iris quilt pattern

Lebanon, OR

Well several people wanted to see the quilt pattern that is all hand appliqued worked, that I will be doing while down after surgery


Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

That is absolutely beautiful! Are you planning similar colors, in particular the dark background? It looks black in the photo. Real sharp!

Raleigh, NC

oh that is just incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!1

where did you find it?

Lebanon, OR

Mine is going to many colors just like my field when in full bloom, they used a special fabric called fossil, which I thought was not what I wanted at all. I am also going to do hummers, and butterflies, and somewhere will be a worm and a praying manthis WHY because I want it personal and more to our liking.

They used black I am using Kona hunter green....

You can buy the pattern on line, as mine was a gift.

I LOVE to hand applique it is second behind the iris.


South Hamilton, MA

As long as the worm is one & not an iris borer it is ok.

Lebanon, OR

no a cute little worm only Lucy no borers for sure, thankfully we can not even get them here:) which I am thankful for.


South Hamilton, MA

Would it have a grin?

Raleigh, NC

oh yum, think any hunter green would be very very beautiful!!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Beautiful quilt pattern Irisloverdee! I think I have one for a pieced quilt not applique

Lebanon, OR

Kono is an excellent fabric that on dark colors does not fade! That is why I am using it. I am making a full calif king size the floor no prairie points around the bottom.


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

oh wow be sure to post pics when you finish it...I bet it's gonna be gorgeous

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Hunter green sounds perfect! Can't wait to see it!

Lebanon, OR

I will try to show pictures as the sections get done...I am going to do alot of hand embrodiary work on it as well.


Winnsboro, TX

Oh WOW!!!!No Double WOW WOW!

I knew it was going to be beautiful but I had no ideal it was going to be that BEAUTIFUL!!! I don't really like to do too much with my hands other than working in the dirt and playing musical instruments. I use to do all kinds of sewing and made all my clothes/quilts/ and things along those lines. I have not done anything like that in years!!! I just might have to get me one of those quilt patterns and work on it over winter. Of course it would take me several years to finish it but I think it would be fun to do. At least your going to have something beautiful and blooming around you the entire time your working on that project.

I'd have to make a Cal-king also D. George is a short guy- he's 6'6 and his feet still hang off the bed. LOL

Happy Gardening, Marian

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I will probably be doing alot of sewing and counted cross stitch...I started Chantix this morning so My quit date on smoking will be monday...he said take it for a week before your quit here's hoping I will soon be smoke free!

Lebanon, OR

If you do not give in to the instant urge you will, what helped me was chewing gum...or those tic tacks.


Good Luck

I will have stopped 19 years come 10-20, 3 days before my first born grandchild

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

congratulations...hubby was teasing that if I quit smoking, maybe next I should try quitting my plant addiction....I told him as soon as he gives up his 1917 Model T Roadster I'll give up the I'll be gardening for quite a while still, and filling the house up with them too

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Denise that is beautiful. I am impressed. I am not a sewer, never was good with a needle but admire anyone that can do that sort of thing and you do it WELL.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

Dee, that quilt looks wonderful! Can't wait to see it in process and done.

Lebanon, OR

Thank you one and all I am hoping it will end up being beautiful


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Just beautiful Dee! Please do show the finished one.

Spicer, MN

The next question is, do you have someone to quilt it for you? I would also suggest not to have it machine quilted. You want to puff out all the appliques to give it more depth. I might offer my 'services' LOL, but it would cost you at least 100 Iris and lots of bonuses. I'm sure you have quilting clubs around you though. Your quilt will be so awesome, a gift to pass down to the next generations. But you are the one that should snuggle in it's warmth now. This is going to be so much fun for you!

Lebanon, OR

I have four quilts done, one is totally hand appliqued special machine quilting that is all wild flowers..

Next one is on the bed called a stack in whack in black, yellow, tourquoise, greens.

A logcabin kinda that is mauves and burgundy

Then this one and do not know how I will have it quilted yet. But will do alot of embrodiary work as well.


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

the feeling when you finish one is great though isn't it?

Lebanon, OR

Yes it is...I want to make a quilt next year for each of two kids in patterns and colors and size they want. Then one for each of the grandkids.


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

a friend of mine from HS sent me one she has to repair... its the Texas Star...but it was a wedding gift from her great grandmother to her mom and dad fifty years is deseased now so its very special to her

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi all. Going to be lurking, lurking, lurking on this thread. I'm in awe! Lurking, lurking, lurking ...

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

lurking huh?

Lebanon, OR

How wonderful that friend wants to have it fixed and keep it in the family:) that is something I never have the guts to do...


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

trying to match threads colors and in some places fabric has been a treat (dripping with sarcasm)...I unfortunately did have to take the outer border off, making it was too far gone to save or replace. I did manage to save enough to make her two small throw pillows though...For the middle of the backs I embroider one pillow with all her fathers info Full Name Date of birth, and a some other important info. and the other I did with all her mothers information.

on the quilt where spots were large I embroidered when and were they were married, and kids names and birthdays, and then grandkids.
for one hole that went all the way threw I used some of that double sided iron on interfacing with some fabric to match the color and embroidered a band-aid over it with the words "Cause sometimes life has bums and bruises"

unfortunately most of the center of the star is literally worn away at the I put some extra cotton muslin in and am doing a blanket stitch around those seems making sure I get the muslin and bating into it so it will hold a little longer

She's my best friend and I don't mind doing this for her, but because of its very bright pastel colors I can only work on it so long before I get a headache

South Hamilton, MA

non-sewer's awe!!!!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

it's taking forever to get done...but in the end it will be worth it, and I know my friend will love it...but the color thing I kinda got even with her on...she made an afghan for my son in his favorite colors...she did the zigzag pattern...but his favorite colors are transmission orange (almost neon) and Lime Green...So I am sure she had "fun" with those colors

Lebanon, OR

LOL on colors. I know that when I was working on the black stack and whack it was horrible working on black at night. Which was the only time. I never picked out the colors. Friend had started this and was going to throw away 1/2 done and I could not handle it, as not one of her quilters wanted to finish it.

It sounds like you did a mircle with it and it will be more special than ever for your BF since first the history and what that alone meant to her and then to have some of her BF in the quilt as well is a double special meaning for her and she will love it more with having the loving fingers of her BF to finish it for her.

Any time you need historic fabric let me know I have some that I would share...the real stuff not the repro stuff.

We also have a quilt shop that sells all the top dog quality for 6.00 a yard...and it is close.

Do you use Orvus for cleaning the old quilts...takes alot of stains out and odors as well. What I can not get over you can get it at feed stores for 50% less than at quilt shops...Not called the same but the ingred, in it is Orvus.

So any time that we need to clean a quilt because of one of cats we spray with orvus and then clean it and it works wonders.

You need to post or send me a picture of all you have done I am truly interested.


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I will get it out this afternoon then...I have been using Delft Baby detergent on them...this one though until I finish stitching it I am terrified to wash...afraid it will fall apart...I have another old quilt top too I couldn't bare to watch someone throw away

I also have some pieces of some vintage ones someone cut to pieces...trying to figure out what to do with them...most aren't very big so I was thinking maybe some throw pillows

I have a few tops I have finished of some lap quilts...but not sure how I am going to quilt them...I will post some pics later...maybe you can help me with how to quilt some!

I love sewing, counted cross stitch and plants, those are my true vices!
and I will be doing alot of those things while I quit smoking to keep my hands busy!

It's my first day with Chantix

Lebanon, OR

I used to do a ton of counted cross stitch but eyes will not allow more. But they say my applique stitches are closer than most, which I am pleased and I only use silk thread expensive but will last longer and longer.

Of course you can see that I love my iris. Then sewing and then making earrings with excellent beads or estate jewelry that is worth saving.

Please I really would love to see the pictures

YOU can do it...if I could do it can you. Strength and desire and health are all excellent reasons for quitting.

Today is suppose to be in upper 90's and we must finish planting P-Q-R before noon as will not allow my helper out there after that.

Tomorrow pre op appt, then back to plant S which has 83 varieties, then on Thurs hopefully T to end.

If so D gets some personal time before the Regional meeting and my surgery.


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I will do that...and I hope everything goes well with your surgery..may God be with you

Lebanon, OR

Plus my honey is not in good health as both heart and lungs failing but RIGHT now he is like in Remission, so I am thankful for every day we share now.


We have had a long and great life together so each day is special for us.

I just feel sorry for him, when I come home...I am not a good patient I am an excellent caregiver. LOL

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

same here...nasty patient, good caregiver

as soon as I get all the kids and Hubby out the door I will get some of those quilts out and take pics for you, but please keep in mind I am NOT a good photographer...

and I am always looking for quilt and cross stitch patterns, I got an awesome CS pattern that's two peacocks with plumage out walking through some beautiful flowers

Raleigh, NC

I'm with you Dee, hoping for the heat to hold off, and your DH is in my prayers that you two get that Christmas together you wanted.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

definately sending my prayers your way for your family

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