodeled.
Have to... all the stuff is in the new Sewing Room and we need to rock the ceiling.
So two days of moving stuff around...and a big ole pile of trash.
Found Robyn's missing Spray Paint!!!!!

We were out in the HT about 15 minutes ago and it started raining. Coming down hard now.


Waddy, KY

Ouch! Nothing like a good wasp sting to start the morning out right.

Had good argument with DH, well, not so dear right now. Kids have been wanting a horse forever and I found a nice 15 year old saddlebred mare for free in Shelbyville. Told him over the phone that DD and I were going to go look at it this afternoon and he exploded. Hung up on him. He chewed DD and she chewed back last night to the point he almost got to feed and get the new set of twins up to the barn in the rain by himself. Apparently he saw the light in the nick of time and shut his mouth. Then he came home and told me I could have the horse but I couldn't bring her to the farm. Now what the heck good does that do? The other place isn't fenced. That isn't a problem as electric fence will work fine but I can't put stock up there until there's someone on the place daily to make sure they stay where they need to. And we're still making no progress towards that. Right now he has a raging bout of diverticulitis and we're heading to a surgeon on Tuesday for possible surgery so I'm going to give him a grace period on the house until that's done but after that I'm going to become a fishmonger's wife.

Bonnie, thanks for the offer. I'd take you up on it but I've still got the strawberries, peaches and blackberries in the freezer to make into jam and I'm coming to the conclusion that no matter what I have on the table to sell they'll always want something else. Now it's apple butter and crabapple. Next week it will be something else. Market needs to start slowing down I reckon 'cause my temper is getting shorter and shorter.

Last night before another big rain our gauge said 3.5 inches. It wouldn't surprise me if we'd gotten another half. The interesting thing is that with all that rain our creek never got out of it's banks. I guess that much soaked in. We'd been needing a rain. I should have some kale pretty soon. Hopefully this will bring on the broccoli and cabbage. The okra is just about bloomed itself out. It's so high I need to bend the stalks down to pick it. Last night I finally got out the long sleeves and latex gloves. That stuff absolutely eats me up!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Joyce here's that volunteer grass I was offering.
This is only 18 months old.....


This message was edited Sep 23, 2009 10:39 AM

Thumbnail by henryr10

good evening
Bonnie yeah i think i m in denial on the ageing thing LOL arn't we all. Glad the foot is doing well
Marcy good luck on the crabapple, never had any ? would love to taste it :)
Ric interesting on the dew thingy. I will make sure i remember that with the kids.
work was slow but i was busy
heaved a 42 lb pumpkin for a lady sheesh what was i thinking ? it was on the top tier also on a display we have UHG ! not easy .
But i was glad to do it for her ..... but my back says other wise .
Well RU is just around the corner
good night folks and sleep well my friend

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Ric... Do you have a list of who is coming to the roundup and what they are bringing? When I look at the chat threads it all kind of runs together for me. Maybe because I am really tired tonight. I am trying to think what to bring and how much?? I am really at a loss to what to bring. I will only have a bit of time Saturday morning to do it. Mom does not want to come afterall so I don't want to ask her to prepare something. She did offer to make sauerkraut salad though, but you all have the recipe for that now, and I think I remember George being the only one who liked it???

And did Robyn want the fern? How about the orchid anyone? Otherwise I guess it will be just the snake plant. Mom has not divided it yet so hope she does it soon!

At work now. Just wanted to post this while I remembered to do it.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Jules, you mentioned snake plant, is that the one called Mother in Law's Tongue?

Today was grocery/errand day, and took my time as the DH went to Indiana, and the only thing that I needed to do this afternoon was to prepare for Bible Study at my house. The host always serves refreshments afterward, and I prepared it all, and sat and waited for the people to show up. There was miscommunication, and it was at another lady's house. So here I have all these cookies and snacks and some of it will surely ruin, as I can only eat so much. Drat, hate when something like this happens. Like being stood up.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Jules Robyn would love the fern. Sorry I didn't get back to you.
I'll call Joyce tomorrow and have her post on the food thread. If she doesn't see this first.


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes, snake plant = mother- in- laws tongue. Been in my Mom's family for as long as she can remember. She has more than she needs and was going to just throw out the extra. I told her to wait to divide too the roundup in case any one wanted a piece. One pot bloomed this year. Second time in about thirty years she has had it.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

For some reason this was a good year for Snakes to bloom.
Odd because it was so cool and wet.
We have 4 different kinds. They are pretty much bulletproof. Except for overwatering.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

LOL Ric. Mom told me yesterday to tell you it likes to be dry!

good morning
i m whipped . I am not making it to my workout . This job is killing me with soccer and canning in full swing not to mention laundry *sigh* i guess i should have to get out of denial .
i hope you all have a great day

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Shame you can't mix canning w/ soccer..........
Think of how much time you'd save!

Well 2 1/2 Ice Creams are in the freezer
(w/ the other 1/2 melding in the fridge. that's melding not melting... lol!)
Tonight I'll freeze that and cook up the Chocolate.

Grey and supposedly raining again today.
T-Storms tomorrow....
hope this system races thru quicker than expected so we'll have good weather Saturday.

We'll we're revamping the computer room.
New wall unit is in place, cabinets are hung, but we need more of them.
I have though filled 4 trash bags w/ useless stuff..... lol!
Today I'll break down the computer and build the new work surface.
We had some doors left over from the remodel we did up in Dayton.
So I'll cut them down as desk tops.


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning all.
I am still not sleeping...don't know what is going on????? Every night it is like 4 to 5 am. before I can even close my eyes????? I don't nap in the daytime?
I am just like I am hyped up...big time.
Going to the grocery today, so will look for some kind of sleep aide. Will talk to the pharmacist about it.
3 1/2 hrs just doesn't get it for me!
I sure hope they are wrong about the rain on Saturday! What a bummer!
I was always told that snake plant blooms when they are rootbound?? I had one bloom one time...outdoors. Who knows?
Well..got my crabapple juice made yesterday...6 1/2 cups....but haven't made the jelly yet. Guess I should have done that last night while I was up walking around huh?
Crabapples are so easy to work with. Just wash them off ...throw into a pot...add water to cover, and cook for about 1/2 hr or less. They just start to fall apart. You don't press them or anything, if you want clear jelly. I don't cut them or stem them...the whole thing goes into the pot, because you are going to throw it away anyhow.
Then you strain it through cheesecloth. There is your juice . Add a cup of sugar for each cup of juice...and cook till it sheets off the spoon. Pretty simple.
Ok...gotta run here. The other half is calling. Have a great day!

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Just heard the other day that if you get your phone wet put it in a bag of rice for a couple of days. Sorry the late info but I wanted to read what you all are saying before I chimed in. Hope I get to a RU in future as I want to meet you all.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I heard that thing about rice, too. It does make sense. But my girlfriend thinks I did this on purpose subconsciously! I really didn't mean to do it. I took it out of my pocket cause I was in the pond and didn't want it to drown. I laid it on the rock by the skimmer and when I went in to fix supper, I forgot to take it with me. Then the rain started and about 3 hours later I started wondering why it hadn't been ringing....then I remembered....OH NO!

Wish you could make it to the RU this time, Veronica, but will hopefully see you in the Spring. Sorry that Mom has decided not to come, Jules, but glad you are coming. I kill most all in door plants. I know snake plants are tough as nails, but I have some annuals that I winter over, and don't want to take away from their space, so I'll pass.

I'm heading to the food forum now. Maybe Sue could make a list and put it in the first thread since she started it this time.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Back from Wallyworld. And we are getting the rain that South of town is supposed to get...lol. That;s ok though..we need it!
It's a nice gentle steady rain...the best kind! And even though it's raining, it feels like the humidity went down!...so that's good too!
Well..I got some Tylenol PM to take tonight. Will see if it works! Got to thinking, maybe it's those little nagging aches and pains that are helping to keep me awake ? I am so used to them...that I really don't hardly notice them.
Time to fix supper!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, I have been busy doing nothing all day. The rain has been with us since Sunday, and yep, rained again today as well. So outside work was out, and wonder of wonders, the laundry is caught up, the house is clean, so I read and napped. Cooked supper, and then before I cleaned the kitchen, made a pot of chili for tomorrow. I think it is always better when it sets over night.

Typing on a new keyboard, and it feels so good. My old one had sticking keys, and was really annoying.

Sue, are you working every day? If so, since you have not worked outside the home for awhile, just the trip and the unfamiliar routine will take it's toll until you get used to it.

I used to have a horrid time when I changed jobs. DH would say, well you just sit at a desk, well, yes I did, but the work was different, and you had to get used to where everything was, and the office routine. So count on at least a month to get through the newness. How are the twins doing at school?

Marcy, the little aches and pains were being taken care of by the pain meds, and I am hoping that the Tylenol PM will take care of them, and you can sleep tonight.

Yesterday was such a horrible day for my RA. I ached all over, and could barely move. I know the rain doesn't help, but today hasn't been so bad. Wonder why that is? My BP is slowing going back down to normal after stopping the Celebrex. Still not where it should be, but I am not having the headaches anymore.

Well, need to check some other threads, and may be back later.

Macy good grief i hope you get some sleep soon. I had that for awhile several years ago . Hated it . T&P for you to get some sleep tonight .
Bonnie i work only 2 days but with soccer 3 times a week and canning and school homework ect... just is wiping me out ? i think i need more carbs ? sorry to hear of your RA acting up on you. DH has high blood pressure he found out and fat around his liver ! He had a physical in china to get his residence visa and get this 20 min and $100 he got Xrays, sonagram, urine, blood and some other stuff . There is something wrong here ??? but he finaly agreed about the velveta !!! and said " yes honey your right i need to eat better " his gout is really bad and the meds that he takes for it, he thinks is causing the HB pressure ? so its just a circle . go figure .
did 17 pints of apple sauce today
went to grocery i m stocking up on things for the winter months like Toilet paper , Tide , paper towels ect....
good night friends stay well

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sue sorry that DH is having health problems, but tell your DH to investigate the medical system in China, it could be that maybe the US needs to copy their system! Wow that is a bunch of tests for a small amount of money.

and only in 20 min !! no kidding . They take you to a room and then take you to the next room and boom in the next room boom then the next room LOL you get the pic LOL
know i sleep

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks Bonnie and Sue. Time will tell.
Bonnie, so sorry about the RA kickin' up. Are you coming to the RU..or do you know yet?
Bonnie is right about the routine being different at each job. When I worked for different eye drs...the work was the same...but it was different at each drs. office. And yes..it took about a month to get in the groove of things.
Well..my silly cat is out playing in the rain! She absolutely loves the rain!! Loves to be wet...but then, I guess that is one of the peculiarities of the Maine coon cats. I have never tried to give her a bath...not sure she would take to that in the same way...lol!!
She also loves to be brushed. She knows which drawer her brush is in...and jumps up on her stool the minute she sees you go to that drawer.! Think she might be spoiled??
I hope you all sleep well tonight...and sweet dreams!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Nothing wrong with spoiling pets. Sheila and Laura laughed and told me that Mr. B had me well trained, while they were here.

Sue I sure am hoping that I can make it, but will just wait and see. Have several things going on here, and if everything behaves, that would make it much better.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!

good morning
Marcy i have always wanted a main coon cat , i m told they are very neat , big personality cats.
well i m driving kids to school and savannah is having a melt down ! uhg. She goes into such anxiety and worse case thoughts. I really think its a mental state of mind she is in. She has always been very fearful and shy. When she was a baby she was terrified of any man that came near her ! also took 2 years for her to get on the scale at her pediatricians ? weird ? she is always very fretful. IT just seems to be getting worse . She doesn't do change very well .
SHe seems to be doing fine at school oh well things will work out
hope you all have a dry and wonderful day !

looks like it may rain on saturday :( 60 % chance

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